Queen, Forced Marriage

Chapter 57: The queen is pregnant (9)

When sitting on a seat in the movie theater, when the huge screen in front of you lights up the picture, when all the lights are off, a strong and heavy dark atmosphere invades the forest seed sunflower, blocking the forest seed sunflower for a while. Her chest is stuffy and painful. When looking at the beautiful heroine who is suffocating everything, Lin Zikui's mind is full of her Majesty the Queen. This love her loves her and is willing to suffer from the pain of pregnancy, this love her loves her again without complaining. The woman willingly changed for her, thinking about her and thinking about her everywhere, but she deceived her. During this period of time, she lied one after another, which gradually made Lin Zikui start to worry and fear.

She knew that a lie was like a snowball, rolling bigger and bigger, and out of control, until it reached saturation one day, it would explode unpreparedly, breaking her, Fang Yiai and Qin Rulan to pieces.

Tears just flowed down in the dark without any precautions. Lin Zikui has been stronger than children of the same age since she was a child, so when she felt the warm liquid on her cheeks gave her a moist feeling, she subconsciously She was quite surprised that she actually shed tears when she touched her. When her fingers slid across her face, the wedding diamond ring on her ring finger was hot again and it hurt her.

Turning his head, to Qin Rulan, who was still watching with relish, said slightly husky and sorry: "I'm sorry, Rulan, I suddenly remembered that there is something else. I will give you the car key. You will drive my car back later."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly took out the car key from his pocket and wanted to hand it to Qin Rulan, but when he reached out his hand, Qin Rulan pulled it hard, with amazing force.

"I'm sorry, Rulan."

Qin Rulan looked particularly anxious and flustered. Are heaven and **** really just a difference in thinking? She didn't want to care about anything. She only knew that she didn't want to lose Lin Zikui at this time. She wanted to pretend that she was still sweet with her love, and she wanted to continue this daydream. The things I worry about these days have happened. Lin Zikui left her behind and decided to return to the woman, but she inadvertently felt it, Lin Zikui’s finger that resembled a ring-shaped metal object. , With the faint light in the darkness, she wanted to open Lin Zikui's palm and take a good look at what it was, but she was shattered all hope by the person in front of her in an instant.

"She is Fang Yiai, the president of the Fang Group. We have been together for five years. When you first called me, we were getting married in the UK, and she had been pregnant for me for two months."

These words were like a muffled thunder that scorched Qin Rulan's heartache. She heard it truthfully, but felt that the voice was too ethereal, and she felt that she was not awake at all.

Lin Zikui's voice was not loud in this dark room, but the words and words seemed to be like a sharp sword that pierced Qin Rulan's eardrums and inserted the internal organs, destroying her world.

Her huge eyes instantly clouded a layer of mist, she looked at Lin Zikui hopefully, she wanted to see in her eyes if she lied to her: "I don't believe it!"

"Sorry, Rulan, we have already missed it!"

Not an inquiry, not a statement, Lin Zikui was just declaring a fact to her, declaring a fact that she didn't want to think about or face. Lin Zikui really does not have her in her heart, and the world of love has long been replaced by others. She is so unwilling, but so powerless, so weak that she can only silently feel Lin Zikui's hand in her own hand. Gradually pulled away, until the temperature of the fingertips disappeared, and the tears in her eyes blurred her vision, just let Lin Zikui turn around and leave, leaving her with no nostalgia for her back. This is for her. Punishment, punish her for not cherishing Lin Zikui back then.

But she thinks God still cares about her, because she can let her tears fall in this dark room, cry presumptuously, and continue to stare at the movie screen in front of her stubbornly. She will continue to watch the movie. , Continue to dream of her, hoping to never wake up again.

Lin Zikui was also uncomfortable in her heart. Love was inherently unfair. She did love Qin Rulan, but that has already passed. She knew that she could only choose one between Fang Yiai and Qin Rulan and would definitely hurt the other. And this person is destined to be Qin Rulan, and I don't know where to start with thousands of sorry. She doesn't want to be so decisive, but she can't think of a better way.

When I came out of the movie theater, the weather was very good, there was no cloud, and the sun’s rays were not covered at all. For a moment, Lin Zikui couldn’t open my eyes. I raised my right hand over my head to cover it like a conditioned reflex, in a daze. The dazzling light exuded by the perfectly cut diamond is so dazzling at this moment, but it also has the warmth of the sun, shining into Lin Zikui's heart, dispelling the haze from the bottom of her heart, she misses her Majesty. The big boss, the big CEO who can only behave to her.

Thinking about this, he hurried to the street and hired a taxi to rush to the hospital.

When Lin Zikui was in the hospital like a headless fly, he didn't even want to call Her Majesty the Queen. After all, giving a little surprise is a romantic feeling.

But luck was good. When I rushed to the third floor, I saw Fang Yiai coming out of a certain room. Fang’s mother was accompanied by her. She was talking about something at the door with the doctor who came out. She looked serious and didn’t notice at all. People are leaning against the wall, approaching little by little.

"Mom! Little Ai!"

"Seed sunflower!"

As soon as the mother and daughter turned their heads, they saw Writer Lin grinning, showing the standard eight teeth, a triumphant look, and a little surprise for a while.

