Quanmin: A Little Bit Of Meat Is Not Too Much

Chapter 56 Peace A Hammer, I Want To Kill Them All!

In the human world, Li Mo's performance is certainly exaggerated.

But they are strong people from outside the territory.

I have seen many scenes.

For example, the legendary 18-star star.

For example, special powerful bloodlines, devil reincarnation, angel reincarnation.

Even the son of the gods and so on.

As well as inheritors of spiritual treasures and so on.

Some are even more exaggerated than Li Mo.

In this small place on the human frontier, Li Mo's performance is certainly against the sky.

But it is also in line with the well-behaved appearance of a false god who has inherited the treasure of the gods.

In their view, this Ji Mo is just the lucky one who picked up the treasure of the gods.

In the area around the human territory, Li Mo can be unscrupulous.

But once you leave the human territory.

There are guys like Li Mo who are taught by masters.

Even, Li Mo dared to leave the small place and go to the high world.

Maybe it is a prey being chased by many powerful people.

"False God?"

Although several others think that Li Mo is a false god who got the treasure of the gods.

But among the crowd, a [Holy Wizard] had many doubts in his mind.

"Then Li Mo is a false god, I have a few different views."

The holy wizard spoke calmly and calmly.

As wizard sequences, what they are best at is studying the rules of attributes.

As the holy wizard spoke, several other people looked over.

"As we all know, gods cannot enter the instance, at least, they cannot enter the instance within the world."

"The void copy is another story."

"Within the world, false gods, so."

"This has been proven in other worlds."

"If Li Mo is really a false god."

"Li Mo shouldn't be able to enter the copy."

"The root of the world framework is the ranking of the characteristics of the gods.

"After all, once the gods enter the world framework, they can extract the roots in minutes, until one of the copies collapses.

"However, Li Mo not only can enter the dungeon, but also opened up a mythical level dungeon."

"Under the world's rule-based operating system, it is impossible for this to happen.

The holy wizard said so.

The others immediately thought about it.

A moment later, a burly Titan knight with a height of three meters spoke.

"Maybe, it's possible that Li Mo has consumed a lot of divinity."

"That is a false god with strong attributes but weak divinity."

"Li Mo is a Chaos Knight, very meaty."

"And this Li Mo is said to have hundreds of millions of blood bars.

"I suspect that this kid has transformed the characteristics of a god into his own living room.

"As long as the divinity is weak enough, you can enter the copy.

The holy wizard frowned slightly.

"Turning the characteristics of gods into blood bars? This is too extravagant."

"In other words, it's just too stupid."

But after looking at it, it was said by the meat shield knight with more developed muscles than brains.

And that Li Mo is also a tank knight.

That makes sense.

Maybe all the meat shield knights in the world use the same brain.

"After all, I am a professional in a small place, and I have never seen the world. It is not surprising to come up with such a wonderful operation."

The Titan Knight said so.

After all, under the oppression of a huge ethnic group, human beings have no capital to go out at all, and they know too little about the outside world.

If a lucky person gets the treasure of the gods, he gets a lot of divinity.

Without anyone pointing it out.

It is really possible to transform divinity into attributes and make such a prodigal operation.

The holy wizard frowned slightly, thinking for a moment before nodding.

"Hmm... What His Majesty the Knight said has some truth."

"He is at a low level now, and he can't perceive the power of divinity. It turns out that divinity can increase his blood bar, and then he will naturally transform his blood bar."

"That's why it appears, powerful damage reduction, defense ability, and powerful blood bar. 27

"At the same time, it is also marked that the divinity is not outstanding, but the characteristics of extremely strong defense capabilities."

"In this way, and Li Mo himself has not constructed the essential characteristics of the gods, it really will not be duplicated.

"Even if he does this, his own spiritual inheritance will be lost in vain."

These few people have mastered the supernatural operation of blind chicken brains.

Li Mo has already been constructed as a lucky person who has acquired the treasure of the gods. He made himself appear to have strong attributes, but in fact he has lost his most important core—a false god of divinity!

After all, this is the most perfect situation, and it is also the case that the outside world has had examples.

As for the [system], they have never heard of it at all, and it is completely their cognitive blind spot.

"Then what do we do next?"

How many people look at me and I look at you.

Even if it's a false god with deformities like Li Mo.

That too—God.

It's not something they can compete with at all.

What's more, there is more than one god here.

But two, a natural star god and a false god.

If all five of them have level 1500.

That's a little hopeful.

But after the dry level, each level is a threshold, and the highest among them is only more than 100 levels.

