Queen, Forced Marriage

Chapter 43: Pregnancy War (4)

"Little love here!"

In an airport in S City, Fang's parents, Fang's mother, and Lin Zikui's mother, waved their hands at the newlyweds who came out of the passage. They were happy from ear to ear, and their excitement was beyond words.

Although Lin Zikui and Fang Yiai arranged for someone to pick them up in advance, they never expected that several elderly people would also follow. Originally, the two people looked like Siamese dolls, holding hands, talking and laughing, so sweet. When I looked up, my whole body trembled.

"Dad! Mom!" Lin Zikui and Fang Yiai exclaimed at the same time.

Lin Zikui was the least calm of the two. He pulled Fang Yiai's sleeve tightly, gritted his teeth and whispered in her ear: "It's over! Come on time for the baby in your stomach, what should I do? "

"Calm down, don't you just show your stuff like this?" If you want to say how old you are, your maturity is different. In addition, Yi Ai has been in the mall for years, taking a deep breath and changing her expression from panic to panic. Calmly and relaxedly smirked at several elders in the distance, and didn't forget to wave his hands at the same time to give a response.

After all, writer Lin has always attended big occasions, and with Fang Yiai's support, he straightened his waist, coughed two unnaturally, and raised his neck again, and the feeling of going to death came out!

"Parents, why are you here?" I called three people with two words. When I called "Mom", his mouth was facing his mother, but his eyes were looking at Ma Lin, making Lin Zikui standing aside Can't help but give the queen a thumbs up silently, the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is easy to handle.

"Xiao Ai, Zikui, I'm back. Come on, let us see how it goes."

It was two people shouting, but the attention was on one person. Ma Lin was the first to speak to her daughter-in-law. As soon as her voice fell, she pulled Fang Yiai in front of them to the middle of the others, and started talking to me. The bombardment took turns completely forgetting the existence of another person.

"Xiao Ai, are there any discomforts in the past few days? Eat less or eat more?"

"Xiao Ai, are you tired from flying? Are you dizzy?"

"Xiao Ai, how is our baby grandson? You have to pay attention to your body and don't hurt your baby!"

"Hehehe, it's okay, Zikui takes care of me very well..." After a step, he stepped out of the "battlefield" and stood beside Lin Zikui, looked at each other with Writer Lin, and then grew in my heart. With a long breath, there are three women in one play. Although one of the women was replaced by her father, her skill is not small at all. The more you ask, the more flaws you have. Never deal with these old foxes anymore.

Holding Lin Zikui's hand tightly, motioned for some action.

Understand the instructions of Her Majesty the Queen, has she been following Fang Yi'ai for so many years without any good ideas?

"Um, Dad, Mom, Mom, let's get in the car first and talk as we go."

"Yes, yes, look at us, see the future good grandson and leave the others, Yiai will get in the car soon, it is quite cold outside, and I will catch a cold soon."

As soon as Dad Fang's voice fell, a few people stepped forward and surrounded Fang Yiai again. Dad Lin stepped forward and took the handbag in his daughter's hand. Walking out of the airport with Fang Yiai.

Lin Zikui now feels a black line, who can care about her existence, even if you ask her!

"Miss Lin, leave it to us."

The serious bodyguards in black may be out of professional ethics or sympathy. They stepped forward and signaled Lin Zikui to hand over the luggage in their hands. If it weren't for such a crowded place at the airport, Lin Zikui would really like to come. Tears filled my eyes, so touching!

In a car, five people sat down just right. Father Fang actually drove himself for his daughter and grandson. Mother Fang was sitting in the co-pilot, but her head kept tilting back, keeping her eyes on Fang Yiai all the way. Ma Lin and the young couple sat side by side in the back row, Fang Yiai sat in the middle, Ma Lin and Lin Zikui sat in the seats by the window.

"By the way, Mom and Dad, Yi Ai and I took a lot of photos abroad for you to see." With a flattering look on the ancestors at home, for fear that they would ask Yi Ai questions. I took out the camera I brought with me and started rummaging through the photos from the past few days.

"Well, go back and get them. These cameras and mobile phones will be kept away from Xiaoai in the future. Radiation is particularly bad for children."

Seeing someone pull out the camera, Lin Ma hurried over Fang Yiai, held her hand out, her eyes were disgusting, and her words of care gave Lin Zikui a major blow. Everyone knows that the disgust is for Lin Zikui, and the care is for Fang Yi's. The angry writer Lin stared at his mother in disbelief. Does this family mean to put her into the cold palace?

"That's right, Zikui, your mother reminded me and Lao Fang, and haven't considered this issue yet." Fang's mother suddenly realized, with a bit of self-blame and excitement in her expression.

Having been holding back a smile and watching the interaction of several people, Fang Yiai sympathized with the poor writer Lin in her heart, comfortingly hugged Lin Zikui's arms in her arms, and quietly turned her head to her ears and tried her best to lower her voice: " It's okay, I will go home later, my wife loves you, forbearance, forbearance."

"By the way, Xiaoai, Zikui said on the phone that your reaction during pregnancy was very serious, better..."


Lin Zikui really served Her Majesty the Queen. Before Fang's question was finished, she began to perform artificially, and she was shocked by the sudden retching next to her. Covering his mouth with one hand and his stomach with one hand, he also dubbed a little voice, "Fake the real"!

