"Don't worry, it's not against you. I don't remember the names of most of the people in the class."

"Isn't this even more excessive!!"

Immediately afterwards, Kagami Kusakabe skillfully took out a paper and pen from her chest and looked at Nango Yun with tears in her eyes and said:

"As compensation for the harm to my young mind, may I ask a few questions?"

He didn't know why, but he always felt that this was the real purpose of Kusakabe Kagami taking the initiative to talk to him.

"You can ask, and I'll agree in advance that I won't answer questions that are too personal."

Knife cutters are very popular among the public.

Including student knights, all swordsmen will receive a certain degree of media attention. Even the battle for the top of student knights such as the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival is conducted live on the entire network, so how to deal with those reporters is also It has become one of the things that swordsmen should learn.

"Some people say that Nanxiang-san is already the strongest student knight. Even the student union president of Pojun Academy cannot defeat you. What do you think of this?"

The student council president mentioned by Kagami Kusakabe is his acquaintance whom he has not seen for a long time - Todoka Todoka.

In the two years before he enrolled in Pojun, the other party seemed to have worked very hard to climb to this position. He had previously thought about whether to go and say hello to the other party. Unfortunately, due to the reforms implemented by Shinguji Kurono this year, Todo Dao Hua seems to have been busy since the beginning of school until now.

However, the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival trials are coming to an end, and the opponent's work should be almost done.

Thinking about when would be a better time to see the other party, Nanxiang Yun answered the other party's question casually.

"I haven't fought against each other for a long time, and I don't know who is stronger now."

"Eh? Did Nanxiang-san know the student council president before?"

Recalling Dongdang Touka's usual clumsy appearance, he smiled slightly and replied, "I think he is a relatively familiar friend."

Immediately afterwards, the girl asked very sharp questions one after another. Fortunately, Nanxiang Yun had learned a lesson from Loki before, and he avoided most of the questions in an ambiguous way.

The sky gradually turned orange, and Kusakabe Kagami's questions finally came to an end.

"Last question, there is a rumor among classmates that the F-class [Fallen Knight] and D-class [Black Rose] both won the trials repeatedly under your guidance. Is this true?"

"D-class knight?"

[Fallen Knight] He knew he was referring to Kurogane Ikki, but who was that [Black Rose]?Nanxiang Yun couldn't remember any D-class knights he knew among the students.

"It's Arisuin Nagi-san. It's unbelievable. Nango-san not only doesn't remember the names of his classmates, but he doesn't even know his friend's swordsmanship level?"

Kagami Kusakabe joked, and then recorded this small flaw in her notes.

However, Nanxiang Yun's focus is not here.

"You said Alice is a D-class knight...?"

He frowned and asked slowly.

Chapter 135 Hiding the level?

When Nanxiang Yun gets along with others, he doesn't deliberately pay attention to the other person's swordsman level.

Because he knows that the swordsman level does not represent real combat power. Many low-level magic knights can easily defeat student knights with a higher swordsman level than them.

But even so, through daily interactions, he can roughly guess a person's swordsman level.

Arisuin Nagi's real strength is definitely not the D-level mentioned by Kagami Kusakabe. The other party's experience in handling things and the degree of control over his own abilities are not something that a mere D-level can possess.

In Nango Yun's heart, Arisuin Nagi is at least a B-class knight.

So, after Kagami Kusakabe left, he immediately took out the student handbook and found the information about the swordsman registered by Arisuin Nagi in the Pogun Academy.

Arisuin Nagi

Swordsman Level: D

Attack power: E

Defense: D

Magic power: D

Magic control: C

Physical fitness: C

Luck :D

Not right.

This ability value is like deliberately telling others, 'I'm ordinary, don't pay attention to me.'

Arisuin Nagi deliberately let the water go when he tested the swordsman's ability?

What is the purpose of concealing one's true level?

Undercover agents sent by other colleges to spy on students?

Many questions lingered in Nan Xiangyun's mind.

This time the Seven Star Sword Dance Festival seemed not as simple as he imagined.


The screeching sound of tires interrupted his thoughts.

A black car stopped at the entrance of the Broken Military Academy.

"Ah, I met the person I was looking for as soon as I came up. It seems that I am very lucky~"

The door was opened, and a fat middle-aged man in a red suit got out of the car. His fat face was now full of smiles.

"Excuse me, you are Mr. Nango Yun. I am the head of the branch of the Kurogane family. My name is Akaza Mamoru."