"This Li Mo is not easy to deal with."

"What's more, he has the Chaos Gluttonous Boss in his hands, and the Star God is helping him."

"Spread the news that Li Mo is a false god.

"Let people outside know the essence of Li Mo."

"All talented professionals are fake, and false gods are their essence.

This statement immediately made the others agree.

They dare not face off against God.

But they not only dare to spread rumors that are not good for God, but they are also very willing.

False gods don't have a good reputation.

"In addition, the top powers of our two clans are all in the war in the high-level world, and they can't draw their hands now.

"After the news is released, there should naturally be some professionals of the Godslayer sequence coming. 27

"At that time, they will have plenty of ways to restrain and even kill these false gods."

"It's even possible for a star god, a low-level god, to be killed by those godslayers.

【God Killer】

Several people were thinking about the news about this group.

In the vast professional sequence world of all races.

Gods are undoubtedly the strongest life forms.

Theoretically speaking, gods are perfect serial life forms.


In this world, absolute particularity never appears.

The gods are certainly powerful.

But [God Slayer] perfectly restrained the gods.

First of all, the godslayers, their damage to the gods is five or six times, seven or eight times, or even ten times the damage of the gods.

The stronger the divinity of the god, the higher the damage.


When facing the gods, they can be greatly immune to the damage of the gods, and the attack characteristics of the damage reduction gods.

It is said that [God Killer] restrains the gods, but it does not say that [God Killer] is the natural enemy of the gods.

It is because the gods will also find ways to master all kinds of treasures that restrain the [God Slayer].

Basically, all gods will be wary of the [God Slayer] sequence.

Those senior gods are obviously not afraid of [God Killer].

But false gods like Li Mo, and low-level gods like Star God.

They will all be perfectly restrained or even beheaded by the [God Killer] sequence.

After discussing with several thousand-level powerhouses, they left.

At this time, Li Mo had already arrived at the area of ​​the last treasure barrier in the Broken Star Sea.

There are four treasures in the barrier in the core area of ​​the Broken Star Sea.

There are nine other scattered barrier treasures.

Scattered treasures, Li Mo and Long Yin received one before, and now there are 8 more.

This is the last one.

Follow Li Mo to complete this last treasure trove collection.

Li Mo returned to Hunyuan Taotie's back.

"Back to the Star God City State!"

Li Mo ordered.

Li Mo closed his eyes and meditated, thinking about the eight new treasures he had acquired.

The value of each kind of treasure is not lower than the previous star teleportation beads.

Among these eight treasures.

There is one, which is very suitable for Hunyuan Taotie.

Li Mo was not stingy either, and directly gave Hunyuan Taotie.

There are three, very suitable for the star god.

Although the current Star God is not willing to pay attention to Li Mo.

But when Li Mo asked if she wanted it, Xingshen was quite positive.

Star Shendu has half-leaved to Li Mo.

The sweetness must still be given.

Anyway, these three treasures are useless to Li Mo.

One is Soul Treasure, one is Energy Treasure, and the other is Starlight Treasure.

However, Mo will definitely not give it in vain.

The small group of protoss condensed by the star gods before can attack slightly, allowing Li Mo to continuously increase his health.

Li Mo definitely wants to blow some oil and water out of Xingshen in this regard.

Finally, there are four treasures left.

Of the four treasures, two are guild treasures.

One is a treasure that transforms energy into an experience pool with higher efficiency.

It is very important for the development of the guild to use it for the Baishen guild.

Li Mo remembers that the Baishen Guild seems to only have about 30% conversion efficiency for dungeon experience.

And this treasure of the guild experience pool can increase the guild's experience conversion efficiency of dungeons to 240%.

Increased by a full eight times.

The other one is the treasure of the World Rank Framework.

The world hierarchy framework has also played a great role in the development and promotion of the ethnic group hierarchy.

The world rank framework is a line.

Those below this level will enjoy additional experience bonuses.

This will allow low-level professionals to level up faster.

Nowadays, the human world's hierarchical framework is only more than 300 levels.

Moreover, most of the human territory is occupied by alien races, which improves the hierarchical framework of the human world.

Undoubtedly working for a foreign race.

But now, with Li Mo gradually expelling the aliens.

This kind of treasure can play a role.

The last two kinds of treasures are the treasures that Ji Mo himself can use.

There are two kinds of treasures. The first one is the core treasure of [Blood Source Pool] that Li Mo has been waiting for for a long time.

With the blood pool, Li Mo's attribute framework will be more stable.

The second is that Li Mo can create his own super blood recovery feature.

