She excitedly came to Somo's side with wine in hand and asked him.

"Ah... this is the last bottle of divine wine I brewed in the God Realm. I thought about bringing it to my fellow gods to drink, but I was too busy these days and forgot about it."

"Then can I have a sip!!"

"The divine wine can easily affect the will of children in the lower world, so..."

“Just one bite!!”


"One bite!!!!"

Tara's face was almost touching Somo's. In order to prevent her from kissing her on the face, Somo agreed to her somewhat rude request.

"Guha!! What is this!!! What on earth is this!!! Does such a thing really exist!!!"

What surprised Sumo was that Tara didn't have any strange reaction after drinking the divine wine. To say that she seemed to be more energetic?

"I made a decision!!!"

She suddenly shouted while holding the glass of wine, startling Somo.

"I want to make wine like this too!"

Two people with completely different personalities took wine as an opportunity to get closer.

Chapter 71 Mystery

"Huh? What do you mean it's obviously my dream? Aren't we a family member of the same clan? It's right for family members to help each other! I will try my best to help you realize whatever wish Master Sumo has!"

After hearing Somo's complaints, Tara stared at Somo with the same energetic look.


Sumo suddenly called her.

Seeing Tara's appearance, Sumo hesitated again and again, but chose to tell the other party the cruel reality.

"Actually... the materials for brewing divine wine cannot be collected from the lower realm at all..."

The materials needed for the divine wine can only grow in the heaven, and will lose their original abilities once they are brought to the lower realm.

In other words.

The lower world cannot create perfect divine wine.

After spitting out the almost desperate news, Sumo looked at Tara who was still smiling in confusion.

Why can you laugh even after knowing that your dreams cannot come true?

"Is it a pity that Lord Soma didn't see my lost look?"

" just..."

"Even if the materials for the previous bottle of divine wine cannot be collected from the lower realm, but..."

As if to arouse Somo's interest, Tara's tone suddenly rose a lot.

"Isn't Master Soma who can brew the divine wine still there? Since we can't brew the previous divine wine, let's work together to create a more delicious divine wine that surpasses the divine wine! But on the other hand, it can't be called Soma wine by then. Call it Soma and Tara wine!”

"Pfft...Hahaha! What, what a stupid name."

Seeing Kata's serious look, Somo was stunned for a moment and then laughed loudly. Even he himself didn't realize how long it had been since he laughed like this.

Soma seemed to understand the fun of the lower world.

"What... Master Soma's Soma wine is also stupid..."

Suddenly, Tara seemed to have discovered something. She looked at the laughing Somo and lightly punched her palms with her fists.

"That's right! I seem to understand why no one joins our family!"


"It's all because Lord Somo is usually too gloomy."

With that said, Tara stepped forward and lifted Soma's long hair covering her eyes, revealing the black pupils inside.

"Yes, Lord Somo is obviously quite good-looking, why do you cover your eyes with your hair?"

She suddenly took out a pair of scissors from nowhere.

"Wait, what do you want to do!"


"Done! It looks much more comfortable this way."

Half an hour later, Tara gave Somo a refreshing haircut.

"Can you please stop doing this kind of thing on the street next time..."

Sumo had known for a long time that Tara might be a bit stupid, but he didn't expect that she would actually perform a haircut for others on the street.

Curious glances from the people around him frequently made Sumo feel even more ashamed without the cover of his long hair.

"Is this the Somo Family?"

A young male voice suddenly came.

"Yes, this is the first time we meet. I am Tara, the leader of the Somo Familia. Are you here to join the Familia?"

Tara put down her scissors and went to greet the young man.

"When did you become the leader?"

"What does it matter? I'm the only one in the Familia now anyway, or are you going to ruthlessly kick me out of the Familia after others join in?!"

Sonnis ignored the two people talking about cross talk and introduced himself.

"I am Sanis Lustra. I would like to ask, is the soma wine that has recently emerged among the gods sold by this family?"

