Zhuo Xi asked, "Xiao soul is waiting for the palace in Xici room. Go and tell her that the palace will accompany Wang Shang to take a walk in the garden after lunch. Let her go back first. When you are on duty in the afternoon, go to Ning'an palace again. "

Zi Ran's face was happy, "promise."

When he went out, the five rivers also came in with a happy face, "Your Majesty, the queen, the lunch has been arranged, but you want to move to the East Second room?"

Zhuo Xi made a quick decision, "go to dinner first, and these memorials will let them sleep for another two days. Two days later, they have a good place to go! "

Jing Yuan was also elated. He stood up and stretched. His anxiety and haze since he was in the top position were swept away. "Madam, please --" after that, he felt wrong again and made a gesture again, "no, Queen, please --"

She smiled like a flower and walked out with her head held high.

When eating, he said, "I haven't seen my mother for several days. How is she lately?"

Zhuo Xi said with a smile, "it's good. No matter how busy you are, you should also remember to come out from time to time to relax. State affairs are important, and the dragon body is even more important. "

He said with a smile, "if the cabinet is established in the future, I will have time for activities and often go to see my mother."

She thought for a moment and asked, "Mr. Wang, why don't you keep Zi ran around and be a close secretary? Just like Xiao Hun around me, make a schedule of the people and things you want to see and deal with every day, so as not to have endless things and no fixed time to move your muscles and bones... "

"I mentioned it to Zi Ran, but he hesitated. I didn't have a good candidate for the moment, so I delayed..."

"Why did he hesitate?"

"Maybe this is a new career. He's afraid of no grade..."

Zhuo Xi smiled, "Xiao soul didn't consider the grade at all. If this is a problem, you might as well add several cabinet posts when you set up the cabinet, which are specially used to arrange the schedule, prepare the manuscript and write the report for you, prioritize the affairs, how to report the urgent affairs and how to deal with the non urgent affairs, all of which will be presented in a chapter... "

Jing Yuan nodded as he listened. His face was full of joy.

After lunch, Zhuo Xi took him to the imperial garden, enjoying the flowers and taking a walk

Jing Yuan took a deep breath, took hold of the beauty around him, and sighed, "old naive is caring for me. She sent a transparent person like the queen to help me govern the country..."

Zhuo Xi looked at the palace maid eunuch who followed him. She couldn't be too proud. She had to quietly pinch the meat under his armpit and said, "if the king thanks me, it's better to find a good husband for my mother's sisters!"

He became interested. "Xi'er rarely asks me to do something. Tell me, which family's son do you like?"

Zhuo Xi had to say, "they didn't come to Shane until this afternoon. Mother has always been worried about jiao'er's marriage. I'm afraid she has an idea... "

"You mean..."

"I heard that my mother sent someone to Huayang palace to inquire about Hua'er a few days ago..."

As soon as Jing Yuan heard this, he looked sarcastic, "give her some color, but she opened the dyeing room!" Originally, the Wu family was just a small official with five lives. If it weren't for Xi'er's relationship, how could they have a chance to set foot in the circle of honor and honor?

Her relationship with the Wu family is clear to Jing Yuan, and he doesn't blame him for looking down on the Wu family.

She also communicated with him first, "I don't know what they think. My Lord, doesn't Hua'er have a favorite?"

Jing Yuan's face was cold. "Even if there is, can he think of it?"

Which woman can't even think of the three princes?

When she saw that he was not worried, she didn't ask, but said, "if your mother mentioned the marriage of your two sisters, do you have a suitable person in your heart, king?"

Rather than let them find out, it's better to start first. If the king can marry them, it's a kind of dignity.

However, her relationship with the Wu family may end there, and there will be no public kindness thereafter.

