Queen, Forced Marriage

Chapter 34: Forcing (2)

"This, this is really unexpected! Your father and I are about to hold grandchildren!" Fang's mother was not prepared at all, and she was a little incoherent when she spoke.

"Hahaha..." Father Fang was also happy and not from ear to ear, "Yi Ai, hurry up, sit down and rest, what kind of kitchen do you think you have!"

"It's okay, parents, it's not so obvious!" His parents replied, but they winked playfully at the Lin Zikui next to them in their free time, as if they meant to say, look! Your wife is smart!

"Lin Zikui! If Yi Ai is pregnant, you still let her cook!" As soon as the conversation turned, Dad Fang began to blame Lin Zikui again. The more he looked at this son-in-law, the more unpleasant he was, and he knew how to be considerate. You said how could he bear that she robbed his precious girl.

Our writer Lin really feels like crying without tears, Yi Ai! Your way is off track!

"Dad, why do you blame Zikui again, we are all the first time, no experience, don't always yell at her." Fearing that her father would ruin the plan she had finally thought of, he hurriedly guarded Lin Zikui to stop Dad Fang the behavior of.

"Well, you are the eldest now. Dad doesn't tell her. Don't be angry. If you have a fetal gas, it will be bad."

"Yeah, Yi Ai, Mom has more experience than you. When she was pregnant with you, her pregnancy reaction was particularly severe. You should prepare in advance and consult a doctor more."

"Know Mom..."

Seeing the family around Fang Yiai, Lin Zikui suddenly felt like she was riding a tiger, or she was playing with fire*.

The whole lunch was spent in the instructions of the two elders. It was nothing more than some precautions during pregnancy, and then reminded Lin Zikui to pay more attention to the other party, Yiai, and don’t hurt him or anything. Only Lin Zikui himself Knowing that my heart is changing from cloudy to sunny, from showers to torrential rains, I turned my head to look at my queen's unexpected and triumphant smile, gritted my teeth and stuffed a lot of vegetables into her bowl, "Come on, Yiai eat more. Raise our baby well."

"I see, thank you Zikui." The voice was really soft and sweet. Even the couple sitting across from each other couldn't help but nod their heads. These two little guys are really happy and sweet!

Not afraid of Lin Zikui's eyes, he also cast a wink while thanking Lin Zikui. In Lin Zikui's eyes, it is really annoying and annoying. Be careful to make the Wannian Boat right, but you must guard against it. The sidemen are the hardest to guard against!

A meal is the same as Lin's writer, but Fang Yiai's eyes are open with a smile.

During the lunch break, after Lin Zikui locked the door in Fang Yiai's room, he threw the beauty directly onto the bed and pressed her on her body, saying angrily: "Fang Yi loves you, dare to count me!"

However, Her Majesty didn't care about her face: "Husband, this is the way you agreed to, and now you blame me?"

"Then what do you do now? You actually did it on purpose, right? The abacus in your heart has been settled long ago?"

I didn't care about the expression of Lin's suffocation, raised his arm around his neck and pulled it down, leaning close to his thin lips: "Come on, don't hurt our baby!"

"You... you... are so mad at me, you just want a child, why do you use such a bad way?"

"Ha ha ha... Will you agree with me straightforwardly?"

In a word, Lin Zikui was shocked when she asked, yes, she said that she definitely disagrees, she is only 24 years old, she really thinks it is a bit early to have a child at such a young age. It is not that she has not planned her future life with Fang Yiai. She feels that at the age of 30, it is more appropriate to talk to Fang Yiai about having children. Moreover, Fang Yiai was only 34 years old at the time. In contemporary society, 34 years old The child is not too late.

Leaving Fang Yi'ai, turned over and sat on the side of the bed, looking a little unhappy.

Aware of her lover's melancholy at this time, Fang Yiai felt a little guilty. After she forced Lin Zikui to marry her, she immediately wanted a child, which made Lin Zikui more or less relieved. It's because she wants too much herself.

Sit up, put his arms around Lin Zikui's waist, and buried his head in the neck of Lin Zikui: "I know you are not happy, but I am already at the age of three. It's not too much to have a child! Don't you want to have it? A happy family of three."

"Yes, but I think more than the two-person world! I must become a child slave at such a young age."

"You have been a wife's slave for so many years. It's not bad to be a child slave? You can change your taste! How about you tell my parents that I have a miscarriage in a short time, try?"

Feeling that Fang Yiai's words are getting more and more ridiculous, she pretended to be vicious, "I didn't look at your dad? You just blamed me for not taking good care of you. If you have a miscarriage, you won't eat me up! Just think of it. This bad idea."

"Hahahaha...so you just accept your fate!" After finishing speaking, he proudly patted the little puffed face of writer Lin, trying to fight with your wife, and he was destined to lose horribly.

But is Lin Zikui the one who easily concedes defeat? As the saying goes, people think of ways.

"Okay, don't talk about this, don't you want to go shopping in the afternoon?"

Surprised by Lin Zikui's recovery so quickly, Fang Yiai opened the distance from writer Lin, squinted her eyes, and looked up and down suspiciously for a while. It is strange that with her so many years of understanding of the person in front of her, it shouldn't be the present. Reaction. According to the procedure, should writer Lin be frantic and angry? After thinking for a while, he nodded his head clearly, hum, he must be playing something in his heart.

"Yes, you promised to live well. Today you must be a waiter for my bags."

"Order! But let's take a quick lunch break, we will run out of time later..."

"Ah, no, only last night...well."

There is no way it seems that there is going to be another legend of the big bad wolf throwing down the little white rabbit, at noon!


The best way for a wife to torture her husband is to go shopping. As Lin Zikui's "torture" to herself during her lunch break today, Fang Yiai decided to go shopping.

Lin Zikui followed behind, carrying big bags of trophies, without dripping in all afternoon. She didn't even have a chance to sit, so she didn't understand why Her Majesty could spend an afternoon playing in the mall with such high heels. She is so boned, can she still have the strength to have a party at night?

"How about the seed sunflower!"


"What about this one?"


"You don't pay attention, you just say it's good without seeing it."

"······Can I die?"

Other husband and wife lives are firewood, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea. Why does Lin Zikui's husband and wife life are indeed full of gunpowder battlefields, one after another. The forced marriage has not yet passed, and the forced child strikes again, and the vast sea of ​​people is violently stormy.

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