"It was made by our Lord Soma!"

Tara shook her finger at Sonnis, as if a mother was showing off her mature child.

"If this is the case, please allow me to join the Soma Familia."

Sannis didn't care who made the wine, as long as he knew that this family could produce Somo wine. He came to join the Somo family after seeing the prospect of Somo wine.

"Okay! Master Sumo, must you have seen it! My method really works!"

"What does this have to do with your method..."

In this way, the Somo Familia welcomed the second member.


"Is there a harmonious or mysterious ability to develop? Which one do you want to choose?"

In the sacred room of the Somo family members, Somo said to Tara.

Three years have passed since Sannis joined the Somo Familia. Somo and Tara, who have no understanding of the clan's operations, have completely left the family affairs to Sannis.

And he lived up to their expectations, and quickly managed the family into a famous family in Orario through Soma wine.

Although there were occasional greedy people who wanted to snatch the wine from their companions, no trouble was caused under Tara's suppression. There was a prosperous scene within the family members. Tara even prepared a brewing house specifically for Somo. On it hangs the house plate symbolizing Soma's crescent moon and wine.

Finally today, Tara gathered the great achievements needed to upgrade and was promoted to level 2 in three years. This is also a good result in Orario.

"That mystery sounds so powerful. I have a hunch that with this ability, I will be able to make wine that surpasses Master Soma!"

During the past three years, the place where Tara spent the most time was Somo's brewing room. She watched Somo brewing every day and tried to learn something from it.

But in fact, she had no talent for brewing at all. She had vowed how much she loved brewing at the beginning, and Sumo thought she was very skilled, but in the end she could barely make it.

In the past few years, in order to create a divine wine that surpassed Soma, Tara often threw strange things into the brewing, and several times almost caused Soma to be directly sent back to the divine world.

However, although there was a lot of noise while brewing, Sumo had become accustomed to this feeling in the past three years.

"Even the gods don't know what that mysterious specific effect is. Are you sure you want to choose this?"

Sumo asked Tara. Compared with this rare attribute, Sumo cared more about whether the other party's next glass of wine would send him away.

"Hmph, don't underestimate a girl's sixth sense. This ability will definitely help me brew the divine wine!"

Tara sniffed and said.

"You haven't given up yet?"

As the clan expanded over the years, Somo gave up brewing perfect divine wine using materials from the nether world, and instead made low-quality sacred wine to maintain the finances of the clan.

He saw all Tara's attempts, but he knew that it was impossible to create divine wine at this level.

"Are Lord Somo afraid that I will surpass you? Don't worry! Even if I name this sacred wine, it will still be Somo and Tara wine. After all, Lord Somo has helped me a lot. This mystery was also given to me by Lord Somo. With your blessing, I will work hard together with you!"

"I told you not to give me such a stupid name."

"What does it matter?"

A flash of light flashed, and Tara was upgraded to level 2.

"By the way, Master Somo, I am going to visit Master Dionysus today. Last time I asked him to help me improve my wine. This time I will definitely surprise you!"

At the end of these words, Tara left Soma's shrine with a bound.

It was also on this night that [Absolute Evil] descended on Orario.

Chapter 72 The Great Struggle

"My hair has grown longer recently..."

Somo tugged at the long hair that fell from his head and covered his eyes. I don't know since when, the management of his appearance has been completely handed over to Tara. Whenever he can't see clearly the faces of the members of the family, there is always a bright red one. For styling your hair into a nasty look.

The silver moon climbed up from the end of Orario, and the clouds were fixed in the sky, constantly shedding many tear-like raindrops.

It looks like gray, like a rainy day the color of rotting moss, or like the gap between day and night that has not yet entered dusk.The scenery, which is neither dark nor bright, is somewhat detached from reality.

"Lord Dionysus, thank you for your help this time."

Tara bowed towards Dionysus in front of her, holding a glass bottle filled with red liquid in her hand.

"No...I can't help much this time...It's a pity..."

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