"What do you desire?"

Kohra opened her eyes. She was suspended in space and a sense of powerlessness washed over her. The stars shone brightly down on her but anywhere else was dark.

"What do you desire?" she heard again. She tightened her fist and released it. Her hands hung by her side like useless appendages. It was then she was reminded of how weak she was.

"To protect and to eliminate. To love, to forgive, and to exist in peace. This is what I desire"

"At what cost should your desires be fulfilled?"

"At any cost"

"Your soul or the soul of the one you love the most?"

"My soul"

The barrier surrounding Kohra broke and she emerged. Her neck, her upper torso, and her left leg were fully submerged in chaos magix. Her eyes were whirlpools of black and her hair defied gravity. Her clothes melted off and her magix covered her private parts.

"Muni" she said, her voice empty of emotions.

"Kohra" Muni's voice however, was filled with rage.

"Has she ascended?" Sephira asked Anak who was standing beside Atu. All of them had retreated to the Altar when Kohra came out, leaving Lesker as the only one standing in the open. In front of him was Burmi.

"She has not fully ascended. I suspect, like Lesker, she would become a deity. However, if she is killed now, her soul will shatter, erasing her existence"

"Why exactly did she go through this ritual? Isn't there an easier way?"

"The easiest way to ascend to godhood is by having a divine spark. Other than that, there are two main rituals, one which involves the heart if the one you love the most and the other, the blood of one you love the most. Although the latter sounds easy, it takes you straight to the Grey, where you are judged by the Cosmos. If you want to obtain that which you desire, you would have to sacrifice either your soul or the soul of the person you love the most. It is obvious which one Kohra choose or Sephira should be dead by now"

"Kohra loves Sephira the most? Wow, I thought it was Lesker" Jeir commented.

"Sephira is her beloved sister"


"Kohra..." Lesker said with longing in his voice. Her eyes flitted to him for a brief second but it was back on Muni. He didn't mind though. As long as she recognized him, he was fine.

"I work thousands of years to become a deity but by a stroke of luck, you two become deities? I will not take this!!!!!"

"Come at me then. This has waited for far too long"

Muni charged at Kohra with a thin but powerful sword. It was the legendary blade she used in conquering the continent on her murder spree.

Kohra's arms turned into black swords and she went ahead to meet Muni's strike. The two continued to cross swords in the air, damaging the temple even further.

Below them, Lesker begins his battle with Burmi. All the abilities he used, were the ones he had seen before. He replicated Atu's barriers, Kitari's enhancement, Sephira's black magix spell, and Eline's half transformation. They were all stronger when he used it compared to the real owners.

Burmi wasn't a combat type god but his defense was outstanding. Lesker had to slowly wither down his defense before he could kill him.

Anak held the other gods off with Britta's help. He finally went on full dragon transformation, turning into a colossal sized black dragon. Britta herself transformed into a dragon but she was much smaller than Anak. However, compared to the other humans, she was massive. The couple was an unstoppable team, blocking at attacking with great power even after they had been fighting just moments ago.

Muni was attacking with reckless abandon and rage but her strength was undeniable. There was a reason she was the leader of the gods. Her techniques and strength were flawless, giving Kohra no small amount of pressure. Her arms hurt blocking every strike from Muni and her attacks weren't putting a scratch on her. She decided to fight a long-range fight.

Kicking at Muni's head when she got the chance, she stunned her and was able to portal away from there. She flew into the sky and prepared her attack; black star. The one she was preparing was three times more powerful than the initial one, powerful enough to kill a god. She powered the attack and locked it on Muni. She fired.

A searing heat followed by pitch-black darkness hit the temple. Anak protected all of them, including the army outside the temple, with his wing and the remaining gods fled. The temple crumbled and dust rose in the air. Kohra stood in the air, continuing with her ascension. She wasted no second the moment she got a break.

The dust cleared and the base the black star hit was revealed. A huge golden blue shield was raised over Muni's body, protecting her from the attack. The shield was cracked in the middle but still intact. Muni's eyes flashed with unusual calmness and her body flashed with a blue light. When the light subsided, she was dressed in blue armor, complete with her sword and shield.

Kohra opened her eyes. Black dots appeared around the surroundings, multiplying rapidly.

"Anak, evacuate everyone within a five-kilometer radius. I'm going to finish this fight in one attack"

"Okay. Survive"

"I plan to"

The attack she was preparing was called shadow rain. It was the most devastating attack she had in her arsenal. The problem with the attack was that it was indiscriminate and had a large range of effects. If multiplied, it could wipe the whole Quitri continent off the map. Kohra had to delay the attack until the evacuation was complete. She also had to use bits of chaos magic to ward off Muni's attacks.

"Well, If you're planning to finish this farce of a fight with one attack, then I'll be glad to reciprocate. I hope you can receive this attack of mine, I'll be terribly disappointed if you can't. It's called the Lance of Righteousness" Muni says and begins charging up her spell.

A stream of information flowed through Lesker's head, making his eye widen. He connected his thoughts to Kohra's telepathic frequency left open by Anak.

"Don't let that spell hit. Destroy it before it does"


"That lance carries the full power of a goddess on par with that of a newly ascended deity. It is so powerful, it could fatally injure Anak if he's not careful. You mustn't let it hit"


Anak was able to clear the area right before the two spells collided. Kohra's shadow rain was a collection of chaos particles filling the air. Once they fully collected, they would launch at the target and destroy everything in their path. The golden blue lance encased in a blue hue in Muni's hand had similar characteristics. The lance was able to tear through space and ultimately chaos magic, meaning it was going to be hard to block it with her magix.

The explosion hit, wracking the whole continent with tremors. Muni remained standing after the explosion while Kohra, well, she lay on the floor severely injured. The lance was stronger than she expected. Muni lowered her sword to the ground and dragged it behind her as she walked towards Kohra.

"You have something that I want Kohra. A cosmic spark. Give it to me"

She raised her sword and was prepared to drive it through Kohra's heart, for the second time.

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