Jing Yuan thought seriously, "Mrs. Chang'an and Mrs. yuan Yangbo were stimulated before. After returning to the house, they both fell ill. In the final analysis, it is a private matter within the royal family. I have always wanted to compensate the two families. It happened that the wife of the eldest son of Chang'an had just died, and it was understandable that she continued to play in her warm filial piety; Yuanyangbo's second son is not yet weak and has no engagement. If these two families can become friends with the Queen's mother's family, Mrs. Chang'an and Mrs. yuan Yangbo can rest assured. "

Zhuo Xi thought carefully, but it was really. The two were former Prince Dan. They were surrounded by the Royal Palace at night and suffered from the fish pond that day. It is said that they were ill for two months and could not get out of bed. I'm afraid they were afraid of killing the royal family. Why don't you worry about breaking such a secret? But for this, Jing Yuan couldn't appease. This method is really good. Then she said, "it was really my concubine's negligence. Two days later, my concubine invited them into the palace to talk. "

Jing Yuan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

"By the way, Ziran and Xiao soul, what's the matter with them?" Speaking of the young man's marriage, Zhuo Xi always wanted to gossip.

"What else can they do? Since they jointly carried out the task in Wulin mountain, Zi Ran was haunted. When he returned to the palace, he often wandered in front of the widows. Once he deliberately dropped a hairpin... "

Zhuo Xi chuckled, "can't you see that Zi Ran still has the courage to play in front of you?"

"So I deliberately ignored it, pretended not to understand it, and looked at the day when he begged in front of me, and I would laugh at him again."

Zhuo Xi said happily, "my Lord, Zi Ran is still a child. How can you tell him?"

"Oh, this hasn't become the husband of Xiao soul in your family. You, the master, began to feel distressed?"

"In the eyes of our palace, he is our son-in-law. If you bully him, you should weigh it carefully..."

"Hey, hey..."

They laughed together.

Jing Yuan took her in his arms and whispered in her ear, "is it almost enough to eat? Let's go to the bedroom and have a lunch break... "

Zhuo Xi immediately Hongxia soared, "my Lord, they are all watching behind..."

"Who dares to look?"

Zhuo Xi turned to take a look. Sure enough, he saw Wuhe with several palace maids and eunuchs thinking about it behind the wall.

She coughed and asked loudly, "Inspector Wuhe, what time is it now?"

Wuhe quickly turned around, "just after noon."

She nodded. "Let's serve the king and go back to the bedroom to have a rest."

Five rivers immediately came over and bent down to lead them back to the bedroom hall. On the way, he whispered a few words to the little maid in waiting. The little maidservant saluted and ran away quickly.

Zhuo Xi looked interesting and didn't want to know what they did.

When we arrived at the bedroom hall, some palace maids had already held washing things and waited aside. Zhuo Xi served Jing Yuan and simply cleaned her face, so she let them all go down.

Jingyuan lay on the bed and Zhuo Xi tucked him in. "Jingyuan, you have a rest. I'll go back to Ning'an Palace first."

Jing Yuan grabbed her hand and went to the couch. "Madam, I haven't heard you call me Jing Yuan for a long time. You sleep with me. "

Zhuo Xi helped the crooked hairpin on her head, "look at my pearly head. I can't comb it if it's messed up!"

He turned over with a smile and pressed her under his body, "I'll comb it for you!" He said and kissed her on the lips.

She cried with a smile and scolded, "no, it's only a quarter of an hour. I have to go back to Ning'an palace. Cousin Luo Yuan will come in the afternoon!"

"Then let her wait, or make another appointment!"

"How can this work! I can't break my appointment for everything, or where will the prestige be in the future? "

Jing Yuan stopped and had to hold her. "Then stay with me for a while!"

Zhuo Xi thought and nodded.

Soon his steady breathing sounded.

She sighed, and a pain welled up in her heart. Since he took office, he went back to Ning'an palace to rest at midnight every day. He had to get up and go to court before dawn. He was really tired like a dog... He finally knew the crux today... I hope he won't be so busy in the future

Just before the time, Zhuo xikan arrived at Ning'an palace. Luo Yuan and Xiaojun Ji had been waiting for a while.

When she saw Zhuo Xi, she bowed down, "see the queen."

