Nanxiang Yun walked through the dark passage and walked out of the blue valve. Standing opposite him was the majestic figure of Todou Touka.

"This is..."

The moment he saw Dongtang Daohua, his pupils dilated slightly.

He knew the opponent's posture all too well. It was a calm state of mind during the battle after completely controlling his body.

He has seen only two people use this state among the student knights, namely Nango Yun himself and Kurogane Ikki.

Unexpectedly, there is a third person among the student knights who can master this state.

It seems that Daohua is growing rapidly in places that he cannot see.

After realizing this, Nanxiang Yun slightly curved the corners of his mouth, and his tone of voice unconsciously brought a bit of joy: "Didn't you use your full strength when you competed with Shu Shizuku?"

"Yes, I originally wanted to use this together with [Raiki [-]nd Dan] to surprise you, but it's a pity that you discovered it in advance, so I can only try another move that has not been completed yet."

"Then I'll have a good look at it."

"Let's wait until you have passed the previous moves first."

After saying that, Todou Touka attacked Nango Yun, and what was unsheathed with her "Narukami" was her huge sword intent compressed to the extreme.

The audience sitting on the stage only felt their eyes blurred, and a bolt of lightning flashed across their sight.



The blades of swords interlocked.

The sword in Nanxiang Yun's hand tightly jammed Todou Touka's sword, preventing it from going any further.

"Suppressing the enemy through sword intent? It's a good idea, but it's a pity that this trick doesn't work on me."

However, this blow was just the beginning of Todou Touka's attack. When Nango Yun was talking, she turned her body and slashed again with the help of Nango Yun's "Narukami". At the same time, endless thunderstorms came from her. Eruptions erupted around the body, bound to engulf the person in front of him.

A dazzling offensive and defensive battle unfolded on the training ground. The two figures continued to intersect in the thunder and explosion field, and each collision would make a harsh sound.

"As expected of the student council president of our Pojun Academy, he forced the Nanxiang players to use spiritual equipment that they had never used when participating in the trials from the very beginning!"

The commentator, who had lost his instructor, could not understand the current situation, so he had to say what he could understand. However, the audience would not care about these small things now. Just seeing the actions of the two people on the field was enough to consume them. Their full attention.

For student knights of their age, the swordsmanship on the training ground is already the most exquisite swordsmanship they have ever seen in their lives.

There are even countless people who can only see this kind of swordsmanship in this life. No matter how advanced the swordsmanship is, they are not able to understand it.

So these people now earn it when they see it. If they can secretly learn a little bit, it will be even more exciting for them.

The only place that was incompatible with the atmosphere of the scene was the top of the auditorium.

There, Nango Torajiro looked at the two figures intertwining on the training ground, his brows furrowed deeply together.

His gesture confused Nishikyo Neine and two others, and finally Shinguji Kurono took the lead in asking the question.

"Is Teacher Nanxiang dissatisfied with the performance of fellow student Nanxiang Yun?"

In the eyes of Kurono Shinguji, the swordsmanship of the two people on the field has been improved to the point where they can directly enter the Knight League as executives. Teacher Nango should be quite satisfied. You know, when Nango Torajiro taught her and Xijing Ningyin was not so strict.

"I regret that Yun still hasn't discovered the true use of his inherent spiritual equipment."

"Real usage?"

"For you, what is inherent spiritual equipment?"

Nango Torajiro's words made the two of them think. For them, the inherent spiritual equipment is the embodiment of the swordsman's own soul, and it is also the weapon used on the battlefield.

However, Nango Torajiro said that Nango Yun had not discovered the true use of his inherent spiritual equipment?

"Do you really think that plastic toy-like inherent spiritual equipment is used as a weapon?"

Nango Torajiro woke them up again.

Although Nango Yun has always used his inherent spiritual equipment as a sword, in fact, the thing that looks like a plastic toy is not sharp at all. He only possessed it after he attached magic power to his sword. Sword-like effect.

The inherent spiritual equipment is the medium for performing sword-cutting skills, which is equivalent to the staff in the hand of a magician. However, the sword-slayer can also use the sword-cutting ability when he does not summon the spiritual equipment.

As long as you are familiar enough with your abilities, even Xijing Ningyin, a swordsman with E-control magic power, can use her sword-striking skill - [Domineering Star] without summoning an inherent spiritual equipment.

Therefore, for Nanxiang Yun, any wooden stick can bring out the current combat effectiveness.

For him, the inherent spiritual equipment seems to have no other use besides convenience. It even adds a weakness to him out of thin air that will cause him to faint if the inherent spiritual equipment is broken.

So, what is the significance of the existence of this thing to him?

"The appearance of the inherent spiritual equipment will change according to the swordsman himself. The inherent spiritual equipment in Yun's hand will take on the appearance of a Tang sword, just because he wanted such a weapon from the bottom of his heart when he summoned the inherent spiritual equipment. Bar."

"Then why didn't you tell him about it when he left the house."

Xijing Ningyin pointed out the blind spots in the other party's words.

When she left, Nango Torajiro specifically reminded her not to tell Nango Yun the true nature of his abilities.

After hearing what Nango Torajiro said, Nishikyo Neine, who wanted to take the opportunity to do some 'special guidance', couldn't wait to agree immediately.

And she also felt that it was too early to study abilities that would harm her without laying a good foundation.

