When all the gifts were sent, everyone looked at Zhuo Xi. This Wu Yishi sent out strange things at the hundred day banquet of the seven princes, which has been widely spread in the Xun GUI circle. Many of the people who came here this time were not qualified to attend the hundred day banquet of the seven princes. They had no chance to see them. They already felt very sorry. After a private conversation, he learned that this person was Zhuo Xi, so he stared at her brightly. Especially at this very moment when you can show your position and family background.

Zhuo Xi was also simple and calmly sent a brocade box. Silver Pearl took the brocade box and opened it. She found that no one in the audience knew it. Zhuo Xi tightened the spring on the base in the puzzled eyes of the people. When she loosened her hand, the music box made a jingling sound. A boy on the box rode on a horse about to rise in the air and turned slowly with the music. She drew a sketch of the box. The iron craftsmen in Hou's house carefully made various parts with the pig iron sent by Ma San, including the cylindrical iron cylinder filled with spikes and the iron ring gear spring. Kou Anli made the wooden box shell and the model on it. Zhuo Xi was assembled and modified several times, and it turned out to be a wooden box. The light and crisp voice surprised the whole audience.

Zhuo Xi smiled and said to Wang Meimei, "madam, this thing has a soft voice, which can not only calm the mind and comfort, but also be used for prenatal education."

"What is prenatal education?" Asked beauty Wang.

Zhuo Xi said with a smile, "prenatal education means that when a woman is pregnant, she uses external voices to teach the fetus. Although the baby is small in the mother's body, its auditory nerve has developed and can sense the external sound. If you edify it with beautiful and soft music at this time, it can have a very positive impact on it. "

The crowd was stunned. Luo Yuan even shouted that she wanted the same box. It's not just Luo Yuan. Which young girl here doesn't like this strange thing? Wu Ru and Wu Jiao were even more surprised. They didn't expect their six younger sisters to be so popular. They were not ordinary when they made a move.

Hearing Luo Yuan's words, Zhuo Xi joked, "your music enlightenment is too early. It's not a three-year-old child. What do you want this thing to do?"

"Huan'er in this palace is a child with a yellow mouth. If he starts edifying at this time, it's not too late?" A voice suddenly sounded from the door.

Everyone was surprised. The queen sun Yao didn't know when to stand outside the hall. Everyone bent over and saluted, "meet the queen. The Queen's mother, Jin'an. "

Wang Meimei smiled brightly, "how can a cheap concubine work on her birthday?"

Sun Yao said, "I know you are polite, so I sent invitations to all the concubines in the back palace." This was a slap in the face. She sent posts to all the concubines, but no one came. She didn't wait for the public to respond, and then said, "but fortunately, the palace came, otherwise wouldn't she miss such an interesting thing?"

She turned to Zhuo Xi again. "You haven't answered the question just now."

Zhuo Xi got up and said with a smile, "children can have music enlightenment before they are six years old. The seven princes are less than four months old. Naturally, it's not too late. Later, the little girl ordered someone to make another music box and present it to her mother. I hope she won't dislike it. "

Sun Yao looked at the object in her hand carefully and said in surprise, "is it called a music box? It really deserves its name. " At this time, the music box had stopped making noise. She then asked, "how to make it sound?" Zhuo Xi showed her the action of winding up. Sun Yao twisted it with her hand. Sure enough, the music started, but soon stopped. Zhuo Xi said without waiting for his question, "we should screw the spring to the end." Sun Yao turned a few more times, turned to the bottom and then let go. The music really rang for a while.

Sun Yao played for a while and lovingly returned it to Wang Jialin. "You are a blessed child. You can hear such wonderful music in your womb. You must be a kind-hearted and world-wide lucky star in the future."

Wang Jialin took it over and said with a smile, "isn't it? It's all thanks to my mother. Otherwise, how can I get to know this resourceful Wu Yishi? Last time I saw Wu Yishi's extraordinary refinement at the hundred day banquet of the seven princes. To tell you the truth, my concubine came to ask Wu Yishi for gifts on this birthday. "

Hahaha, everyone laughed.

Sun Yao told Su Mei, "go and invite all the ladies of the palaces. Today is the birthday of the new beauty Wang. The nobles of the palaces haven't recognized it yet. They happen to be lively together."

Su Meifu has gone.

Soon all the ladies and beauties of the palaces arrived. Due to the temporary addition of many dignitaries, the meals and seats needed to be rearranged.

It was Zhuo Xi who knew that Wang Jialin's beauty seal was not easy. In Luo Yuan's explanation, she learned that the imperial concubines of the imperial palace of the Wuliang state were divided into seven levels, namely, the queen, the great imperial concubine, the wife, the beauty, the beloved, the long envoy and the little envoy. At that time, there were only a number of wives, the second beauty, the third beauty, the beloved and the long envoy under the queen sun Yao. The king had been a crown prince for nearly 40 years before he ascended the throne, and there were many beautiful women who were already young couples with him. Therefore, according to outsiders, with Wang Jialin's qualifications, she became a beauty only by having a dragon son, and even ranked in the top six in the whole harem. It can be seen that the king loved her very much. Only Zhuo Xi knows that such love is heavy. I don't know what price Wang LianBo paid for it. She still clearly remembers the hatred in the king's eyes when he mentioned Wang Jialin on the fifth day of the first month. Even though his children were thin, his four sons died early, and only three sons and five daughters were left under his knees, Zhuo Xi's deeds of eradicating all 17 brothers except Jing Yuan from his long crown prince career show that he doesn't care how many sons he has, as long as one can inherit the throne according to his wishes. Therefore, only the king himself knows how much the child in Wang Jialin's belly is.

