Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1344: BOSS your vest is gone! 54.23 (end)

"A search for you, let me introduce you, this is my little assistant, Shi Lang."

Yin Shihe finally signed the morning, the intermission, seeing the figure, and immediately greeted him with a smile.

Looking for a slight surprise, the man and the woman are still together?

However, this result is good, the male owner is not a bad person, the female owner is also a lovely child in the original plot.

Looking at the woman who emerged from the male body, some shy women, the smile on the face was deeper.

"Hello, you can call me." Shi Wei whispered, I don't know if you would like her.

Can not be affected by the influence of Xiao Shu and Xiao Yan, or the uncle will kill her.

"Ha? Xiaoxiao?" The smile is cracking on the face, what is a ghost, is she so old?

Oh, no, "Your little uncle is... Shao Zhan?"

"Yes, Xiao Yan." Shi Hao nodded. She felt that Xiaoxiao seemed to be somewhat unhappy. What did she do wrong?

Looking for: "..." She already doesn't know what to say, the world is really small.

"Is it awkward for me to make you unhappy? You tell me, I will not be like this next time. Please don't tell Xiao Shu."

Shi Lang took the courage to go up two steps, and looked at the beautiful little girl in front of him.

But when she thought of her uncle, she was shaking and her uncle was angry. It was really terrifying.

"Amount (⊙o⊙)..." Did she do it? Looking for a confused woman who is crying now, she is a bit blind.

"You didn't make me unhappy, don't think too much, hehe." Reaching out and touching the head of the woman, looking for it, it feels good.

Shi Yan’s eyes lit up and he was happy to grab the hand he was looking for. “Really, Xiao Yan doesn’t hate me, it’s good, I like Xiao Yan.”

Looking for the forehead to draw three black lines, although she also likes the child in front of her, but... "Can you not call me a little, this will make me feel very old."

She is only in her early twenties, it is the age of a flower, 哼╭(╯^╰)╮

The arrogant search is very sad.

"Hey? But what is it that you are not called?" Shi Wei asked purely, and his expression seemed very tangled.

"It's called Xiao Yan." The gentle male voice suddenly inserted, clearly mixed with the clearly visible tenderness, but it made people feel the sound.

It is as if he is talking about the imperial edict, and everyone who hears must follow it.

"Yes, Xiaoshu." Shi Yan saw Shao Zhanqi, and quickly replied, nervous appearance, and laughed at the people next to him.

Looking for her husband, Mom, this belly black machine Boy.

"You should rest first, let's go there and see." Shao Zhanyi smiled and looked at the waist, and nodded to Shi Wei and Yin Shihe, and took the person away.

Although the guy has let go, it is difficult to stay with the little sister for a long time, and have other thoughts, who makes their own little children so good.

Therefore, we must resolutely prevent fire and rust!

After a day's work, everyone was exhausted, and after rushing to say goodbye, they went back to each family to find each mother.

Shao Zhanxi, who was lying in bed and brushing his mobile phone, found that he had a lot of replies to his post at noon. Click here to see if there are any usability suggestions.

When you see a reply with a name ID for the name, he has only one feeling, and the 18th typhoon comes.

A squid struck up from the bed, and there was a mess in his head.

Did the little nephew know it, is it suggesting him?

Ah, why did he want to die like that, can you give me a chance? /(ㄒoㄒ)/~~

Or tomorrow, he will take the initiative to admit mistakes, early death and early life, 18 years later is a good man `|`O'|┛嗷~~

And the point is, if the little nephew feels that he has a good attitude, he has turned it over.

Well, that's it.

I didn’t think that he had lost two vests during the day, and twice replied that he didn’t lie on her, oh...

In order to ensure that he can be forgiven, the next morning, Shao Zhanyi got up and prepared the props.

Small leather whip, chili water, cactus.

Looking at the three things in front of him, Shao Zhanyu is silent, whichever is the same, _(:зゝ∠)_

Don't be embarrassed by men, quietly cheer yourself up, set up the mobile phone next to you, and adjust the viewing angle.

Put yourself on the mask, prepare yourself, take a deep breath, and pick up a small bowl of chili water next to it.

"Ah, oh, Scorpio, so hot and spicy, whoever said so directly to drink not spicy, stand up and promise to kill him."

Shao Zhanyi watered himself while spit on the fire.

This must be given a bad review, absolutely.

I knew that I shouldn’t listen to the advice of the people in the building. I took the pepper water and drink it. In case the little pepper said that the pepper water is not for this purpose, my heart is tired.

But the first step is to step out, but also the second step, not just a cactus, he... actually... very afraid (ーー ゙)

Carefully squatting on it, it’s really cool... it’s so cool!

After a toss, Shao Zhanyi has been abolished.

"Little nephew, I am wrong, you forgive me, okay, chili water is really super spicy, cactus is so painful, small leather whip... this is left for you."

A pitiful word, as the end.

After the recording, Shao Zhan's mouth was red and swollen, and it looked quite scary.

Of course, no sausage is so exaggerated, but it can be seen at a glance that the lips are swollen and still have an abnormal red.

Without first managing his own situation, Shao Zhanyi hung up his own number and began to edit the news.

日暮湛歌V[挽音流歌CV]: Dear @等归人, do not want to say sorry for such words, but I am really wrong, can you look at my miserable content, forgive me.

[The screen I just shot, without clipping, is completely true.

He wore the costume of the dead bones yesterday, wearing the mask that Jun asked to appear, using the number of the Japanese zhao song, and there was a flat plate next to it. The top of the tablet was the backstage of the writer. ]

Such an obvious self-proclaimed vest has brought unprecedented sensation.

Octopus: My God, who will give me a slap, what I saw.

If you are well: Is today April 1st?

Milk tea: It turns out that the few great gods I like are the same person, Scorpio, and the sun is so big. You are so cruel and sorrowful to drink chili water, silently ask, is it delicious?

You can't go to heaven: I just want to say this when I see this, so the goddess is really beautiful, and the big things in the sun tell us that the vest needs to be cautious o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓

When she was looking for her husband, Aite, she saw it.

It was only that moment that the eyes were blurred by tears, and the voice of the weak voice of the husband occupied the brain, and there was no extra thought.

Waiting for people V [Puzzle Streaming Songs CV]: This silly person is only my husband.

[Forwarding Weibo's Weibo]

It’s stupid, but stupid, I have to love.

The lips are raised high and the tongue sweeps over the teardrops that slipped down.

Husband, when you meet, tears are sweet.

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