From high up the stairs, the two agents looked down at Arthur dancing below, looked at each other and shouted, "Hey Arthur, we need to talk."

Seeing this, Arthur turned his head and ran away without saying a word. The two detectives naturally chased after him.

You chased me and fled. When crossing the road, Arthur was hit by a car. Fortunately, the driver stepped on the brakes in time, and the collision was not serious. Arthur got up and continued to escape.

They fled all the way to the subway, and the two sides broke into the carriage one after the other, only to find that almost all the passengers in the carriage were wearing clown masks or had clown makeup on their faces.

These people are all people who are going to the city hall to protest and march. Since the subway shooting, Gotham City has set off a violent hatred of the rich, especially after the TV interview of Thomas Wayne was broadcast. Oil, making demonstrations and strikes intensified.

People, especially those at the bottom, began to wear clown masks or make up clowns to publicly support the killer of the subway shooting.

In fact, the subway shooting is just an introduction. The huge gap between the rich and the poor in Gotham City is the real reason for all this turmoil. The low-hearted poor people have long been fed up with this life without any hope. They need To vent out, just the subway shooting gave them a vent.

In any case, the clowns full of cars naturally made Arthur blend in perfectly, and the two detectives who were chasing after seeing this were also anxious and angry. ' , all the way to find Arthur's trail.

At this time, Arthur grabbed another person's clown mask, causing a riot, which made it even more trouble for the detectives to find someone. One of the detectives simply took out a pistol, but this did not make it easier People panic and restrain themselves, because they were planning to march and demonstrate, and they were already prepared to face the police.

So the two detectives were also involved in the riot. To make matters worse, in the chaos, for some reason, a gunshot rang out, and someone was shot and fell down. Two policemen rushed forward.

When the subway stopped, panicked people swarmed and fled, but others dragged the two police officers out of the car and beat them hard.

At this moment, Arthur was beside him. He took off his mask, revealing the clown makeup underneath, and looked at the beaten policeman with a smile on his face. He performed an impromptu dance on the spot, and then threw the mask aside. of left.

As soon as the camera turned, Arthur had come to Murray Show's backstage dressing room. During the chase with the police, the makeup on his face was naturally a little flowery, and he needed to re-dress at this time.

The TV in the dressing room was also broadcasting the news of the subway riot. The police clashed with the demonstrators and shot on the spot. Fortunately, the victim was only injured, not killed. Now the injury is stable and under investigation.

Arthur laughed when he saw this, when there was a knock on the door, and Murray and a staff member came over and asked him about the performance on stage later.

They were more concerned about Arthur's clown makeup, and asked if he was dressed in response to today's large-scale demonstrations and was a political inclination?

Arthur shook his head and smiled and said, "No, I don't believe that at all, I don't believe in anything, I just think my dress suits my performance."

The staff asked him again if he knew about the recent subway massacre, where a clown killed someone?

Arthur still shook his head and smiled and said he didn't know.

This made the staff very dissatisfied, and felt that putting such a person on stage would definitely cause an accident, but Murray insisted on letting Arthur on stage, and warned Arthur some precautions, what not to say dirty jokes, not swear words or something.

Of course Arthur nodded and agreed, but he also made a small request. He hoped that Murray would call him 'clown' when introducing himself to the court.

Gu Ying

The staff frowned and asked if there was something wrong with his name?

Arthur looked at Murray sternly, "No, because that's what you called me on the show before - a clown, do you remember?"

Murray turned his head and asked the staff, "Have I done this before?"

The staff can't remember: "I don't know."

When Murray played Arthur's video on the show, it brought a heavier blow to Arthur's already bad life, but what's even more ruthless is that Murray, who is the client, doesn't remember such a trivial matter at all. .

It's also normal, who would care about a low-level Loser and Joker?

In any case, Arthur's request was nothing, Murray agreed casually, and when he and the staff left, Arthur leaned back on the chair contentedly, took out his pistol and aimed it at his own. jaw……

It seems that he really intends to shoot himself in front of the camera and the audience on the next show, but some people think that the development of things may not be so simple.

It didn't take long before Arthur was ready to play, but before that, Murray pulled out the hilarious video of Arthur Zeng and played it again.

This may be the reason why he invited Arthur to participate in the show. He thinks that Arthur is very effective in the show, and it can increase the ratings. Of course, he does not care what this kind of public execution video will bring to Arthur. Impact.

Soon, it was time for Arthur to appear.

Murray called him 'Joker' as he requested, and Arthur was already ready. When the curtain was lifted, he stepped on the stage to the music and danced, first shaking hands with the host, and then kissing bitterly. The aunty female guest next to me.

Such a different way of appearing made the audience After the simple opening remarks, Murray asked Arthur to tell everyone a joke.

Arthur certainly did not refuse, after all, his dream is to appear on the Murray show and become a good comedian.

He took out the notebook he carried with him, turned to a page, and stared at the words 'I hope my death is worth more than my life. ’

Murray joked around to make fun of Arthur, who then made a joke that wasn't funny, much to the displeasure of the guests, audience, and presenters.

Arthur sighed and said, "Murray, you know what, I've had a bad few weeks... since I killed those Wall Street elites."

After he finished speaking, he fell silent, and Murray looked at him: "Where is the point of laughter?"

The audience off the court whispered, including Murray and the guests, apparently thinking that Arthur was joking, but Arthur really looked solemn and serious, and said solemnly: "No, there is no joke here, I No jokes."

"Are you serious?" Murray was a little surprised.

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