At the moment, all the imperial concubines have sat down under Wang Yao in order. The ladies and ladies present were secretly glad that they had come right. It seems that the queen doesn't reject the new beauty Wang very much. She may even be wooing her. Otherwise, she won't invite dignitaries from the whole palace to celebrate her birthday.

From the attendance this time, it can be clearly seen that the line-up camp of Mrs. Xun GUI's circle in Kyoto. Although Wang Meimei's post was sprinkled on Xun GUI in Kyoto for the first time, those who had a close relationship with the queen showed strong contempt for it. They thought that Wang dasikong's second daughter-in-law had an engagement and went to the palace to hook up with the king during her filial piety. This behavior was a shame for women, Therefore, only people were ordered to give gifts and no one was present. Others who had a close relationship with the king smelled the king's love for him from the title of "beauty". Thinking carefully, they asked the little girl to come and explore the way first, so they wouldn't show up. Luo Yuan is such a spy. Wang Changji was afraid that she would not be able to get along well with the king and beauty in the future, and it didn't matter to offend the queen. However, if she was blown by the pillow man of the king, the consequences would be quite serious, so she asked Luo Yuan to come and have a look. Others standing behind other dignitaries, Xun GUI, are naturally willing to come in and have a look. By the way, they show their loyalty. Is the enemy of the enemy a friend? Finally, the rest is Xun GUI's peripheral circle. There is no relationship on either side. It's just a few families who regard entering the palace for dinner as honor. Obviously, the Wu family belongs to this group. However, after talking with beauty Wang, Zhuo Xi was very sure that she was invited into the palace as a prey. It was really difficult for her to hold such a grand party.

Zhuo Xi was very confused about her identity at the beginning. She didn't know whether she would attend the banquet as Miss Wu jialiu or as a waiter of the Hou family. However, after listening to Luo Yuan's statement that there were no other female officials here, she decided to sit with Wu Ru and Wu Jiao. Luo Yuan forced her to sit beside her.

This scene reminded Wang Jialin of the night of the palace banquet on New Year's Eve. She was in a very bad mood because of her own experience after that day. However, seeing that the queen had mastered the leadership of the banquet with a smile on her face, she had to bury her dark hatred in her heart. She didn't know that the queen hated her. She sent the package of incense named dark purple. She just didn't know what she wanted to do by inviting all the palace concubines to support her appearance tonight.

Seeing everyone sitting down, she remembered that today's protagonist was her, so Yingying stood up and became the first toaster, "queen, mother, concubine's little birthday, unexpectedly, so many noble people miss her. When my concubine first entered the harem, she still didn't understand many rules. Please teach her more. I'd like to toast the queen first and express my gratitude. " She drank first, and the queen smiled and covered her sleeves.

Wang Jialin then said, "the second cup is to my sister in each palace. My concubine thanked her sister for moving and did it first." Then she drank another cup, "the last cup, today is my birthday. I thank you for your car and horse Lawton with this wine." Looking up, there was another cup. They had to pick up the wine cup and take a sip.

Sun Yao said at this time, "since the birthday man has spoken, let's open our bellies and eat."

For a while, there was a lot of wine and gossip. At this time, the Queen's seat is tantamount to admitting the beauty of the king. No one dares to chew her tongue.

Luo Yuan ate and fell pale on the case, covering her stomach and shouting pain. Zhuo Xi was chewing wax with the food on the case. She was listening to the gossip of the woman next door about a lady's infertility, which made her concubine take the lead. She turned around and asked her, "what's the matter? What's wrong with it? "

Luo Xi hesitated and did not speak, but covered her stomach, and two red flowers flew on her pale face. Zhuo Xi thought a little and understood, "you're here?"

Luo Yuan nodded shyly, still powerless on the case. Zhuo Xi looked at the food she ate. It was full of cold things. She scolded in a low voice, "how can you eat such cold things!" Beckoned a maid in waiting and asked her to cook a bowl of brown sugar ginger water. The woman on one side asked strangely, "it's normal for women to have abdominal pain during the period of sunflower water. Why use brown sugar ginger water?" The hall is full of women, and there is no taboo on this topic.

Zhuo Xi's spirit immediately cheered up and knew that the opportunity to advertise came. Tun replied, "generally speaking, women's menstrual abdominal pain is caused by palace cold. Drinking more brown sugar ginger water can alleviate it slightly. As the saying goes, ten women have nine colds. Although colds are common, don't underestimate this palace colds. The light ones suffer from abdominal pain every month, and the heavy ones are infertile for life. If this disease is found, it is necessary to treat it as soon as possible. "

As soon as the woman heard that infertility could also be treated, she immediately opened her mouth and asked, "how should it be treated?"

"It is said in the internal classic that cold in Tibet produces full disease, and its treatment should be roasted. It can be used to warm and dredge meridians, support Yang and correct, expel cold evil, promote qi and blood circulation, eliminate blood stasis and disperse knot, replenish middle and replenish qi. Of course, Gong Han also has different degrees. The specific needs to be broken according to people. The little girl dare not say anything. " Zhuo Xi said, gradually increasing the volume.

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