The crimson beam, which was thirty centimeters thick, hit the crown directly, swallowing up the small crown in an instant!

The accompanying hum of the huge shelling woke up many people in the castle at the same time. Several night owls who had not slept looked at the red thin line that suddenly appeared outside the window in a daze.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After a few seconds, the beam of light changed from thick to thin and gradually disappeared. The link assist tightly captured the position of the crown, which was falling from the air to the water surface in the distance.

The propeller behind Ying Fei flashed, and the goddess of star water caught up with the free-falling crown in an instant, and easily took it into her hands. A closer look showed that except for the slightly scorched marks on the surface, the crown itself had not been damaged. destroy.

"No, what's the power of the basilisk's venom? The basilisk can't pierce through the walls of Hogwarts with its venom, right! If my stupid beam cannon were more powerful, it could melt through the entire Hogwarts! I'm not worthy ?!!!”

Ying Fei's eyes always showed doubts and confusion.

Doesn't make sense? !

Is the basilisk so awesome?

"try again!"

Ying Fei gritted his teeth and threw the crown into the air again, then raised his left arm. The outer armor of the forearm protruded upward, revealing the micro-missile hair and device hidden inside.

With combat assistance, Yingfei directly connected his spirit with the missiles and locked the crown firmly. With the buzzing of the propellers, the two missiles blasted out directly, pulling out blue magic tail flames in the air and hitting them. On the fallen crown!


The sound of the missile was louder than that of the beam cannon. After all, it was made of the Thunderbolt Explosion Curse. A large ball of flames from the explosion suddenly appeared in the air, which was extremely dazzling.

However, there is nothing wrong with the crown.

This time Ying Fei had no choice. After catching the crown, Ying Fei frowned and turned around to fly towards the goblin villa, but saw a figure wearing a white robe on the bank of the black lake.

Recognizing that it was Dumbledore, Ying Fei slowly landed in embarrassment, stopped in front of Dumbledore, and then walked out of the armor.

"What were you doing just now? Did you get up in the middle of the night to experiment with weapons?" Dumbledore was wearing a nightcap on his head, and his eyes were not as sharp as usual, but rather a little hazy.

Probably just woken up...

"Um..." Ying Fei paused and said with a somewhat embarrassed expression: "Yes."

"Is it really that simple?" Dumbledore was a little more awake at this time. He turned his head and saw the crown held in the armored hand behind Ying Fei, and asked, "What is that?"

"A crown made of special material..." Ying Fei continued to lie.

Dumbledore stared into Ying Fei's eyes and said meaningfully: "You should know that I am the master of Legilimency."

Hearing what he said, Ying Fei knew that he couldn't hide this matter tonight, so he showed his cards right away: "Okay, that's a Horcrux of Voldemort. I can't think of a way to destroy it."

This sentence looks like a showdown, but it is actually half true and half false.

After all, Ying Fei knew how to destroy the Horcrux, but was just thinking of trying another method.

"Horcrux?" Dumbledore caught the entire key word at once, "What is that?"

Dumbledore had some speculations about Voldemort's means of avoiding death, but as a white wizard, it was also true that he had no contact or disdain to understand the magic of Horcruxes when Voldemort was not yet too rampant.

"A Horcrux is to split a person's soul and put it into an object, which can be a living or dead object. Then, as long as the Horcrux is immortal, the person's soul will always exist and cannot die."

After a brief explanation, Ying Fei looked at Dumbledore: "Do you know how to destroy this thing?"

Dumbledore raised his eyebrows: "I even need you to explain the Horcrux, and you ask me how to destroy it?"

Ying Fei said in a nonchalant tone without expression, "Really? That's really a pity..."

At this time, Dumbledore reached out and took off the crown from the armor, frowned and said, "This seems familiar..."

"Doesn't it look familiar? This is Ravenclaw's diadem..." Ying Fei interjected from the side.

Dumbledore frowned: "It was actually made into a Horcrux by Voldemort? What a waste of treasure."

"That's right..." Ying Fei nodded without sincerity.

Dumbledore glanced at him: "You too, ruining treasures."

"Huh?" Ying Fei asked a big question at that time, "What's wrong with me?"

"Isn't it a waste of treasure to attack it with a weapon like yours?"

"Please, I also want to solve Voldemort's Horcrux, okay..."

Dumbledore ignored him, but took the crown and said calmly: "Since you kid can't solve it, then I have to take action. I will study it for a few days before giving it to you."

"Hey, this thing has Voldemort's soul on it, which will affect your sanity!" Ying Fei was anxious at the time, why did he take the thing away while he was talking?

"Really? Thanks for reminding me." Dumbledore waved his hand, took the crown, and disappeared using Apparition, without any time to stop him.

Yingfei was left alone in the cold wind by the lake.

"Depend on……"

"I'll go to Snape tomorrow to learn Occlumency! And Apparition!"


The next morning, when Ying Fei woke up, Cassandra was no longer beside her pillow.

When he came back late yesterday, Cassandra had already gone to bed, so Ying Fei didn't talk to her about the reason for her bad mood yesterday.

But when I woke up in the morning, they were already gone...

".~Hiss, what's going on? The more I think about it, the more something is wrong..." Ying Fei rubbed his temples with a headache. This kind of thing was really beyond his ability to think.

Look at the time, ten o'clock in the morning.

"Yeah, it's normal for her to leave at this point."

After giving up thinking, Ying Fei washed up and walked out of the room, only to find Xiao Tian standing at the door, his face expressionless and motionless.

