Queen of Nothing

3 Chapter 3: Arabella

The silence was deafening. The only sounds to be heard we're the gentle swashing of water against the stone of the bath. Sir Ramneal was no friend of mine, he was in fact my enemy, yet I couldn't help but feel regret for the obvious pain I'd caused with my words. By the Seven, what did he expect? It had been less than five hours since they invaded my home and murdered my father. Was I not allowed to be angry? Now my anger I felt perfectly justified in.

But this silence? It reminded me of death. "What exactly is a First Sword of Althea?"

He sighed, his shoulders falling ever so slightly. "It would be the equivalent of your general."

My jaw dropped open and I was once more thankful that his back was turned. "You command all of the kings armies?" He nodded briskly. "Then why are you being forced to play jailor?"

"Guard." He groaned. "I am your guard, not your jailor." He was silent for a minute. "It's not my place to question my king. I'm sure His Majesty thought it necessary that I look after you personally."

"I would have never asked such a thing of General Amerthine. Nor would have my father."

"That is kind of you but things are not the same in our homelands."

"That is apparent. Morea does not invade..."

"No! Morea sits and offers prayers to their gods blessed by rich land and clean water. Morea looks down on others while harvesting their gold, silver, and marble to build vast temples and heavy crowns. Morea colonizes islands given as gifts and hoards the iron for their own blades which they turn on any of us who have no means to feed our people. So, perhaps Morea does not invade but Morea has no need too. Nor the desire to help those you claim to ally with."

"I..." I was stunned. All he said was true but never had it been said in such a way. Morea was prosperous. Our farms fertile, our mines vast, our crown wealthy, and our people happy. Why should that be looked down upon? For the Seven had blessed Morea. And Tanberun, our ally and neighbor, as well after they had taken the Seven as their own. Perhaps if Althea hadn't angered their gods they would have some of the same wealth.

"Do got finally see outside of your stained glass to the real world, Princess?"

"I won't allow you to shame me for Morea thriving."

"I had no intention of shaming you." He said softly. "I just wish you could see beyond your boarders. Perhaps then I wouldn't be such the villain."

"I was forced to kneel in the blood of my father and the men who spent their lives protecting us. If you are seen as a villain it's not because you want better for your kingdom."

"Princess... I..." He cleared his throat and when we spoke again his voice was deeper and far more harsh. "I do as ordered."

I just shook my head. There was no winning this argument for either side and since we'd be spending a great deal of time together I thought it best we try to remain cordial. I stood up, the water parting, and stepped out of the bath. "My towel, please."

Sir Ramneal stiffened. The sight of the blood covered knight tensing so made me laugh. "Why do you laugh?"

"Is handing me a towel so difficult? I haven't asked you to dry me."

He quickly grabbed the folded towel off the stand by the door and flung it backwards toward me. "Do dress quickly."

"I cannot." I said so matter-of-fact.

"Why does it not surprise me that the pampered princess can't even dress herself."

I wanted to hit him but I refrained, instead I just spoke in a wistful tone. "It's not that I can't dress myself, I simple have no clothes to put on."

Once more he tensed. "You don't keep clothes in the bath?"

"Not the public bath, good heavens. I've my own private bath in my chambers."

"Oh." He said his voice slight pinched. "I didn't realized." He then searched room never once looking at me. He sat a bundle of clothing on the table by the door with a sigh. "These are what I've found. You'll have to make do."

"Will you leave so I can dress?" I asked sincerely.

"I cannot, Princess, I apologize but I will keep my back turned."

"Very well." I sighed as I rummaged through the pile of clothing. To my great disappointment I found that nearly all of the clothes were men's and the few articles of woman's clothes were meant for woman much larger than I. I pulled on a large silk shirt that came to my knees and then combed my fingers through my hair. There was nothing more I could do so I walked over and tapped Sir Ramneal on the shoulder.

"Are you dressed."

"I am."

Sir Ramneal turned and then I watched as amber eyes widened in shock. "T-that's hardly appropriate attire."

I couldn't stop the loud bout of laughter that came boiling out of me. By his absolute shock, it seemed as if this man had never seen a woman's legs before. His eyes widened further as I held my side laughing. It was as if we were frozen in time, me laughing and Sir Ramneal looking horrified. Finally I straightened, brushing my hair out of my face. "I apologize for my fit of laughter. I'm not entirely sure where it came from, but the look on your face was golden." I cleared my throat. "I am aware that this is not appropriate but given the choices it was the best I could manage. Now, if we could return to my chambers I'd like to change."

He nodded, running a hand through his dark brown, collar length hair that shagged and stuck out in all different directions. "After you, Princess. And don't try to run, I assure you I'm faster."

"And where would I go? Do you think me such a horrible person that I'd abandon my younger brother to that monster you call


"I... no. Of course not."

I had honestly expected more of a fight out of him but he went silent as we walked down the halls to my rooms in the living quarters. I looked around and sighed at the other doors in this private hallway. For once they roomed my father and brother but now I was the only one left. Trying to harden myself I pushed open the door walking into my salon. I tried to find comfort in the familiar violet wallpaper, white furniture, and rows upon rows of books but nothing took away the pain that was lancing my very soul. "I'm going to bed. Feel free to make use of the salon."

"Thank you, Your Highness but first I must check your bedchamber."

"What?! You can't mean you want to enter my..."

"It's my job, Princess. I need to be sure you can't escape or have any weapons."

"If you think I need a weapon to kill you, Sir Ramneal, than you know nothing of the country you've invaded."

"Oh I am perfectly aware that you've magic, Princess. Everyone in this damned country does."

"Not everyone. But a majority, yes." He just stared at me and then my door never blinking or backing down. "Very well. But do be respectful."

"Of course, Your Highness."

He opened the door and stepped through before turning back to look at me. "This is a very purple room, Princess."

"I'll remind you that Violet is the Amell family color." But he was correct. All of my rooms were very purple from the curtains, the bedspread, wallpaper, and even the flowers on my dresser."

"Yes. Of course." He then searched my room looking for whatever it was that might offended him. He opened the doors to my bathroom, my closet, even the balcony. He looked under the bed and in the folded sheets. After looking through my closet and drawers he finally seemed satisfied. "You've a lot a clothes."

"I'm a princess. Did you notice my seven hairbrushes while rummaging through my things."

He gave me a knowing smirk and shrugged. "You may retire now."

"Thank you, kindly, for your permission to sleep in my own palace."

"Must you always be so hostile?"

I just glared at him. Damn, he was handsome. He was tall, at least a foot taller than my sixty-three inches. Even under his armor he was clearly muscled and he had the softest, most serine face. Though his temperament did not match. "I will not take criticism about my hostility from the likes of you."

He laughed, a warm sound. "From the likes of me indeed. Sleep well, Princess." He said walking toward the door to the salon.

"Sir Ramneal," he paused turning around. "Might I know the name of my new guard?"

"If I might know the name of my princess." I nodded. "Drake. Drake Ramneal, First Sword of Althea, of houses Ramneal and Savita."

I gave him the best curtsy I could manage. "Arabella Victoria Amell, Crown Princess of Morea, of houses Amell and Amerthine."

"A pleasure, Your Highness."

"Sir Ramneal, If you might humor me one more question?"

"Of course."

"Savita is a noble family of Tanberun is it not?"

"It is." He said as he left the room. "Goodnight."

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