Queen of Nothing

15 Chapter 15: Drake

She slept well past noon the next day, and dissipate the fact that I was bored to tears laying next to her, I couldn't bring myself to wake her. Yesterday had broken something in her, I could see it in her violet eyes. She hadn't even protested when I climbed into her bed to hold her last night. She just laid her head on my chest and silently drifted to sleep. I was a warrior, a knight with bloody hands, so I could recognize defeat when I saw it. On the battle field and in people.

She groaned, running her face against my chest yet her eyes remained closed. "Would you like to visit your brother?" I whispered against her forehead.

She nodded her head without opening her eyes and mumbled her thanks. We laid in bed for another twenty or so minutes before she finally rose and called for her maids to help her dress.

I sighed as she turned to face me, my king's fingerprints still marring her pale skin. "What is it?" She asked softly.

"Allow me to heal those bruises."

She moved quickly to the mirror on her vanity where she studied her face with a massive frown. "I wouldn't normally ask you to use that level of magic... but Rin will be worried enough."

I just nodded. Of course, even after all her own torment, she was worried for her younger brother. I walked over to her and laid my fingers across her face. After closing my eyes and concentrating for a moment a warm soft light spread from my fingers into her chin making the bruises fade. She kept her eyes locked on mine the whole time making the basic act of healing someone seem more intimate than it had any right to be. Yet, I couldn't look away. Wouldn't. There was something in those violet eyes, a shining softness, that spoke of things our lips never would, or hers never would. I had made myself clear as I could. I told her I loved her. I also told her I had no expectations of her and so I had to reconcile the fact that all I would get from her was a soft look and perhaps a smile. I leaned down, wanting nothing more than to feel my lips against her. To offer any comfort I could. But the princess stepped away breaking all contact between us.

She stared down at the floor, "I'm.. sorry."

I quickly raised my hands in surrender. "I.. eh. No, Princess, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have."

She chucked humorously, "it's too late for that line of thought, Drake. By a few days and countless hours of yearning."

My breath hitched in my chest. As alway, Arabella seemed to know just where to hit. But this time, I was taking her down with me. "Spent hours yearning for me, have you?"

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She sputtered, her porcelain skin turning a burning crimson. "No." She said far to loudly for a normal conversation. "You just... you said you'd take me to see my brother."

I gestured to the door, "after you, Your Highness."

"Damn right." She muttered refusing to meet my eye as she marched out of her bedchamber and into the salon. Half way to the door she stopped suddenly and spun on her heal to face me. "Stop being an Althean tool."

I laughed and her eyes widened. "Yes, Princess. Of course."

She glared at me once more, and though most others might have found having the heir to the Morean throne sizing them up intimidating, I found that she was even more beautiful when she narrowed her violet eyes and pulled her lips into a determined line. Then without another word she turned once more walking out of the door.

I silently followed her to the dungeon entrance where the same two guards as before were leaning at the walls on either side of the door talking about a tavern they had visited in the city.

"Excuse me!" I demanded as we approached and instantly the two morons snapped to attention bowing at the waist.

"G-good afternoon, Sir Ramneal!" The smaller one stuttered.

"Have you come to see the prince again?" The other asked looking between the princess and I.

While I glared, she spoke in a honeyed voiced. "No.. I thought I would simply hang about the empty cells. I hear the sleeping arrangements are some of the best we can offer."

"Really?" The smaller, dumber, one asked.

"No, you moron. Tell me, we're your parent related?"

I threw my head back laughing as I remembered that honey could be used to lure all manner of beast into traps. "The keys."

I held out my hand.

"Can she really talk like that?"

Arabella's hands slammed on her hips. "I was giving you the benefit of doubt, thinking perhaps your parents were cousins. But it is obvious they must have been siblings, since you are clearly simple enough to forget where you are. On my soil. In my country. Littering my palace. Now in case you need assistance, you lift up to release the buckle on the key ring."

They both just looked at her absolutely wide eyed, stunned. "I..." She just jutted out her hand, palm up, waiting for the keys. "We were told..."

"Piss on what you were told." She groaned. "Tell me, have you never heard stories of Morean magic? Of what we Amells could do?" The both nodded their heads. "Excellent. The way I see it, your lot killed so many of my men that I have the right to kill a few of you. I planned to keep the useful ones about but if you don't want to be..."

The keys were instantly in her hand and I had to bite my lip to keep from laughing. She gave them a tight lipped smiled as she walked through the door disappearing down the dimly lit stairway. The two guards just looked at me and I shrugged. "As ruthless as any Althean king, isn't she?" They bobbed their heads and I followed after her. When I met her at the bottom of the stairs I leaned down and whispered, "feel better?"

"Much." She chuckled. "While I would rather take on my anger out on others, making a few Altheans tremble does something to lighten my heart."

"I am glad." I said, my words brushing against her ear.

"...Sir Ramneal."

"Your Highness?"

She turned to face me, "I..."

I leaned in, my face so close to hers. "You?"

Her breath brushed my lips. "I..." Her face was red. Her chest heaving. Her eyes slowly began to close and her hand locked onto my arm. I moved to kiss her...

"Hello?" A voice echoed down the hall.

She jumped back. "...hate you. I hate you." She groaned.

"Of course you do, Princess." I chucked. "Come, the prince is waiting."

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