Before that, the powerful attack of the god suppressed Li Mo's equipment in all directions, leaving Li Mo in a disarmed state. …

It has already made Li Mo understand the means of the strong.

There is a single health bar, which makes Li Mo super resistant, and the blood loss will not be very fast.

And as Li Mo increased his life recovery.

In theory, if Li Mo's health regenerates fast enough.

It can even become a complete "blood recovery perpetual motion machine".

I haven't played as many as I have returned.

[Blood Source Pool] Li Mo is very satisfied with the treasure.

And the second treasure made Li Mo even more satisfied.

second treasure

It is not far from the blood source pool treasure "Blood Source Star Crystal".

These two treasures are basically companion treasures.

This kind of treasure is called [Surviving Injury Star Life Stone].

Features are also straightforward.

That is, when you are beaten, it will trigger a large amount of blood recovery.

Getting hit once can increase the Zhongshan effect by 50%.

Up to 10 layers can be stacked.

In other words, it can eventually increase Li Mo's basic blood recovery effect by 500%.

This works perfectly with "Bloodborne Star Crystal".

Li Mo has already planned to open up a mythical dungeon in the Star God City-State.

Build your own [Blood Source Pool].

A powerful meat shield knight, invincible blood recovery, is also essential.

Just when Li Mo was lying on Ge You's back on Hunyuan Taotie's back.

A figure suddenly appeared beside Li Mo.

It was Long Yin who came.

"Senior Longyin, your Flying Thunder God technique, which comes and goes without a trace like this, is quite scary.


Long Yin smiled lightly, ignoring this.

"I went to the Star God City-State. It's been more than a week and you're still walking here slowly."

"I need to walk so slowly for it to work!"

Li Mo said.

"The effect is already there."

When Long Yin said this, Li Mo became interested immediately.

"Tell me!"

"In our human world, there are a total of eight ethnic groups that have established permanent city-states."

"During this period of time, the news about you riding the Hunyuan Taotie BOSS has spread in the human world."

"Of course, we humans also deliberately promoted this news."

"Of the eight ethnic groups, four expressed their willingness to negotiate with us humans, including peaceful coexistence, living in dungeons, opening up guilds, doing business and so on.

"I'm afraid even if they are willing to open up, I'm afraid the four races don't have any good intentions!"

Li Mo said lightly.

"Of course there are conditions attached."

"Such as...you need to help them open up mythical dungeons!"

"Heh! Did you really use me as their tool?" Li Mo sneered.

"Once I helped them open up a mythical dungeon, they turned around and tore up the treaty. We can't justify it."

"Even if it is a contract with the witness of the gods, but our human race is weak, even if they are open, what good fruit can we have if we go to their world?"

The strong and weak groups are open to each other, and the weak groups will only be eaten to nothing.

"What do you think of the Human Parliament?"

"Open gradually!" Long Yin said very simply.

"We humans want to go out, this is an inevitable choice."

1.9 "There is no ethnic group that can grow stronger by closing the country. Even the Star God of the Broken Star Sea needs to build a city-state and absorb a large number of occupations if she wants to grow stronger."

By. "

"After all, even if there is a dungeon, it is impossible for Star God to solo, after all, it still needs a large number of professionals to play and contribute experience resources and income to her.

"Then let's forget about what these four groups did in our human world before?"

Li Mo asked.

Li Mo's words made Long Yin unable to answer.

"What do the strong men from our Holy City-state say?"

Then Li Mo asked again.

Human Federation, although it is called Human Federation.

But between each other, they also hold each other together, and stand on the top of the mountain.

As far as Li Mo knows.

There are a total of five alliance hills in the Human Federation.

Long Yin and the other seven thousand-level powerhouses, a total of eight thousand-level powerhouses, ruled nearly two hundred city-states.

for a group.

The other four groups are all about the same size.

"Our opinion is naturally!"

Long Yin narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Kill those alien races!"

As soon as he said that, Li Mo laughed.

What kind of nonsense peace agreement before, what kind of friendly cooperation, are all fucking nonsense.

Alien races beat humans into safety and killed humans everywhere in the wild.

Use the world boss to destroy human city-states.

Even, they want to capture the human world tree and conquer the human world into the garden king.

Treat humans as monsters.

Are you still thinking about having a peaceful negotiation with some other race?

This fucking is purely kneeling for a long time and can't stand up.

Don't have any illusions about those aliens.

To break their dog legs is to respect them.

Kill all their ethnic groups, and their ethnic groups will naturally be at peace with humans.

Peace with a hammer, what Li Mo wants is to kill them all!.

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