"Why are you here? Isn't there something to be busy?" Fang Yiai was naturally happy to see Lin Zikui beside her, but she had to ask politely if she was not!

"Surprise!" When Mom Fang and the doctor finished talking, she stepped between them, put her arms around Fang's mother and Fang Yi'ai with the other, and continued to explain: "I am wrong when you come for the checkup and I will not accompany you. So I still came over to express my apologies, and see if I can get forgiveness from the child's mother and her grandmother?"

"Ha ha ha..." An old Fang's mother hasn't heard any sweet words for many years. Even if her son-in-law said this to her daughter, she felt a little embarrassed, and she couldn't help but sigh young in her heart. Good.

"Huh, forgive me if I say forgive. This is too easy to talk about. Even if I forgive you, my baby won't be." With a proud face, Fang Yiai wrinkled her nose and wrinkled her nose at someone weirdly. Glancing at Lin Zikui.

But who is Lin Zikui, how could this beauty be fascinated by her majesty's little trick? Confidently raised the corners of his mouth, raised his eyebrows and took out three roses from his arms. They were bought at the flower shop halfway through the car just now, and the guardian was Her Majesty.

Turning his head slightly, first handed one to Fang's mother: "This is for my dear mother-in-law, I hope you will accept it." After speaking, she turned around and gave the other two in her hands to the beauty, "What about the rest? One is for my beloved Queen Queen, and the other is for my little Jinmo. I hope she will not be angry with me."

The explanation was also explained, and the flowers were also sent. I blinked playfully at my wife, and instantly amused the beauty. Seeing Lin Zikui like this, Fang Yi loved so much and was helpless at the same time. It was a failure. Give it to this person.

"You come here after I have checked it all!"

"Ah, it's over, are there any photos? Show me what my baby looks like?"

The first half of the sentence was like a discouraged ball, and the tone of the second half of the sentence changed quickly, and it seemed to be as high as hope. I really can't sigh that Writer Lin's jumping thinking is quite powerful.

"No, that's it." Fang Yi'i said as she passed the medical checklist in her hand to Lin Zikui, waiting for the person's response.

I saw our great writer, who has always been savvy and capable, took the list to the window and kept changing the angle, wishing to stick the piece of paper on his face, and finally narrowed his eyes into a seam, and then said leisurely: "Where is this? Which is the arm and which is the leg?"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yi'ai and Fang Ma almost laughed, and they couldn't think of how stupid Lin Zikui would be.

Fang's mother kept happily behind, and some blame patted her daughter on the shoulder, which showed that her daughter was arranging her son-in-law, and walked to Lin Zikui's side, pointing to the picture and said: "Here's A small shadow is that if you want to see the hands and feet, it will take three months and four months before the belly will protrude, and the hands and feet will grow out. Hehe, you have no experience when you are young."

"Oh--" After a long tone, Lin Zikui looked very useful. She really lived to learn too much. Looking back at Fang Yiai’s smiling eyes, it became clear in an instant. Okay, I dared to punish her, selfishly thinking about waiting for her to go back and then teach her a lesson.

After finishing everything in the hospital, taking a short rest and adding the bodyguards, the group of people went to the parking lot and decided to go back to the house. Just when Lin Zikui was about to get on the bus, Fang Yiai remembered one thing. What happened: "Zaikui, where's your car?"

"Ah?! Oh, that, my friend didn't drive, so I was embarrassed to leave her alone, so I lent her the car."

"Didn't I say that I can borrow everything or I can't lend a car to others"

Hearing Lin Zikui’s answer, Fang Yiai couldn’t help being a little angry. Lin Zikui had done this before, and she also told her not to be so rigid and not listen. If someone else drives something, the owner must be sure It is unclear.

"I understand, I understand, the old saying goes,'Wife can borrow, or car can't be borrowed'!"

"What are you talking about!" You can borrow any old sayings, and you can borrow it when you hear your wife. Her Majesty’s fire came out again, and she flew past Lin Zikui with a glance, and the questioning increased by several decibels. The less pleasing someone is.

I wanted to say something comforting, coaxing people, but today my brain is a bit dull, and my speech is quick for a while, but my brain, hug Her Majesty into the car and sit in the car. I am sorry to reiterate: "I'm sorry, you said the wrong thing. Yes, you also know that I didn't mean it, I promise that there will be no next time!"

"I'll tell you when I go home!" After all, I'm outside, so I still have to save some face for someone.

"Okay, you can say anything, don't move your fetus, it's not good for your baby."

"...You really came to coax me to be a mother for your baby!!!"

"Where is it?"

"The look in your eyes has betrayed your heart!!!"


What is speechlessness? This is the real speechlessness. Lin Zikui has slowly begun to understand. The temper of pregnant women and the thinking of pregnant women are enough to destroy the world.

And Fang Ma, who was sitting in the car, watched the young couple's bickering, unable to intervene, so she had no choice but to stealthily.

The author has something to say: The author had a bad toothache last night. I went to the dentist this morning and said it was pulpitis and needed pulp extraction.

When I came home and read the comments, everyone criticized the writer Lin so badly, and gave the author the first impression that --- really cool!

In the next chapter, writer Lin will tell the truth to Her Majesty the Queen, so don’t worry, don’t be angry! If you move your fetus, it will be bad!

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