Queen of Nothing

5 Chapter 5: Arabella

I sat on my bed steaming, "the nerve of that man!" I shouted a bit to loudly. How dare he give me the impression that he was, in fact, a human being with a gentle demeanor and kind heart. How dare he offer me the comfort of his touch only to remind me that I would be better off dead.

Drake Ramneal of House Savita... Had Cassidy ever mentioned an uncle by the name of Drake? I couldn't recall. Though, I remembered her saying her grandmother had an affair with an Althean noble which lead to an unwanted pregnancy. Could Sir Ramneal be that child? If he had been sent to his father, Lord Savita wouldn't have wanted him around,it would make sense that he was now a knight of Althea. He had mentioned he was familiar with Morea and her Seven so he must have spent some time in Tanberun, or with a citizen of Tanberun.

I shook my head, why I should I waste my time thinking about that man? With his soft amber eyes and silky brown hair, cut jaw, and strong hands. I got up and began pacing about the room. That man was my enemy and I needed to treat him as such. Perhaps he didn't kill any innocents but he is the commander of the men who did. Not to mention he was blindingly loyal to his murderous king. If given the order I had no doubt that he would strike me down.I needed to stay on guard. I had my magic but perhaps I should keep my letter opener within arms reach. I wonder if I could find a sword?

There was a knock at the door pulling me from my thoughts. I opened it to find a young scullery maid looking terrified with a tray of food in her hands. I waved her in and closed the door. She sat the tray down and then turned to me smiling. "Princess! I am so happy to find you well. The others will be happy as well! When they took you away none of us were sure we'd ever see you again."

"It seems that monster has use of me yet." I said softly. "How fairs the rest?"

"Those of us who survived are doing our best just to remain useful. That king of theirs has already killed three people just for not doing things the way he likes."

My blood was boiling but I clenched my fist, my nails biting into my palm hard enough to cause it to bleed, instead of losing myself to my rage. "I'm sorry. I will do what I can."

"Just survive, Princes. Morea needs you now more than ever." She bowed her head and then left and I stood there seeing red, blood dripping from my hand.

When next my door opened, only minutes after the maid left, it was Sir Ramneal with a strange look contorting his face. "Your maid said you were bleeding..." he looked down at my hand still dripping blood from my clenched fist. "It seems she was right."

He reached for my hand but I jumped back determined to never feel his skin on my own again. "Do not touch me!"

His eyes widened slightly, the shock apparent. "I only meant to tend your wounds."

"I don't need you to tend my wounds. I could heal them without thought."

He bit his lip, clearly trying to hold his tongue. "Then why are you still bleeding?"

"Are you aware that your king has been killing servants for no reason?!"

The accusation in my tone was clearly not missed. "I've been with you, Princess. How would I know these rumors when you've just heard them yourself?"

"They're more than rumors!"

"Perhaps they are. But I can do nothing about it." He said staring into my eyes.

"You wouldn't even if you had know. We're nothing to you. Simply something to conquer."

"I don't want to see innocents murdered! Now give me your hand!"

"Piss on you!" I shouted stepping out of his reach again.

"I will hold you down if I must, Your Highness. Now be reasonable." He said almost as if he was daring me to resist.

And so I did, stepping from him again. He glared at me reaching again and I jumped away rather gracefully. As a mage and Morea's next ruler, combat training was part of my daily curriculum. I managed to dodge him twice more before he grew annoyed, and sprung forward like a cat tackling me to the floor. I hit with a thud, my own weight landing on my hip but to my surprise his weight did not follow. He had somehow gotten an arm under me and was bracing the entirely of his body just centimeters above where I lay. He looked down at me with sharp glare as he grabbed my fist forcing it open with gentle but intense strength. "You cut yourself with your nails?" He said his eyes harsh and his voice harsher.

"Not intentionally... I clinched my fist in anger."

He sighed looking down at me. "You need to be more self aware, Princess."

I blinked up at him, his handsome face with the stubble of a fresh day only inches away. I felt my cheeks redden as we stared at each other. I had never been so close to a man before and Sir Ramneal was all man. "Uh, Sir. Perhaps..." I swallowed hard as my cheeks reddened further from embarrassment over the loss of my ability to speak intelligently.

He looked down at our bodies pressed so close together and leapt to his feet in one fluid motion, that gave hints to his superior combat prowess. As he reached down to help me up I noticed his cheeks were red as well. "I, uh, apologies Princess. I had forgotten to use my head. Are you hurt?" I shook my head, my cheeks still burning. "Excellent. Now you're hand, if you would."

My heart was still racing, I couldn't have this man touch me again so I held my hand up at eye level for him and channeled my magic into it. Within seconds a warm sensation replaced my sting of the cuts and it was completely healed, leaving behind only the drying blood. "There, all healed. No need for you to worry."

He got a look of utter shock about him as he blinked at me. "You're incredible. That seemed to require no effort."

"It didn't. I'm an Amell." I shrugged.

"Hard to believe that all the stories are true. But perhaps they might be." He shrugged.

"Were a bloodline unmatched in magical potential. The closest being the Amerthines,

which was my mother's house."

"Impressive indeed. Perhaps I'll be more cautious when dealing with you from now on."He smirked.

"You might want to consider it." I nodded.

"Very well. I'll leave you be, Princess. Call me if you need anything." He said nearly running from the room.

As the door closed I sunk into my bed. I was not sure what to think of Sir Ramneal, my opinion of him seemed to changed constantly.

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