Queen, Forced Marriage

Chapter 70: The queen is pregnant (22)

Qin Rulan saw Ji Guokang sitting on the sofa peacefully and confidently, with a smile in her eyes, as if everything was under his control. After working hard outside for so many years, there have been too many big bosses, old foxes, and Qin Rulan knows that Ji Guokang is by no means a fool to be fooled. No longer expecting this guest to take the initiative to leave, leaving a heart and eyes that did not close the door of his own home, such an obvious move was naturally seen by Ji Guokang, and the corners of his mouth were arbitrarily conjured, just as a child's trick.

After hesitating for a while, Qin Rulan took the initiative to walk over, sat on the sofa opposite Ji Guokang, and tentatively said: "You have found the wrong person. I have not met with Zikui for five years. What happened to her in the past five years. I don’t know very well, you know that such a long time can change a lot of things."

"Oh? Really?" Without saying much, the antique wall clock on the wall was reminding the passage of time every minute and every second. The quietness in the room made Qin Rulan so guilty that he didn't dare to breathe. Waiting for the sentence of the man in front of him, "Then what are these?"

Raising his hand to signal the bodyguard behind him to give him something, a stack of photos fell firmly in his hand, and then very gentlemanly placed in front of Qin Rulan, lined up one by one on the glass coffee table, not hurriedly or slowly, neatly. Looking at these photos, Qin Rulan’s first reaction was shock, the second reaction was anger, and the third reaction was fear. On the table were all the photos of her meeting with Lin Zikui. She looked for Lin Zikui several times, and several times. The photo, even more exaggerated, is that Fang Yi fell in love with the photo where she found her last time. This man is really a wolf in sheep's clothing.

Tighten the corners of his skirt, tolerate his anger, "What do you want?"

"I just want to know what is the relationship between my baby girl and this way group. Of course, like you, I must have pictures of them together, but their relationship... doesn't seem to be simple."

There were three-point inquiries between the words and even seven-point guesses. Ji Guokang only had an answer in his own heart, but this answer was unimaginable for people of his age. After all, it was mundane.

"Uncle, I have only been back to China for a few months. I did meet with Zikui several times, and Fang Yiai also met, but these are all meetings between friends, and the two of them are also good friends, Miss Fang Yiai It is of great help to Zikui’s career. I think people like you, uncle, who are capable should know this. They are the relationship between the boss and the employees, but also friends and confidants. It’s nothing if there are a few good girlfriends between girls. of."

Qin Rulan tried hard to control her emotions and didn't want to show her feet. In today's situation, she knows that she can't show her feet anyway, and she can't say one more word.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha..." Ji Guokang didn't refute Qin Rulan's words any more, and shook his head while smiling, but his eyes flashed strangely, "Ha ha ha ha..."

He is a refined person, how could he be deceived by the words of the little girl in front of him? The blatant nonsense, the flaws were laid out, and when I was about to ask questions, I was disturbed by the phone in my pocket, frowned and took out a little annoyedly, but in a moment he changed into a happy smile on his face. I couldn't help but rejoice, but I was a little bit worried.

"Hello? Seed sunflower... noon? Free time... invite me to dinner, okay okay, hahaha...Where are you, uncle will come to pick you up...that's OK, we will meet in the hotel later... …Well, goodbye."

When he hung up the phone, Ji Guokang appeared a little anxious and stood up awkwardly. The good mood at this moment has made him forget the unhappiness in his heart. After saying goodbye to Qin Rulan, he hurriedly left with his bodyguard.

It was strange and shocked to leave Qin Rulan, Lin Zikui knew him! From the content of the call, the relationship between the two is very good. Just now I heard Ji Guokang yelling "Zikui" intimately, with the excitement of a child getting candy on his face, Qin Rulan knew that this man was indeed Lin Zikui's. His biological father was not fake, but Ji Guokang called himself "uncle" on the phone, indicating that Lin Zikui did not know his true identity, and couldn't help feeling that the problem was serious. Judging from Ji Guokang's performance just now, he would not be able to accept Lin Zikui's liking. With regard to the girl, how could she help Lin Zikui? She stood up anxiously and paced back and forth in the room, until now she only thought of one person---Fang Yiai!

———————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————

"Husband, is the vegetable salad ready? The baby is hungry!"

"Immediately, my aunt, you are obviously hungry, so I have to talk about the baby."

The tragic writer Lin, because of Her Majesty’s bigger and bigger belly, and the increasingly strange temper that followed, she changed the law every day to torture writer Lin, using Her Majesty’s rhetoric to explain it, that’s her. Pregnant women are physically and psychologically uncomfortable. As a husband and wife, Lin Zikui must share the joys and sorrows with her, so she must be tortured mentally.

Writer Lin panicked in the kitchen. At the request of the queen, he finally smashed a bowl of vegetable salad. At home, he only wore a beige round-neck sweater. His long hair was simply scattered on his shoulders, and the most important thing was his neck. There is also a floral apron hanging on it, which has the temperament of a housewife. Suckling his slippers and carrying his own results, holding them to her Majesty the Queen, inviting credit!

