"If possible, please allow my followers to accompany your team."

"Oh, I'm very grateful for your kindness, but the weakest of my team is level 3. Can your family members keep up?"

If this type of support cannot keep up with the team, it will slow down the support speed.

"Fairweis is the only level 3 in my family, so you don't have to worry about her being a hindrance."

"Do you still have level 3 in your family?"

Loki tilted his head and looked at Dionysus doubtfully.

"I spent a lot of money to ask the Assembly of Gods at that time not to mention the information about Fairwis. This child was too eye-catching for some reasons."

As soon as these words came out, Loki and Nanxiang Yun looked at Fairways at the same time, but the girl just stood there with her eyes closed, without the slightest intention to speak.

"Okay, since we are short of manpower anyway, Nanxiang, take Fairways to find Bert and the others."

After a period of noise, Nango Yun, Lefiya and Bert, who had packed their luggage in a hurry, met at the door of the family members.

"It's you again."

This was not the first time that Bert saw Faile Weiss. She seemed to be dissatisfied with acting with others, and her whole face wrinkled together.

"Please, please give me some advice."

Compared to Bert, Lefiya, who was also an elf, was very polite, but Fairweisse still had a cold face and did not reply.

Fairfax's attitude made Bert even more unhappy, and she yelled at the top of her lungs in everyone's ears.

"As long as you dare to pull me back, I will kick you away! Get out of my way before you burp!"

"Stop talking nonsense, I'm here to help you because of God's order, werewolf."

"Just be quiet for me!"


The atmosphere between Burt and Fairfax was tense. The lone werewolf and his pride were too strong to deal with. Nanxiang Yun and Lefiya were very uncomfortable being caught in the middle. The only choice was the more courageous Nanxiang Yun. Stop them from quarreling.

on the other end.

After upgrading, Ais was exploring the dungeon alone and met the mysterious man who had entrusted Luluni before.

I learned from the other party that there was a monster riot on the 24th floor, and wanted to entrust Aiz to investigate.

Just when Aisi was thinking about why the other party asked her to investigate, the man in black said another thing that forced her to accept the commission.

'Such a thing happened before on the 30th floor, where I asked Hassana to go. '

Recalling the words of the man in black in her mind, Ais quickened her pace and ran from the tenth floor to the No. 18 floor.

Hasana is the name of the armored man, which means that there is a high chance that you will meet the animal trainer when you go to investigate this time.

This time, I must find out from the animal trainer how she knew "Arya".

With this thought in mind, Ais stayed away from the noisy town and walked along the path that the man in black told her.

Soon she came to the northern part of the town and stood in front of a cave with a large opening.

"There is actually a tavern here?"

Aisi has been to Rivera Town several times and rested there several times. She has never discovered that there is a tavern in such a remote corner.

After opening the door, all five tables inside were filled with people. Only one corner was empty. Ais walked towards the empty bar seat.

There are various bottles on the inside of the long bar cabinet, which contain wine that is also very popular in Orario. A dwarf boss is wiping the glass with a slumped face.

There was only one seat inside, and it was already occupied by an orc girl.

"Eh? Isn't this Sword Princess? Long time no see! I didn't expect to meet you here!"

The orc girl noticed Ais' arrival and greeted Ais.

"Luluni? Miss."

Sitting on the seat was Luluni, who acted together in the orb incident last time.

The other party said to Ais in a naive manner.

"As a thank you for last time, let me buy you a drink!"

Ais declined the other party's kindness and followed the man in black's instructions and sat in the second seat from the corner, which happened to be the seat next to Luluni.

The dwarf boss came over with a straight face and asked Ais what she wanted to drink.

“Fried potato balls with matcha cream flavor.”

She told the dwarf boss the secret code the man in black told her.

The moment Ais said the secret code, there was a loud "clang" sound next to her. She turned her head to look in confusion and saw Luluni falling from her seat with a look of disbelief on her face.

"You...are you the rescuer?"

At this time, the people around him also started to move. People who were still drinking and playing cards all stood up from their positions and stared at Aisi.

At this time, Aisi also understood that these people drinking in the tavern were all the 'helpers' that the man in black had mentioned before.

While she was thinking about how to talk to them, an adventurer came out of the crowd.

Her short, silky blue hair has a streak of white highlights in the front, her eyes are green with a similar color to her hair, she wears a pure white cape behind her, her shoes are decorated with golden wings, and there are strange things hanging on her belt. The props give people a feeling of ice and smartness.

'Asfi Al Andromeda. 'Ais recalled the other party's information in her mind.

The leader of the [Hermes Familia], he is also one of the less than five "Mysterious" holders in Orario, and the maker of countless precious magic items, nicknamed "The Almighty".


Before I knew it, it was time to put it on the shelves.

First of all, thank you very much to the readers who can read this.

Furthermore, I would like to thank those readers who have previously given me monthly recommended tickets and various gifts!

