Queen of Nothing

22 Chapter 22: Arabella

The sun was setting and my nerves were burning with anxiety. I knew that this meeting was the beginning. Of what, I wasn't sure. But perhaps it was the beginning of the end. Of our freedom. Of returning my home to Amell rule. Of casting out the Altheans... well, hopefully all but one.

But that was childish thinking on my part. Truly naïve to think that this somehow ended with Sir Ramneal at my side in any capacity. Granted we could both die in the effort anyways.

"If you don't stop that pacing, you'll wear tracks in the rug." He said with a laugh.

I froze, turning to face him where he leaned against the door jam wearing his full plate, sword at his hip. "Sorry."

"You know that I won't let anything happen to you, yes?" He asked, his angular face showing a level of concern that was nearly off putting.

"I know. Of course, I trust you." I walked over to him raising up on my toes to kiss him softly. "With my life."

His hands tangled in my hair, pulling my lips to his in a fierce kiss the likes of which we hadn't shared in some time. When I normally would have pulled away, I pushed closer, pressing my mouth harder against his own. When he licked at my lips, I opened for him, and his tongue found it's way to my own in an intoxicating dance. His armor pressed near painfully against my skin sending a chill down my spine. When I pushed closer yet, my hip caught his pommel sending his sheathed blade clattering against the door. I pulled back and laughed as he mumbled a curse under his breath. "Just once might we get this right?"

I laughed. "Perhaps we just require some practice."

He groaned softly as he moved away from me, "you will be the death of me. But before then, you should rest. We don't know what may happen tonight and you will need all the energy you can manage."

The full moon bathed my garden in a pale yellow light that took what was normally serene and made it ominous. Sir Ramneal insisted on entering before me, and kept me behind his shoulder as he stood in the gazebo watching the garden intently.

Not even ten minutes after we took our places a familiar voice called out in old Morean, "Are you safe, My Queen?"

"As safe a mouse can be in a den of cats." I replied in old morean with a chuckle even while Drake took up a defensive stance.

"And this particular cat?" He asked still speaking beyond the understanding of most.

When I replied to this question I did so in common morean, wanting all to know my reply. "Sir Ramneal is more of a dog than any cat I know. And is my loyal guard, friend, and more."

A shadow parted from the rest cast about the garden by the moon's yellow rays and I couldn't help but smile as the light danced upon familiar blond locks. Without much warning to a startled Drake, I pushed past him down the stairs of the gazebo and out into the garden proper. "You are fool coming here yourself, Isaak."

He chuckled in a way that reminded me of long meals that the three of us survived only by huddling together in the corner to make fun of the gathered nobility. "How could I not? I needed to see that you were well with my own eyes."

"Well, be have a look then." I smiled softly at him as I finally caught sight of the blue eyes that Rin had spent days on end fawning over. Wrapping my arms around him, I had to swallow down a sob to say, "I am glad to see you."

"And I you, Bella." His arms around me left larger than they once were as if he'd spent the months since the castle fell carrying heavy barrels about. Perhaps he did. "I need to get you to safety. And if you're sure of your man, he can come."

"I can't leave, Isaak."

"What?" He said pulling back from the embrace to stare at me as if I had somehow managed to grow a second head in the short time that we had been hugging. "Of course we're leaving. You can't stay here! Have you gone mad?"

"I am many things perhaps, but surely mad isn't one of them." I said as Drake came to stand next to me.

"Then why would you possible want to stay here?" Isaak demanded sounding more authoritative than I'd ever heard.

"Because Seven only knows what that monster will do to Rin if I were to disappear."

Isaak froze, as if he'd looked right into a gorgon's eyes and had been turned to stone. "Rin? My Rin is here... alive?"

I just shook my head. "Yes. Of course. Where else would he be?"

Much like Rin had in his cell, Isaak sank to the cobble stone path way choking on a sob. "They sent his body to us, the city, as punishment for not falling in line not long after the castle fell... I... I saw his hair... and his ring on the burnt fingers." Actually sobs wracked Isaak now, causing his words to come up in clipped waves. "They said you would be next if we did not fall in line... the last Amell being held hostage. The body was so convincing that even I thought it Byrin."

"The young Ameranthine lord..." Drake said softly.

"Everatte." I whispered. "Our cousin."

Drake nodded. "I recall thinking that he was your cousin not long after I was assigned to you. And thinking how much he looked like you but now that I've seen the prince..."

Isaak took a deep breath. "They were always very similar in height in build, and of course that Amaranthine raven hair. And being partly burnt... it was impossible to tell the difference." I sighed and Drake looked away but Isaak continued. "Of course we can't leave Rin... damn it all. I... I'll think of something. I'll send word soon. Just please, Bella, be careful."

I pulled him back into my arms. "I will. And same to you. Rin will never forgive me if you were to die after I just told him you lived."

Isaak laughed as he pulled from the embrace, sinking back into the shadows. "When have I ever been able to take any action that might disappoint Rin?"

"Never." I replied. Though I was unsure if he heard me because the garden left strangely empty.

"We should return as well." Drake said softly and I grabbed his hand allowing him to lead the way with hope blooming in my heart.

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