Queen of Nothing

8 Chapter 8: Drake

The maid put in her a traditional Morean gown, complete with a massive hoop skirt and long sleeves and I was thanking whatever god might have been listening. I felt my gut churn, I had no right to thank anyone for anything involving her. She wasn't mine, and never would be. And if I knew what was good for me, I'd forget everything that had happened between us earlier today. It didn't matter that she was daring, beautiful, hilarious, and fit perfectly into my arms, because she belonged to my king, even if just the mention of him made her ill.

We walked down the the massive marble hallways, that had been cleaned of the blood thank the gods, and stopped in front of the largest wooden doors I'd ever seen. Damn Morean's loved to show off, and this palace was one enormous testament to that fact. She froze, paling, but her maid gave her a comforting touch to her arm. "He wouldn't dare hurt you, Princess. He needs you or Morea will never submit."

"He's killed my father, and holds Byrin. He's no use for me, other than entertainment and a womb." I knew what she said was true but hearing her say so twisted my guts in a way I didn't know possible. "And I'll sooner bite off my own tongue than bare his demon seed."

I didn't know how to feel, but bitterness washed through me. Bitterness for my king, who I had aided in committing countless atrocities. But now, the thought of her laying with him, or dying to avoid doing so, left me bitter. "It is my duty to protect you." I said firmly.

She looked over her shoulder back at me, her violet eyes narrowing in absolute contempt, "Are you saying you'd defy your king for my sake?" I froze, I would want to by all means, but the thought of disobeying my king made me sick as well. She smirked, her supple lips twisting in amusement, "as I thought."

I wanted to say something, anything butbefore I could she pushed open the doors and entered the elaborate dinning hall. All was silent, aside from her heeled boots on the marble tile, as she walked over to the easily twenty foot table. Brave as she always was she pulled out the chair directly across from my king and sat with a glare. "How wonderful of you to join me, Princess Arabella." he said with a smile.

"You know damn well that I had no choice in the matter." She said as she leveled her gaze at him.

He laughed. "Still upset with me, I see?"

"I'd kill you right now, if I had any assurance that the rabble you call countrymen would leave Morea."

"The only thing stopping you is the threat of war, then?" She just glared at him. "Then be sure my younger brother would see this land sank into the sea."

"Oh, I am aware that your brother is just as demented as you." My king just looked at her. "Since the first I met him, he beat me like a borrowed mule and killed my lady-in-waiting."

"I saw no bruises." He said leaning forward.

"They were hidden beneath the blood of my kin!" She yelled. "It took serious magic the heal what he did to me! Rest assured that when I start killing Altheans that you and he will go first!"

I could feel the anger radiating off of my king, "Sir Ramneal, be sure that Calris is brought before me tonight."

"Yes, Your Majesty." I said glancing at the princess who seemed no more revealed to hear these words.

All went silent while the food was served but while my king ate his full, the princess never even touched her fork. "Is it not to your liking?" he asked.

"The company sours the food." She said glaring once more.

My king laid down his fork and dropped his napkin on his plate and my throat tightened. He stood making the long walk around the table to where she sat. He grabbed her chair forcing it away from the table before pulling her to her feet his a fierce grip on her arm. Though, I knew she was in pain, she gave away nothing. "I may mind your sour demeanor for now but it's beginning to wear on my good graces."

"You've no such thing." She spit.

He yanked her arm forcing her closer to him before leaning down to whisper in her ear, loud enough for me to still here from my post. "I will break you, Princess, even if it must be in bed."

"You will get nothing from me, and less from my people."

He smiled the twisted smile of a predator and leaned down with the intention of forcing his kiss on her. I wanted to stop him, to tell him it was best he wait but he was determined to show is dominance. But before he could, before his lips touched her own, she slapped him right across the cheek, the impact hard enough to knock the crown from his head, while the sound echoed throughout the room.

I was stunned and so was he. But quickly the shock wore off and his face twisted into a mask of rage. He grabbed her shoulders and shook her hard enough to loosen the pins in her hair and then he clinched his fist and raised it up to strike her but stopped with a sickening laugh when he notice her look to me not for protect but for comfort. "Think he will help you? You foolish bitch. Sir Ramneal come teach our princess some manners."

Every muscle in my body was crying out for me to stay frozen in place but to my shame I approached the two. "Your Majesty..." I said pleading with him.

"Do it!" He yelled. "If I have to, it will be four times worse!"

I knew that he meant to leave her scared if I did not act but as I looked at her, I couldn't move. I would have considered myself a man with some sense of honor but if I were to strike the woman that I was to protect...

"Sir Ramneal, proceed." She said looking up at me the most resolute eyes I'd ever seen.

I knew I had no choice. I knew he'd do much worse.I knew that she understood my unwillingness to strike her but when my palm made contact with her cheek, hard enough that she crashed to the ground, it took all that I had not to vomit.

I just stood there biting my cheek hard enough to drawl blood as my king smirked down at her, while she held her hand over her cheek. "I forbid you to heal that. Ponder it over the next few days and learn your place."

As soon as my king was gone from the room I dropped to my knees before her and reached out, intent on embracing her, but she pushed my hand away. "Leave me be."

"Your Highness, I'm so sorry..."

She looked up into my eyes, her own filled with a deep seeded hate. "You did what you must."

"That doesn't change the fact that, at this moment, I hate myself."

She pulled her hand from her cheek, revealing the already formed bruise, and took hold of my own. "Don't. You, like I, are pawns on his chessboard. There is nothing to be done. And I would rather take a slap from you than the most gentle caress from him."

With my free hand I reached out, running my finger along her swollen jaw, hot tears stinging my eyes. "You mustn't forgive me, Princess. I will probably hurt you again."

"Of that I have no doubt." I shifted my gaze to the ground at her words. "Drake..." Her soft voice brought my gaze back to hers, "but it will not be by your choice. Just today you saved me twice. Loathed as I am to admit it, you might be a decent human being."

I smiled at her, so thankful that she was the woman fate put before me. "Perhaps you aren't so foul."

She laughed, the sound bandaging my heart. "Will you help me back to my room?"

I reached down and scooped her up into my arms and started back towards the living quarters. "You've twisted my sense of duty in ways I never thought possible."

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