Zhuo Xi quickly helped her up. "Xiaojun Ji doesn't need to be polite."

Then they went to the main hall and sat down. Zhuo Xi smiled and asked, "I heard that Chang Ji Wang was caught in the wind and cold. Now she is very well?"

Luo Yuan hurriedly said, "my mother has been well. I specially asked me to thank the queen. Thank you for the soup medicine sent by your mother a few days ago. "

Zhuo Xi said with a smile, "I don't have a pulse in the palace. I don't know whether the prescriptions are suitable or not. They are just some medicine for strengthening the body."

Luo Yuan thanked you again.

Zhuo Xi looked at her and asked, "that was many days ago. You just came to Shane now. Isn't it because the drunken man doesn't want to be in the bar?"

Luo Yuan's face showed a blush, "in fact, I should have come to congratulate my mother. I just got grounded by my mother a few days ago. "

"Foot ban? What did you do to make your mother angry? "

Luo Yuan said, "on the day of the empress's canonization ceremony, I just wanted to see my aunt's prestige. If my mother doesn't come by herself, she won't let me come."

Zhuo Xi was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly reacted. She said, "aunt" refers to herself, covered her mouth and smiled, "aren't you familiar with this palace? What's the prestige? I tell you, the Japanese palace is so nervous that it is about to fall down. Fortunately, it has not made a big fool of itself. "

Originally, she didn't know that Jing Yuan only invited the family members of the Wu family to watch the ceremony behind the curtain and let Wu Zhilian and Wu Xing Hang behind the ranks of 100 officials. Later, she knew that it was for the purpose of "sharing the world and ruling peace". This sentence was meant for her and her family. If other women's dependents listen, they will inevitably have some different thoughts.

Luo Yuan giggled and called out her previous title, "sister Zhuo Xi has always been calm in the face of danger and turned the tide. How can she have stage fright?"

Zhuo Xi asked curiously, "how old is Xiaojun Ji this year?"

"It will be fourteen next year." Her eyes are shining, "said mother. She's going to give me a hairpin ceremony. Sister Zhuo Xi is going to send me a congratulatory instrument? "

Zhuo Xi said with a smile, "naturally, there are greetings. What month next year?" She also learned later that the hairpin ceremony here is not too important. Generally, Xun GUI's family will take this opportunity to invite some family friends to get together, but ordinary people don't care.

"July!" She said quickly, for fear that she might repent, and said, "my mother said that the praiser would invite a respected elder, and yuan'er immediately thought of you..."

Zhuo Xi was startled, "the four words of high virtue and high prestige have nothing to do with the palace anyway..."

Luo Yuan coquettishly said, "in the eyes of yuan'er, your aunt is kind-hearted, generous and capable. She is a highly respected heroine..."

... why are these adjectives so awkward when they are superimposed together?

Zhuo Xi reluctantly replied, "well, the Palace should be you."

Luo Yuan smiled happily, "ah, that's right." She called out "magpie."

A little maid came in with a box, respectfully saluted the queen, put down the box and went out.

Luo Yuan said, "my mother asked me to bring it to the queen and asked her to appreciate it."

Zhuo Xi took a look at Xiao soul. Xiao soul came forward and opened the box and held it in front of Zhuo Xi.

At a glance, the storm surged up at the bottom of Zhuo Xi's heart.

She motioned quietly for Xiao soul to put aside, smiled and said to Luo Yuan, "it's very beautiful. Thank Wang Changji Jingmo for our palace. The Empress Dowager was still talking about you to the palace a few days ago. Can you go and greet the Empress Dowager? "

Luo Yuan quickly stood up. "Yes, yuan'er forgot to greet his grandmother. Yuan'er is leaving now."

Zhuo Xi smiled, "don't be in a hurry."

She shouted to the door, "spring is warm. Bring a box of today's Jujube crisp and let yuan'er take it to her mother to try it."

Luo Yuan said happily, "that kite will borrow flowers to offer Buddha!"

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