Cassandra glanced at him angrily: "It's obviously such a romantic thing, but after you say it, the mood is gone!"

Ying Fei: "???"

"Where's the romance? Isn't this a technological breakthrough?" Ying Fei scratched his head and asked naively.

"You... hum." Cassandra glared at him, turned and walked out of the room, slamming the door of the alchemy room with a deafening sound.

"What's going on..." Yingfei was puzzled.

Within two seconds, the door of the alchemy room was suddenly opened again, and Cassandra poked her head out from the crack in the door:

"If you don't come back to bed, I will lock you out tonight! Humph..."


The door was slammed shut again.

"This..." Ying Fei turned around and looked at the unfinished armor standing in the corner, and could only shake his head with a wry smile.

My girlfriend is angry, let’s talk about the armor tomorrow...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next morning, after Ying Fei's hard work all night, Cassandra went to class with satisfaction.

Of course, it's not what you imagined. How old are they? How could they do something like that?

No matter what, we have to wait until four or five years before we can get involved in this plot...

After Cassandra left, Ying Fei came to the alchemy room again and used the magic pattern superposition method he developed yesterday to start a huge transformation of the driving magic patterns.

The overall structure of this armor is not much different from that of Alpha. Although Yingfei himself is a wizard, he also has to consider what he should do if he lacks magic power, so he added magic storage magic patterns to match Commander Alpha. The magic power storage magic pattern can drive the armor for about three hours.

Since it is a machine designed to fight in the water, it is natural to come up with something that is beneficial in the water.

The inner armor of this armor is not only used for driving, but also equipped with a brand new air circulation system. It uses the latest cleansing magic pattern to purify the air inside the armor at all times to ensure that oxygen is not depleted. Effect.

Don't ask me how cleaning up can purify the air, magic is idealistic!

At the same time, in terms of the design of the outer armor, Yingfei uses a sharper outer armor design at the joints compared to the Alpha armor, which looks like a fish fin in the water, ensuring that the armor can move quickly in the water.

The visor part is different from Alpha's goggle-style visor. Yingfei adopts a double-eye design. Two parallelogram-shaped holes are opened in the visor and sealed with magic molding. The mouth is made of an integrated alloy. The material is completely covered, and the entire head looks extremely cold because of the narrow eyes.

The inner armor is also equipped with an independent link system, ensuring that link magic and link combat assistance can be used normally when Xiaotian has a problem.

However, this is just a simple program, not as accurate as Xiaotian's personal performance, nor can it be as adaptable as Xiaotian's and can provide different data at any time.

This link combat assistance program only copies Xiaotian's current version of combat assistance. It will not be able to make changes and provide data according to Yingfei's requirements like Xiaotian's assistance.

So, Xiaotian is still very important.

Ying Fei sometimes feels strange, why did he think of becoming an artificial intelligence at that time?So wise!

In the thruster part, Yingfei has made the biggest change from Alpha.

Due to the great breakthrough in magic pattern superposition technology, this armor can carry more magic patterns, so Yingfei engraved the floating curse pattern on it without hesitation, and also carved two superimposed source magic patterns specifically for floating With the power provided by the mantra, it can be said that it can fly forever and will never fall down.

As for the issue of mental control, Yingfei is confident that he has strong mental power, so there is no problem!

But this is just a floating spell. Although it can fly against gravity, its flying speed is very slow.

Like Pluto, if you want to achieve fast flight, you still have to use thrusters.

As for the thrusters, Yingfei thought about it and decided to add a few more. After all, this is the armor for his own use, so he doesn't need to worry too much about magic power consumption.

Two large thrusters are installed on the back. The size is naturally not comparable to Pluto's, but it is much larger than Alpha's.

The left elbow, right elbow, left shoulder, right shoulder, the back of the left calf, the back of the right calf, the soles of the two feet, and the left and right sides of the skirt are all equipped with smaller propellers, giving full mobility.

The two sides of the skirt are designed with two isosceles triangles, and a long thruster is installed on the bottom of the triangle.

When the armor flies forward, the two triangles are lifted backwards, aiming the thrusters rearward to increase thrust.

If the armor needs to fly upside down or backward, the two triangles can be lifted forward to complete the backward flight.

This design refers to the side skirt armor of the Aegis Gundam that Ying Fei saw in his previous life. It can be said that it was a prostituted design.

At this point, the outer armor is basically completed, and the only thing left is the weapons.

For water combat, Yingfei has designed a very creative and bold weapon - the Poseidon Trident.

This weapon is the strongest combat equipment of this armor, and will also become the symbol of this armor.

The length of the Poseidon Trident is longer than the ordinary trident, reaching a length of two meters and two, and the blade is a quarter of a meter long.In terms of design, the lines are sharper than the ordinary trident. In short, it is more handsome, but it has no practical effect.

The specific functions are hidden in the blade of this weapon.

The three blades are made of high-strength alloy, and are divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers. The inner layer is engraved with three spatial distortion patterns, forming an elliptical twisted space around the blade, which can allow magic to approach the blade. Automatically deviate from the original trajectory along the distorted space.

Directly fill up the magic defense stack.

Moreover, this twisted space can also work wonders when attacking an enemy with a trident, directly crushing the opponent's body with space.

The target physically attacked by the trident will not show traces of being cut by the blade, but will have the effect of being hit hard by a hammer.

At the same time, where the blade is connected to the long handle, Yingfei specially inlaid a gem-like thing on it, and a newly designed magic pattern was engraved in it - clear water like a spring (magic modification) to activate the magic pattern.