"What's wrong? This is, hurry up, Lao Fang stopped, and Zikui opened the window on your side. The car was too stuffy. I will call Dr. Wang now and ask her to come and have a look."

"Wang...Doctor Wang?!"

The situation was extremely urgent in the eyes of the old man. Fang's mother had bowed her head and took out her mobile phone, and pointed to the screen to find the phone number of "Doctor Wang" in her mouth.

"Yeah, the attending doctor my mother is looking for specifically for you, you must pay attention to it during pregnancy."

Mother Fang’s explanation made Lin Zikui clasp Fang Yiai’s hands pale, and Her Majesty the Queen was also annoyed by her clever behavior just now, so she shouldn’t interrupt what her mother said. Just now, her mother said about her pregnancy. Symptoms, for fear of revealing flaws, in a hurry, less thoughtful, began to direct and act retching nearby without giving Lin Zikui any hint.

With Fang's thoughtful explanation, Lin Zikui had the heart to hit the wall, and she squeezed her eyebrows at Fang Yi'i secretly, beckoning her to stop her mother from calling a doctor.

"Mom, I'm all right, no, no need to call a doctor."

"How can you do it, you are vomiting so badly, this is just the beginning, and it will become more serious when your belly grows later."

"Oh mother, I'm tired after a day on the plane, and I don't want to be tossing about it anymore." Fang Yiai couldn't think of any way in such a short time. She lost her square inch and lost her usual grace of the queen, so she took her mother in desperation. 'S mobile phone hung up the call that was still being dialed.

Fang Yiai, who has always handled things well, would do something like this. The people in the car were dumbfounded. To be precise, they were scared. Three elders, look at me and I will look at you.

Fang Yiai panicked too, it's over, it's all exposed! Looking at the mobile phone she had seized, and the writer Lin who was also in shock around her, the look in her eyes for help was obvious, but Lin Zikui's expression was afraid that she could save herself from the water and fire.

"Mom, dad, haha, you also know this, this pregnant woman has a weird temper, haha, Xiao Ai is also fluctuating abroad these days, hahahahahaha..." I underestimated her leap thinking as a writer, for To ease the atmosphere, Lin Zikui smirked and cleaned up Fang Yiai's mess, and the dry voice echoed in the small space. At the same time, she didn't forget to pass the mobile phone that Fang Yiai was holding and return it to Fang's mother.

"Oh, yes, yes, I have almost forgotten what it was like to be a pregnant woman for so many years. Mom was also a weird temper." There is no doubt about Lin Zikui’s explanation. This symptom is believed to be present in every pregnant woman. Mother Fang came back to her senses only with the reminder from her son-in-law, convinced of this reason.

"Yes, yes, when your mother was pregnant with you, I was exhausted from my father. Hey, 28 years later, you are all grown up and pregnant." After Lin Zikui's explanation, Father Fang felt deeply moved. The daughter she loved and cared for had formed her own family, and her eyes couldn't help but moist.

"It turned out to be like this. It shocked me." Ma Lin calmed down her uncomfortable feelings. She didn't doubt Lin Zikui's words. She also conceived in October. Although she was alone in taking care of herself, she still learn.

Consoling the hearts of the elders, a farce ended with the beating of two hearts. Fang Yiai felt that Lin Zikui was so handsome today, and she fell on her shoulders with a sigh of relief. It feels like someone is relying on it. good.


"Ouch! You scared me to death!"

Fang's father and mother came to pick them up. Naturally, they returned to the Fang family's house. As soon as they entered the house, Fang Yiai and Lin Zikui rushed into the sight of everyone under the pretext of going upstairs to rest, staying not far for a moment.

Considering Fang Yi's special situation, no one else said anything.

Back to Fang Yi'ai's boudoir and locked the door tightly, the embarrassed people hugged each other and poured into the large double bed.

"Me too, I almost exposed today. Fortunately, my lovely Zikui is smart enough," After finishing speaking, Her Majesty the Queen, who was wading side by side with Lin Zikui, turned over and threw herself into the arms of her lover, "I will continue to encourage you these days. what."

"It's not something you did, and I have to clean it up for you. What should I do now? According to my analysis, your parents won't let you go before you give birth to the dragon son safely. Maybe 24 Serving personally for hours!!"

Lin Zikui said like she thought. Today's posture is enough to show how urgent the situation is. She lifted her body slightly, and the two people looked at each other with low noses: "What should I do now, they surround me every day, how can I go to the hospital? Do artificial insemination?"

"The first priority is to stay steady, quickly, and search the Internet for early pregnancy symptoms."

"Let me take a look," it is urgent. At this time, Lin Zikui is sitting cross-legged on the bed, with a laptop on his lap, with two heads close together, reading the content displayed on the screen like an angry baby." There is no appetite, nausea, emotions, these three things you are acting, and...appearing in a month or so...tiredness and lethargy, this is good acting, and...and often hunger."

"Hunger?" The first one is easy, but how to play the latter one. Fang Yiai only knows about the things in the mall. I haven't really tried these. "Do you want to keep eating?"

For a beauty-loving **** who is vital to her figure, "eating and drinking" is undoubtedly a taboo and minefield in life! ! Absolutely.

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