The obese middle-aged man came to Nanxiang Yun and handed over a business card and introduced himself.

Perhaps out of respect for A-level knights like Nanxiang Yun, he placed his position relatively low.

"Someone should have informed you before that Mr. Kuroyukihime wants to see you. Of course, it doesn't matter if you don't have time now. The specific time can be decided by you."

"It's okay, let's go now."

Arisuin Nagi probably won't know what the other party wants to do until the official opening of the Seven Stars Sword Dance Festival. Even if he runs over and asks the other party now, he probably won't admit it, so he can only wait and see what happens.

What's more, he was very interested in the 'father' that Kurogane Ikki and Kurogane Shushizuku often mentioned.

Akazamomo made a 'please' gesture to Nango Yun and invited him into the car.

After a while, the car stopped in front of a huge Japanese-style building. Akaza Mamoru and Nango Yun walked around inside and stopped in front of a solid wood door.

Knock knock knock—

"Master Kurogie, I brought Mr. Nanxiang here."

"Please come in."

A deep voice came from inside the door.

After leading him into the room where Kuroyukihime usually worked, Akaza Mamoru silently exited. Taking this opportunity, Nango Yun looked at the interior of the room.

This was a study-like room, surrounded by bookshelves. There was an office table in the middle of the room, which was filled with various documents. He even saw photos of Kurogane Ju Shizuku and Kurogane Ikki on it.

Behind the desk, a man who looked eighty-nine similar to Kurogane Ikki sat there with a serious look on his face.

No, rather than saying that the other person is similar to Kurogane Ikki, it would be better to say that Kurogane Ikki has inherited the other person's characteristics.

Just sitting there, there was a pressure from a superior emanating from him.

After the two looked at each other for a long time, the man named Kurogie Yan was the first to break the silence.

"First of all, let me express my gratitude for taking care of Shizuku and Ikki."


Nango Yun had heard about Kuroyukihime's character traits more than once. Whether in Kuroyukitsu Ikki's mouth or in Kurogantezuma Shizuku's mouth, the other person was a ruthless man.

According to Kurogete Zhu Shizuku, Kurogete Yan never inquired about Kurogete Ikki after he ran away from home, and even acted as if Kurogete Ikki's life and death had nothing to do with him.

But that didn't seem to be the case. From the photos on the table to his words of thanks, it seemed that the other party was paying attention to the news about Ikki and Shushizuku at Pojun Academy.

Moreover, no matter how you look at Kuroyukihime now, he looks like an old father who cannot express his feelings.

Seeing Nanxiang Yun's slightly dazed expression, Kurogieyan raised the corners of his mouth to reveal a stiff smile.

"What, is it surprising?"

"No, I just feel that Mr. Kurogane is very different from what I heard from Shizuku."

He raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? What did Zhu Shizuku say about me?"

"'Asshole father who doesn't care about his family' is what she said herself."

"Really...that's what she said..."

The atmosphere suddenly fell silent.

"Let's leave the family matters to be discussed later. What is the purpose of Mr. Kurogane coming to me this time?"

In order to break this embarrassing situation, Nanxiang Yun asked about today's business.

"I'm sorry, I made you see the gaffe. Let's get back to the topic. I want to ask you to defeat Ikki in the trial of Pojun Academy and make him give up becoming a swordsman."

Hei Tieyan exhaled a breath and slowly revealed the purpose of calling Nanxiang Yunlai this time.

"Sorry, I can't do it."

"If it's a reward, we, the Kurogane Family, can grant you a wish within our capabilities."

"It has nothing to do with compensation, it's just that I don't want to do it."


"I should ask you this, Mr. Kuroyukihime. I think you care about Ikki and Shizuku. Why do you do everything possible to stop Ikki after you know how hard he has put in to become a magic knight?" , and even caused him to run away from home in the end?"

Half of the responsibility for Kuroyuki Ikki's misfortune in the family lies with this man named Kuroyukihime.

In this family of swordsmen, Kurogane Ikki with low abilities will naturally be regarded as a "flawed product" and "trash" by the clan members.

If Kurogate Yan comes out to stop the rumors at this time, then no matter how dissatisfied the rest of the people are, at least on the surface they will treat Kurogates Ikki as the young master of the Kurogates family.

But Kurogane chose to ignore it. Seeing Kurogane's attitude, the others felt that the head of the family had acquiesced in scolding Kurogane Ikki. People who had never insulted Kurogane Ikki began to join the ranks.

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