"Let’s see how it’s the first time you make it. There are more salads at your request." She was humble, but Fang Yi liked to understand and showed her proudly, but Lin Zikui is really good at cooking. For example, Yi Ai is talented. Take the vegetable salad in front of her for example. The color is bright and gorgeous, and she has an appetite to look at.

"It looks pretty good. Come here and give you a kiss first. If it doesn't taste good, then you will give it back to me." How can I hear the writer Lin taking advantage, but Her Majesty doesn’t mind, the amnesty is here, "Okay," Let you go to work, come on, huh~"

"I'm going to have dinner with one of my friends later, do you want to go together?"

"Friends?" Fang Yi'ai said with a high concentration of attention, squinted her eyes like a prisoner, and asked in a cold voice, "male and female?"


"How old?"

"Middle-aged, about the same as your parents!"

Putting on an upright posture of frankness, lenient resistance and strictness, a face of justice and truthful answer, as soon as the voice fell, I saw Her Majesty’s face that turned faster than a book, from sunny to cloudy and then from cloudy to sunny, in just a few seconds, But for such a big change, I really have to applaud and applaud as a reward!

"Then I won't go anymore. You don't have a common language with those old school uncles and aunts. Only people who are getting older in their hearts like you like to stay with them."

It is strange to say that it may be that Lin Zikui is a writer, and he is quite mature in his heart. In his circle of friends, young people and middle-aged and old people stand at half the time. Her Majesty the Queen likes to spit out forest seed sunflowers before they grow old.

Rewarded by Fang Yiaiai, Lin Zikui's heart bubbling sweetly, regardless of Fang Yiai's dissatisfaction with her, holding her lover crooked for a long time before returning to the study.

Until Lin Zikui's figure disappeared around the corner, Fang Yiai didn't bother to look away. Who said that this marriage is the tomb of love is not right at all. Let's see if she and Lin Zikui are the best models like glue. Obviously sweeter than in love.

The phone on the sofa made a buzzing vibration, which called Her Majesty the Queen back to her trance. After taking the phone, she wrinkled her brows. This is Qin Rulan's phone number. How can she call herself? Could it be that she gave her a challenge book?

"Hello?" Answered the phone, her voice didn't have any warmth, after all, she really didn't have a good impression of her love rival.

Qin Rulan's mentality is the same. If it weren't for Lin Zikui, she would naturally not pull her face down and take the initiative to call Fang Yiai. Without any polite greetings, Qin Rulan directly opened the door and saw, "Do you know Lin Zikui's father?"

As soon as these words came out, Fang Yibai didn't react for a long time, so Qin Rulan called her for no reason. Why would she be so incomprehensible as soon as she spoke? However, I just remembered that Fang's mother had told her about Lin Zikui's father before she got married, and she had a bad premonition. She squeezed the phone in her hand and her eyes drifted towards the study, fearing it might be. When Lin Zikui heard it, she got up quietly and hid in the kitchen. Then she asked nervously, "What... do you want to say to me?"

"His father suddenly appeared today and came to me and asked me about your relationship with Zikui. He didn't seem to be very kind."

In this case, it was undoubtedly that the alarm bell in Fang Yiai's heart went off, her eyes were very panicked, and she hurriedly asked again: "Did you say it?"

"No, it's about Zikui, I didn't say anything. Instead, Zikui called his father midway and said that he would invite dinner at noon. It seemed that his father was very happy, so he took someone away without saying anything?"

"Invite him to dinner." The news really made Fang Yiai hard to digest. It turned out that Lin Zikui was going to meet Ji Guokang at noon today. So Lin Zikui and that Ji Guokang were very close, and he blamed herself for a while. She has too little relationship with Lin Zikui's circle of friends. This is her negligence, "You mean, Zikui knows the facts?"

But when Lin Zikui asked her to go together at noon, there was no extra emotion? There is no ups and downs in her expression, except that Ji Guokang is her friend! Too unpredictable!

"No, Zikui shouldn't know it, because when his father answered the phone with Zikui, he still called himself uncle."

uncle! It must be that Ji Guokang took the initiative to approach Lin Zikui. Lin's mother's concern is correct. Ji Guokang really wants Lin Zikui to recognize his ancestors and return to his ancestors. Then this is like blockbuster news if Lin Zikui is really known. Now, Fang Yiai couldn't imagine Lin Zikui's reaction. She knew how much Lin Zikui missed and loved his father and hated the person who abandoned her back then.

After getting the answer she wanted, worried that Lin Zikui would suddenly appear, Fang Yiai didn't dared to talk to Qin Rulanduo, so she hung up the phone. She looked restless, folded her hands on her chest, and kept tapping her mobile phone. Holding her chin and frowning, she found it difficult to handle this matter. Should she tell Mama Lin and ask her to go out and persuade Ji Guokang to be effective.

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