Those who keep books should be slaughtered too!Now readers and authors of Hedgehog Cat seem to be caught in a strange chain of suspicion. Readers are worried that the author is a eunuch and have not dared to subscribe if they want to reach a certain number of words. The author sees that no one is subscribing and just cuts it off.

I can guarantee that I will finish this book no matter what. After all, it is the first book I have written. Even if I am very busy, I will ask for leave from the readers.

I am also very grateful for the opinions you have given me in the posts and comments. I will try my best to change what I can, but there are some changes that will affect the subsequent plot and there is no way. I will read every post and comment. If there are any problems Or bugs can be reported above. (For example, when using a straight knife to draw the sword, I changed the style of the knife because of a reader’s comment. It will not appear again later.)

It’s a small spoiler. The power of destiny brought by the protagonist Demon actually plays an important role in the mid-term, but I seem to have given it too early. It became obscene and developed in a place where gods are running around, causing some readers to The look and feel is not very good, and I feel frustrated. I should go back to the breakthrough point. This is also a problem in my conception. I have learned from experience and will never do it again if I have the opportunity to start another book!

I can't improve my writing skills all at once, so I can only write more and find some videos to learn from when I have free time. Please forgive me if I feel uncomfortable watching them.

In the past three days, I will try to see if I can update five times a day. I don’t have any manuscripts saved. I am writing an outline in detail when I have time. Please forgive me.

The group will no longer be opened. It will be too sad if you create a group and no one joins at all QAQ.

Finally, please vote and subscribe. They are all positive feedback for me!I will be more motivated to code!

that's all!See you all tomorrow!

PS: I posted this book at the beginning because the author I like no longer writes comics and fan fiction. I saw a lot of people talking about sunshine. In fact, it’s more than that. Chunliang here is writing the book. FL’s Pikachu is going to write about Gods and go to QD to preach at the same time. Now, the next book opens on the Mingyue of Qin Dynasty, and Qiao Ji’s new book is also said to be a fantasy.

Chapter 59 The noisy two people

Ais asked as she looked around at the adventurers surrounding her.

"Did you also accept the commission?"

In response to Ais' question, Asife lifted Luluni who had fallen to the ground with one hand, tapped her head lightly with the other hand, and then sighed and replied.

"Yes, it's all because of this stupid dog who is blind to money."

Ais's eyes shifted to Luluni following Yafise's words, and Luluni, who was being stared at, had no choice but to explain the whole story with an awkward expression.

"Since you accepted this commission, you should have met that person. A few days ago, he came to my door again. I told him that I had had enough! But who knows..."

At this point, Luluni scolded the man in black with tears in her eyes.

"Who knew that bastard? He said he wanted to report my lie about my level to the guild!"

"Yeah, it ended up involving our entire faction."

Under the orders of Hermes, most of the Familia of Hermes hide their rank. Once a certain person is exposed and the guild conducts a thorough investigation, their entire Familia will not be able to escape. By then, not only will their Familia It would violate the Lord God's original intention of hiding his strength, and he would also be saddled with a sky-high fine.

Luluni, who was caught, had no choice but to beg members of her family to participate in this mission.

After hearing their explanations, Ais showed an indescribable expression.

"Oh~ I didn't want to do that! Who made me see something I really wanted that day? As a result, Yasifei and you all said you wouldn't go to the dungeon, so I had no choice but to accept the mission myself!"

"You have the nerve to say that! No matter what people say, you can just pretend to be stupid! If he goes to the guild to report him, his identity will be exposed! You stupid dog!"

Asife angrily scolded Luluni. Instead of stopping her, the companions around her joined Asife in treating Luluni coldly. Luluni’s tail and ears were He hung down after being scolded.

"That...mission thing."

"Sorry for making you laugh."

Asife took off her glasses and wiped them with her gloves. She brushed away her bad mood and brought the topic back to the commission.

"Let me confirm the content of the request. The destination is the 24th floor. We need to investigate the cause of the monster's rampage and eliminate it, right?"


"Since we are partners, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I will inform you of all our combat capabilities, but you must also agree that we will not report our concealment of levels to the guild."

When Asfi said this, she glared at Luluni, whose ears and tail almost drooped to the ground.

"I promise."

"Okay, including me, the 15 of us are all members of the Hermes Familia. Most of our abilities are at level 3. The remaining level 2s can barely compete with level 3 through props."

Yasifei showed the qualities that a leader of the Familia should have, and quickly confirmed the combat effectiveness of both parties with Aisi. At the same time, she also informed Aisi of the distribution of some of the props and combatants brought by her Familia.

"Now that the matter is over, let's go all out to complete the commission, especially Luluni, you have to work hard this time."

"Got it..."

People around him responded to Yafise in their own way.

Finally, Asfi extended her hand to Ais.

"Although it is a mission that we are forced to participate in, having [Sword Lady] as our companion also greatly increases our confidence. Please give us your guidance in the future."

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