"What's wrong?" Ying Fei asked with raised eyebrows, "It's quite scary when you look at me like this, you know?"

"I know it's because of the uncanny valley effect among humans. The more things look like humans but are not human, the more they can cause panic in humans." Xiaotian explained seriously.

Ying Fei rolled his eyes: "That's not what I meant. I meant that when you look at me like this, you make me feel terrible. Do you understand?"

"Isn't that the uncanny valley effect..." Xiaotian said weakly.

Ying Fei took a deep breath, held back the anger of getting up and said, "I'm afraid of you, not because you are not a human being, but because you stood at the door so early in the morning and scared me!"

"So, sir, you think I'm a human being?" Xiaotian seemed to have suddenly found the blind spot in Ying Fei's words and asked with his eyes blinking.

Ying Fei: Ah, I’m so drunk...

"Ah, yes, yes! Why aren't you a human? You have life, consciousness, and a body. You are just a fake!"

Ying Fei didn't want to say anything to her anymore. After leaving a rude word, he turned around and went to the alchemy room.

Xiaotian, on the other hand, stood there thoughtfully:

"Sir, I think I am human..."

"Then, I should have...the power of a person...such as Mr. He..."

(Artificial intelligence has gone dark again, heading in a strange direction...).

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Coming out of the secret room, Ying Fei went all the way to the castle to find Snape.

I met many little wizards along the way, and they were all talking about the sudden sound last night. Some people claimed that they saw a red thread hanging in the sky, which caused an uproar.

Ying Fei also knew that he went too far yesterday, but he couldn't explain anything to these little wizards, so he could only leave it alone.

Walking all the way through the corridors and stairs of the auditorium, Ying Fei arrived at the door of Snape's office and opened the door skillfully.

Snape was refining a potion, and pink mist came out of the cauldron, which didn't look like anything normal.

"What is this?" Ying Fei walked over curiously and asked.

Snape didn't even look at him. Ying Fei didn't like knocking on the door for a long time, so Snape was often disturbed by him. Now Snape's control over potions has improved to a higher level. He would hardly be disturbed by the outside world. Even if Ying Fei was talking next to him, he could not shake his state of mind.

Seeing that Snape ignored him, Ying Fei casually sat down aside, took a book from Snape's desk and started reading.

Snape's potion book is obviously not something that Ying Fei can understand now, and Ying Fei just reads it for fun.

 423 About half an hour later, Snape's cauldron suddenly erupted into a large cloud of pink mist, followed by a muffled sound, which was obviously a failure.

Snape looked at the unknown liquid that turned into a dark brown paste in the crucible with a gloomy face for a while, then turned his head and asked:

"Did you do that yesterday?"

Ying Fei put down the book and nodded: "I found one of Voldemort's Horcruxes last night and tried to destroy it with a beam cannon, but failed. Now the Horcrux is in Dumbledore's hands."

"He also knows about Horcruxes? Is there a way to destroy them?" Snape asked.

Ying Fei shook his head and said with a smile: "How is it possible? There is a high probability that Dumbledore will not be able to destroy the Horcrux. This thing can only be destroyed with the venom of the Basilisk."

"You clearly knew that but you still made such a big fuss..." Snape raised his eyebrows and said, "Also, where can we find the basilisk?"

Ying Fei said calmly: "I just want to give it a try. As for the Basilisk, do you remember the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets that Quirrell mentioned before?"

Snape's expression changed and he frowned: "If you want to say that there is a basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets, wouldn't the (bebj) students in the castle be very dangerous?"

"It's not as serious as you think. Slytherin's Chamber of Secrets can only be opened by the heir of Slytherin. In other words, a person who can speak Parseltongue can open the Chamber of Secrets."

Yingfei said calmly: "We don't need to think about this now. After the summer vacation, the secret room will surface."

"Where did you get the information? Is it so rich?" Snape asked doubtfully, "Can you be sure of the accuracy of the information?"

"Don't worry about the source. If it's accurate, I can guarantee it. When the time comes, we can collect one more of Voldemort's Horcruxes and make a lot of money." Ying Fei said as if he had a chance to win.

Snape looked confused and had no idea what Ying Fei was talking about: "Can you make it clearer?"

Ying Fei said meaningfully: "Some things, if you know too much, you will worry and cause more changes. It is better not to know."

After hearing this, Snape was speechless, but there was nothing he could do about it, so he asked, "What are you here for?"

When Ying Fei heard Snape ask this question, he immediately said seriously: "I want to learn Occlumency."

"Why do you suddenly want to learn this? There are not many people in this world who can learn Legilimency. In fact, you don't need to spend time learning this." After hearing this, Snape dissuaded him with a headache, "This thing is difficult to practice. It’s very time consuming.”

"But I was threatened by Dumbledore last night, otherwise Voldemort's Horcrux would still be in my hands." Ying Fei said angrily, "I still want to study it carefully, maybe I can learn from it. Get a way to crack the Horcrux without relying on the basilisk."

Snape:  …

"Okay, I'll teach you." Snape said, "The practice of Occlumency requires the help of a Legilimens. By constantly using Legilimens on you, you can reach a level where you can resist Legilimens. "

"As for the key to practice, it is to empty your consciousness, clear the thoughts and emotions in your mind, and after your mind is stable, fight back against the legilimens to interrupt the legilimens."

Ying Fei nodded: "In other words, I need a Legilimens?"

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