Quanmin: Knock Your Head Off! I'm A Funny Character

Chapter 126 Invitation From The Patriarch Of The Ye Family Ask For Flowers! Ask For An Evaluation Ti

Li Luo put down his wine glass and followed the prestige.

Spotted a familiar figure.

"Linglong, it's you."

It was Linglong who came, and behind her was a middle-aged man.

Li Luo had never seen this weird girl since graduation.

Did not expect to meet here again.

"How will you be here?"

Li Luo asked curiously.

Linglong was not polite at all, and sat directly on the dining table.

The middle-aged man stood behind her and smiled at Li Luo.

"Don't mention it, I was prompted by the system to fight the world boss."

"But my father refused to let me, and finally let Uncle Hu take me out."

"I didn't expect that when I arrived here, the system would actually prompt that the World Boss has been killed."

"I don't know which vicious big boss is so ruthless that he won't let us little shrimps eat some scum."

The corner of Li Luo's mouth twitched.

Zhan Jianglong directly opened his mouth and laughed.

"Hahahaha, that wicked boss you mentioned is right in front of your eyes now!"

Linglong looked at Zhanjianglong in surprise.

"Ah! I remembered!"

"You're the one from Battle Spirit...what's the matter?"

"Jiu Mengzi... No, Zhan Jianglong!"

"Did you kill the world boss?"

Zhan Jianglong had a smug smile on his face.

"That's right, it's my...mate, brother Li Luo!"

Linglong's gaze turned to Li Luo, her face in disbelief.

"Is it the world boss you killed?"

"But aren't you talented?"


Linglong seems to have used insight skills to see Li Luo's current level.

"How did you reach level 46?"

"That's outrageous, too."

"By the way, in the previous video supporting Heishan City, that person was also you!"

"How did you do it?"

Facing Linglong's series of questions, Ji Luo felt a little overwhelmed.

Seeing that Linglong was still about to say something, he interrupted quickly.

He pouted.

"Actually, I am a god who came down to earth, and I was born with supernatural power.

Linglong looked at Li Luo suspiciously.

"I do not believe."

"You bastard, you have too many secrets.

Li Luo shrugged, noncommittal.

"Okay, eat and eat!"

"Waiter, remove these! Serve another table that is exactly the same!"

Linglong sat directly next to Li Luo and began to order.

The middle-aged man who was taken by Linglong (cici) to Uncle Hu also sat down, and his every move was very polite.

After Linglong's introduction, I found out.

This person turned out to be the housekeeper of the Ye family.

Regardless of his appearance in his forties, he is actually almost sixty years old.

A veritable old butler.

Li Luo sighed with emotion that there is still such a job as a housekeeper in this era.

This girl Linglong can drink surprisingly well.

At first Li Luo advised her not to drink.

But this girl obviously has a capacity for alcohol.

After a few glasses of wine, my face doesn't turn red.

"By the way, my old pavilion told me before that I still want to look for you.

Linglong chewed something in her mouth, and said vaguely.

Li Luo raised his eyebrows.

"Why is he looking for me?"

"I do not know either."

Linglong pouted.

"He never told me what he wanted to do, I heard him mention it when he was chatting with his second uncle.

"I forget what it is, but they mentioned your name and what they want to invite you to do."

Li Luo frowned.

Patriarch of the dignified Ye family, what am I, a small person, doing?

Several people chatted while eating and drinking.

After drinking and eating.

Linglong's phone rang.


"Well, I'm eating at the guild center."

"Li Luo is next to me."


After hanging up the phone, Linglong looked at Li Luo.

"It's my grandpa's birthday in three days."

"My dad invited you to my house."

"It seems that I guessed right, he definitely has something to look for you.

"But trust me, my dad didn't mean any harm. 11

Li Luo pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"Okay, then I'll go there then."

"Then it's settled, I'll go first."

Linglong stood up, Uncle Hu nodded slightly to the two of them, and led her away.

Zhan Jianglong blinked at Li Luo.

"This little girl seems to be interested in you."

Li Luo shook his head with a smile.

"Don't talk nonsense, what's the point, I'm just a classmate."

Zhan Jianglong took a sip of his wine, revealing an expressionless expression.

"I'm someone from here, this little girl absolutely likes you."

Li Luo angrily picked up the cigarette on the table and took one out of his mouth.

"Smoke your cigarette.

After eating, it was already past nine o'clock in the morning.

There is a shuttle bus at this time, and the two take the shuttle bus directly to return to Linjiang City.

After returning home, I found that my sister was not at home.

He let Bowser out for some air.

The evolution of Dadalia has not been completed, let it continue to stay in the pet space.

Talk to Bowser.

Li Luo came to the chair in the backyard to study the spoils this time.

He first replaced the Phantom Feather suit, and then directly equipped it with the Mothra suit.

Looking at the attribute value that has increased a lot, Li Luo nodded in satisfaction.

It's just that the appearance is a bit too awkward.

It feels inconvenient to wear armor all over.

"System, is there any way to change the shape of the equipment?"

"Just like the previous Phantom Feather suit, you can customize the shape."

[Need to pay 200 Happy Beans]

The system responded quickly.

Li Luo was immediately happy.

Looking at my current balance of more than 30,000 happy beans.

Change! Change now! I have money now!

Not bad Happy Beans!

After paying Happy Beans to the system.

Li Luo once again changed the shape of Mothra's suit into that of Sakata Gintoki.

"The clothes are still comfortable to wear."

The systematic change of equipment shape is not just an illusion.

Instead, it really changed the material of this piece of equipment.

However, although changing the material, it did not change any properties.

Li Luo moved his body.

Ready to experiment with the skills of the suit.

Active skill, phosphorus powder burst.

Li Luo came to the grove in the backyard to experiment.

After activating the skill, countless phosphorous powders were ejected from his body.

Then it exploded in an instant, and streaks of blue electric lights kept wandering in the phosphor powder.

The radius of the damage range is about ten meters.

This skill is not bad.

Then he put on Mothra Wings again, and a pair of huge bronze butterfly wings appeared on his back.

Wearing this thing, Li Luo felt like a big moth. .

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