Quanmin: Knock Your Head Off! I'm A Funny Character

Chapter 118: Unlucky Occupy Jianglong [Please Customize! Ask For Flowers! Ask For An Evaluation Tick

The Spoon Killer just stayed firmly on Mothra's back.

Even if Mothra rushed to the ground, he landed directly on his back and crushed the Spoon Killer to death.

When flying again.

The black figure will appear on its back again.

It was as if he had clashed with the little bug on his back.

Mothra's attention has been completely attracted by the Spoon Killer.

It tortured his back frantically.

I just want to kill this annoying thing.

Seeing this, some courageous people also took the opportunity to launch long-range skills on Mothra.

Although these skills can't cause much damage to Mothra.

But it also changed the leaderboard.

Suddenly, there were only a few more people on the ranking list.

Mothra, who was attacked, didn't care about the skills of these people.

Its attention is still on "310" on the spoon killer on its back.

Li Luo couldn't be happier.

Unexpectedly, one day the Spoon Killer could still play the role of pulling hatred.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Li Luo released both Li Xiaozhong and Kuba.

The three kept attacking Mothra.

Snowballs, fireballs, crickets, all kinds of long-range attacks, all Li Luo could use were used.

In the end, he directly turned himself into a cannon with the ability of Lord Variety, and started to bombard Mothra indiscriminately.

Although the damage is not as high as the invincible cannon.

But it lasts longer!

After being tortured for fifteen minutes by the Spoon Killer.

Mothra seems to have finally given up.

He turned his attention away from the Spoon Killer.

That cold gaze began to scan the forest.

It's not like he couldn't feel the attacks of those skills before.

It's just that at that time, he only wanted to get rid of the bugs on his body.

After trying so many times, he finally understood that that thing can't be killed at all!

So his attention turned to other bugs.

People who are hiding in the forest and anti-skill release are having fun.

Seeing that Mothra was no longer competing with the shadow on his back, he yelled badly.

Quickly scattered and fled.

But Mothra will not let these people escape easily.

He spit out beams of light directly from his mouth, and sprayed wildly in a circle.

Everyone turned on their shields to resist this round of attacks.

Those with a higher level can still hold on.

But those people with lower ranks were swept away by this beam.

The life value instantly bottomed out.

For a time, howling filled the whole wilderness.


There was a shout.

At the same time, more than a dozen beams of light instantly cut towards Mothra's body.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Those dozen streamers of light continuously slashed at Mothra's body.

Big numbers of damage lit up on it.

At the same time, a figure stepping on a flying sword flew from a distance.

It was the drunk sword master Zhan Jianglong.

He is still the same sloppy look.

His long hair was felted.

There is a crumpled cigarette in his mouth.

There are a pair of slippers under the feet.

When he came to Mothra's side.

He took a sharp drag on his cigarette.

Then there's the Spoon Killer on Mothra's back.

"Cough cough cough!"

One couldn't hold back and coughed crazily.

He assumed that he knew who the summoned object belonged to.

Li Luo used this disgusting thing when he was a novice dungeon.

And when he was fighting the cultists in the black pine forest, he also released this thing.

This guy who hits people with a spoon is really disgusting!

Zhan Jianglong thought that if he encountered this thing, he would definitely drive himself crazy!

Watching Mothra pay no attention to the Spoon Killer on his back.

What kind of mental journey this boss has gone through has already appeared in Zhan Jianglong's mind.

He pinched the sword formula with his hand, and all the dozen or so rays of light flew behind him and suspended.

These rays of light turned out to be flying swords.

This is a new skill that Zhan Jianglong has learned after breaking through the level limit and changing jobs recently.

Including the flying sword under his feet.

Now his occupation is not drunk sword master.

But Drunken Sword Immortal.

Of course, if it weren't for his image being too sloppy.

This outfit is still very handsome on the body.

Li Luo watched enviously in the woods below.

Zhan Jianglong actually got the skill of flying sword!

This is just like cultivating immortals!

So handsome, okay?


Well, no comparison.

Mosra, who was attacked by Zhan Jianglong, also noticed this human flying in the sky.

It flapped its wings.

Numerous phosphorous powders shake off from above..

Zhan Jianglong quickly dodged backwards.

Although I don't know what effect those phosphorus powders have, it's better to avoid them.

But Mothra would not let him go so easily.

It flaps its wings vigorously.

Those phosphorus powders rushed towards Zhan Jianglong's direction.

"Fuck! Zhan Jianglong, you hurt me!"

Zhan Jianglong retreated in the direction where Li Luo was hiding.

Li Luo hid far away. He originally waited until he went further away to summon the invincible cannon and bombard him again.

Unexpectedly, Zhan Jianglong directly used Mothra's most disgusting skills.

Li Luo quickly took out a handkerchief from the package and covered his mouth and nose with water.

The hallucinogenic ability of this Mothra's phosphorus powder is very impressive.

At least that's how it is in the movie.

If you are really affected by this thing, then stop cooking!

Cover your mouth and nose.

While activating Sonic's ability, Li Luo put away Bowser, picked up Li Xiaozhong and quickly flew up using the Phantom Feather suit.

Turn on the supersonic speed directly, and the sound blast instantly disappears in place.

I'm a professional at running!

Using supersonics on flat ground may hit obstacles.

But it won't fly!

This is Li Luo's latest combined running technique!

This phosphor powder can not only cause hallucinations, but also emit the power of lightning.

Within the scope of phosphorous powder, that kind of lightning strike is very impressive.


In the process of going back to 1.0.

Li Luo heard a crackling sound.

In those phosphor powders, dense lightning flashes continuously.

Lightning illuminates the phosphor powder, and the phosphor powder reflects lightning.

Complement each other!

extremely scary!

Zhan Jianglong suddenly let out a cry of pain, and the flying sword under his feet suddenly became unstable.

While being struck by lightning, countless hallucinations appeared in front of his eyes.


Zhan Jianglong cursed, then took out a pill from the package and stuffed it into his mouth.

The illusion in front of him disappeared instantly.


Zhan Jianglong shouted, and the flying sword under his feet accelerated instantly, flying out of the range of the phosphorous powder.

But immediately he heard the whistling wind coming from behind his head.

Looking back, he found that Mosra's huge head had reached his back. .

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