The clear water like spring magic is used to summon water flow. It is one of the daily life magics often used by wizards. It is very practical.

The magic modified version of Yingfei is used to control water flow. The greater the magic power, the larger the water flow that can be controlled. The current clear water like spring magic pattern can control a maximum of one hundred cubic meters of water...

Water, one hundred cubic meters, think about it, brothers, using exaggerated rhetoric, any bigger will set off a tsunami!

This is the reason why this armor is called an underwater combat armor, and why Yingfei dares to challenge Dumbledore in the water.

But, these are all data calculated by Xiaotian. It’s hard to say what the actual battle will be like...

At the very least, Ying Fei's magical power may not be able to reach the maximum limit of the clear water like spring magic pattern.

That’s why I added the magic storage pattern!

In Xiaotian's calculation, the magic power carried by the armor, plus Yingfei's own magic power, can mobilize up to one hundred cubic meters of water for a few seconds.

Yingfei is already satisfied with this data.

This is not all.

Due to a breakthrough in magic pattern superposition technology, Yingfei carved another magic pattern into the gem - the Freezing Curse.

Long before coming to the magic world, Yingfei had developed a method of using magic power, which was to make ice bullets, which shows that Yingfei himself has an affinity for the ice element.

In the system upgrade package, Yingfei opened an ice element affinity, which allowed him to control the ice element to a higher level.

And all of this will be of great use after the trident is completed.

In addition to the Poseidon Trident, the armor is also equipped with a beam rifle. Compared with the Alpha model, it can be charged and use Yingfei's own magic power. At the same time, the weight is greatly reduced, and it is light enough to be held and aimed with one hand.

The reduction in weight naturally brings about a decrease in power. However, as a single-point beam rifle, its power is only slightly worse than that of the Alpha type. The overall difference is not big.

At the same time, the missile launcher equipped on the commander is also equipped on this 1.9 armor, but it is equipped on the left wrist, with a total of two rounds.

Yingfei is confident that he will not need this weapon, and it is just an insurance policy.

In terms of other weapons, there are two beam swords on the waist, which are 1.2 meters long. There is also a beam blade generator on the right wrist, which can extend forward the beam blade with the same length of 1.2 meters like the previous hidden sword. , effectively assassinate the opponent.

A beam pistol is mounted on each side of the thigh. Compared with the Alpha type, it does not have a beam blade, but its power is increased.

The rest are tactical props, so I won’t list them one by one.

It's easier said than done. Although I have experience with previous armors, there are too many new things in this armor. Plus an extremely important weapon, the trident. By the time Yingfei completes this armor, it's already It happened half a month later.

(I will sort out all the armors I have released later and send them to the work-related folder, otherwise I won’t be able to remember what I wrote (doge)).

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the open space at the entrance of the goblin villa, a group of people gathered around, looking at a blue and white armor placed in the middle.

In the crowd of onlookers, apart from Ying Fei himself, there were not only acquaintances like Snape and Quirrell, but also Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall, and even Hagrid and Harry were present.

All in all, it was a big scene.

Originally, Yingfei only invited Snape and Quirrell, but they were bumped into by Dumbledore on the way there. Dumbledore was also very interested in Yingfei's new invention, so he took Professor McGonagall over to see it. .

Hagrid happened to be looking for Caesar with Harry and the others, and saw Ying Fei doing experiments, so he started to watch.

Speaking of which, since the Goblin Villa was repaired, many people have known that Ying Fei has a large and luxurious house in the Forbidden Forest. This location is no longer a secret. As a result, it has attracted many naughty students to explore and engage in mischief. De Yingfei had to arrange for 141 to watch nearby to prevent these half-hearted adventurers from being eaten by the creatures in the forbidden forest.

But no one knows about the Chamber of Secrets so far, at least not Dumbledore.

It was precisely in order to prevent Dumbledore from knowing that after receiving the link communication from Snape that Dumbledore was coming, Yingfei immediately moved the test site to the front of the goblin building instead of in the secret room.

"What's the use of this thing?" Professor McGonagall was always very curious about these novel things. After tapping on the armor for a long time, he turned around and asked.

"Um..." Ying Fei didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only say: "You will understand after a while."

Yingfei has always respected Professor McGonagall who brought him into the wizarding world.

Dumbledore stood aside and said nothing, just looking at the armor with some surprise in his eyes.

At his level, he could roughly tell the number of magic patterns on this suit of armor just by sensing magic power. In addition, he had some research on alchemy, so he quickly discovered that this number of The magic pattern does not correspond to the body shape of the armor at all.

"Did you use any special alchemy techniques?" Not only Dumbledore, but Snape also discovered this problem and asked curiously.

"We'll talk about this later. Now I'll start testing first." Ying Fei waved his hand, then walked to the armor, reached out and tapped the visor, making a crisp sound.

The armor's eyes lit up with a blue light, indicating that the armor's intelligent program began to operate.

"Object detected, identity confirmed..."

"Identity confirmed, creator Ying Fei."

"Welcome to the Star Water Goddess Armor!"

Like the Alpha Armor, the outer armor of the Star Water Goddess also cracked on both sides. Ying Fei stepped forward and put her body into it.

Since Yingfei is only 11 years old and is about 1.6 meters tall, the design of this Xingshui Goddess will be more compact in the inner armor, making it easier for Yingfei to control.

The outer armor quickly closed, the eyes of the Star Water Goddess radiated light, and a low electronic sound sounded:

"System initialization, self-test begins..."

"The power magic pattern path is operating normally."

"The path of the linked magic pattern is functioning normally."

"Outer armor, no damage."

"Propulsion module, operating normally."

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