Now it seems that the old man has other concerns.

Under the gaze of the two people, Nango Torajiro sighed and said slowly:

"Because even this old man can't understand the true face of that inherent spiritual equipment..."

"How come, even you..."

His words set off a storm in the hearts of Nishikyo Neine and Shinguji Kurono.

The person in front of him is the [God of Fighting] who is a legend in the league. Is there something in this world that he can't even understand?

Immediately afterwards, Nango Torajiro's next words shocked both of them.

"Besides, I'm scared..."

Chapter 149 The shell of the inherent spirit

At this time, they couldn't believe their ears.

Especially Xijing Ningyin, when she first awakened to become a swordsman, she personally killed her husband who drank and had fun all day long, and also domestically abused her and her mother, her scumbag stepfather, and beat them to death every day.

Later, he became a violence addict. He stared at people he hated and powerful people all day long, and took pleasure in torturing them.

At that time, even the police had nothing to do with her.

But Nango Torajiro came anyway, and he proposed a bet to Nishikyo Neine with a smile.

If she can win the Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival, then Nango Torajiro will let her make demands. On the contrary, if she loses, she will have to go to the martial arts academy where Nango Torajiro was a teacher at the time.

Xijing Ningyin, who was still in his youthful and vigorous stage, of course accepted the other party's provocation without even thinking about it, and the result was predictable.

At the Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival, she met her lifelong enemy, Shinguji Kurono, who was still unmarried at the time.

At that time, her name was Takizawa Kurono.

At that Seven Star Dance Festival, Xijing Ningyin, who only knew violence, could not defeat the opponent no matter what.

Fighting head-on, making false claims to the east and attacking in the west, feigning surrender and sneak attacks, she used all the tactics she had learned over the years, but she was still pulled by her hair and shot in the head.

Therefore, she really began to learn skills from Nango Torajiro, and at the same time secretly vowed in her heart that she would defeat that annoying woman Takizawa Kurono.

Although she lost her direction for a period of time after the other party got married, she finally made up her mind to take the path that the other party did not dare to take, and became the person Shinguji Kurono longed for.

Looking at her past self from the perspective of Xijing Ningyin now, she can only describe it as hopeless.

He has no goals, only knows how to make trouble everywhere, and lives an empty and meaningless life.

But even a hopeless scumbag like her, Nango Torajiro, dared to lend a helping hand, but now he is actually afraid of a person's inherent spiritual equipment.

To Xijing Ningyin's ears, these words were almost as funny as "someone can destroy the world casually without any training."

However, Nango Torajiro's slightly shaken eyes and his slightly trembling hands when he was leaning on a cane told her that this matter was true.

The famous [God of Fighting] is now really afraid of the inherent spiritual equipment of a young boy.

"Yun's inherent spiritual equipment is covered up by something that even this old man can't understand. Just like the current appearance of this inherent spiritual equipment, I suspect that the red light in the center is what Yun's inherent spiritual equipment should have originally looked like."

Even though his body is no longer the same as before, Nango Torajiro can still rely on his many years of experience to see the problems with Nango Yun's spiritual equipment.

"The human body is a shell, and the inherent spiritual equipment brings out the energy hidden under the shell. But Yun is different. For some reason, there is another shell on top of his soul."

The inherent spiritual equipment is equivalent to a sword. Others only equip their swords with one scabbard, but Nanxiang Yun's sword comes with two scabbards.

When fighting, he just pulled the sword out of the scabbard called 'body', and then used the sword with the other scabbard to hit people. Naturally, he could not release the power of the sword itself.

"So, if you want Yun's inherent spiritual equipment to exert its true power, you must bypass the shell wrapped around his soul. Either break the shell on his soul to release his true inherent spiritual equipment, or simply destroy it. The inherent spiritual equipment is placed in the body and converted into other energy for oneself to drive."

"But even if the inherent spiritual equipment is placed in the body, the shell will still exist."

Shinguji Kurono asked with a frown.

Even if the inherent spiritual equipment is put into the body, the shell attached to the surface of the soul will still exist. Unless Nanxiang Yun does not summon the inherent spiritual equipment, only in this case can his soul and body be completely integrated.

But if you don't even summon the inherent spiritual equipment, how can you use its true power?

"No, as long as the inherent spiritual equipment is put into one's body and the soul is changed, it should be able to temporarily bypass the shell covering the inherent spiritual equipment..."

Nishikyo Neine shook her head and rejected Shinguji Kurono's opinion.

Unlike Shinguji Kurono, who had entered the realm of the devil early, a guess came to her mind, and she unconsciously clenched the pink fist hidden under her kimono sleeve at this moment.

'If this is the case, no wonder the old man is scared. After all, if it really reaches that level, Yun will probably become no different from a beast...'

"But how can we summon the inherent spiritual equipment and transform the soul at the same time?"

"Have you forgotten, Xiao Hei, what is the thing you are most afraid of right now?"

"Do you become a [Demon]? But Nanxiang has been..."


Shinguji Kurono was suddenly interrupted by Nango Torajiro mid-sentence.

"Demon is not the pinnacle. There is a way for the soul to continue to change after becoming a demon..."

Speaking of which, he suddenly fell silent, as if he was hesitating whether to tell Nishikyo Neine and Shinguji Kurono about this.

After a long time, he slowly exhaled a breath, and four words popped out of his mouth.

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