Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1365: Three counts of misconduct

A group of blood people can sleep a little for the daytime class, trying to bribe their teacher Carroll.

On the first day, the blood family No. 1, quietly touched the teacher's office, found Carol, slightly pleasing.

"Teacher, small and good things are given to you, so that you can quickly win the Queen's Majesty."

"I don't know if I can see it in such a small size. Will I let the little sleep later?"

From the arms, I took out a small card with the words: Haunted House, boyfriend.

There is also a small note below: Let the other party feel trembled for your mighty, fascinated by the hormones that are emitted for you.

Carol took the card and touched his chin. It felt good. "I know, go back."

The blood family was happy to leave, the pace was with the float, and it was good to go to class after school.

However the fact...

That night, looking for the old husband and other husbands to pick her up to play, to know that the night is the time of blood activities.

Sitting in the tree, shaking his feet, watching the path ahead, seeing the figure of her husband, jumping off the tree, ran towards her husband.

Carol opened his hand and held it, like holding a small doll, holding people out.

Today, the destination is a haunted house. In the evening, I go to the haunted house. It is estimated that there will be no one except the search.

Looking at the bones that popped out, there was a white haunted haunted house, looking for a face behind her husband.

Did not pay attention to the road, accidentally stepped on the root bones, the body lost balance, a conditioned reflex, grabbed her husband's chest, brought out a card.

Because of the relationship between light and the fact that Carroll was anxious, he did not find it.

After standing firm, the card naturally fell into the search.

"Is there any injury under my arm, it is too unsafe here, let's go out."

Carol, who was supposed to stage the haunted house, was forgotten by a worry, and waited until the two men walked into the place where they couldn’t see their fingers.

Eyes turn, hey, this is a good opportunity. In the dark, vision is not good, you can only rely on the senses.

In this case, it is more stimulating.

Did not think much, gently push, hand down the circle around her waist, the body directly pressed.

Then... ‘砰’ “Oh, it hurts.”

Both of them fell to the ground, but the sounds were not from their mouths, but they were looking for them.

Carol quickly climbed up and pulled the search, only to see the unlucky one, oh, no, it was a bad luck.

It’s really a bad luck o (╯□╰)o

Originally, I saw two people here, ready to come and scare them, and I ended up giving myself a pit.

The trip to the haunted house ended with a series of staff members.

On the second day, when the blood family was sleeping in class, the body was covered with golden snakes, and everyone was eager to get in touch with him.

Scared that he no longer dared to sleep, but the heart is extremely wrong, he clearly gave a good way to spicy, for the harvest is the face of the teacher's smile, so tired.

On the third day, the blood family No. 2 was eager to move, followed by Carol to find a corner of no one to offer his own tricks.

Send flowers: Red roses, let the other party feel your love and enthusiasm.

There are still annotations: although the old soil, but the effect is very good, if coupled with a larger scene, it would be better.

After the study, Carroll launched the blood and the hunter's guild to put a candle on the playground, with a red rose in the middle, 999 full.

Holding a bundle in his hand, he was full of confidence waiting for Loy to bring the search, and he did not know that the seller had to give him a single meaning.

It’s good to be perfect, but fortunately he pulled off the extra one.

Looking back that night, I read the words on the card. After I reacted, I only found it funny.

Now I hear the words of Loy, and I raise my eyebrows. Is this my husband ready to do things?

As Lloyd walked to the playground, he stunned his mouth.

Pink balloons were attached to the trees on both sides, and the wind blew and gently swayed.

A candle that is placed in a heart shape, surrounded by red roses of the same heart shape, on this dark night, red and white are as vivid.

The person in her heart stood at the sharp corner of the heart, laughing at her with a silly smile, so that she could not help but walk over.

"Your Majesty gives it to you." Carroll had some nervous openings, and the flowers in his hands passed straight.

Looking for it did not care about her husband's appearance at this time, hands took over, looked at the ten roses inside, my heart filled with sweet happiness.

The flower language representative of ten red roses: I want to give you all the best love, don't want to be embarrassed.

"The average person will send nine or ten, why should you send me ten?"

Even if I knew in my heart, I still tried to understand the confusion and wanted to listen to my husband.


Carol looked inexplicable and shouted: "What is the difference, aren't they all spent?"

Looking for: "..." Sure enough, she should not think too much.

Wood looked at the face and turned away directly, but the flowers in his hand were firmly held, as if they were afraid of falling.

"Did I say something wrong?" Carol, confused, asked the people around him.

Lloyd gave him a sympathetic look. Fortunately, he said: "There are things that you don't know, and deserve it."

On the fourth day, the **** family who was out of mind was sitting in danger, watching the blackboard with his eyes wide open, for fear that he would sleep.

The heart is two rows of lasagna. I knew that the teacher was so good. He added the flower language to it. It’s a misstep.

After two days of silence, there are still blood races who dare to face the bleak life. This time, it is simple and rude.

What is the chaos after drinking?

Nothing is more reliable than this. Raw rice is cooked and cooked, and the two are still in love. When it is time, it is natural to hand in hand to get married.

The blood family No. 3 praised his wit, but he forgot a particularly important thing. The blood family likes the red liquid, and the red wine is the most common drink of the blood family.

So it is really hard to say who is drunk.

"Your Majesty, this is the 82-year-old Lafite, I can hardly get it, try it."

Carol was diligently looking for wine, and then sent it to her mouth, looking forward to her.

Looking for: "..." Husband, you make me very kind, always feel that you have conspiracy, and ah, this 82-year-old Lafite is really much, it seems to be particularly worthless o (╯ ╰ ╰) o

However, she smelled the fragrant smell of the nose, but she believed that this was indeed the 82-year-old Lafite.

I tasted it, my eyes lit up, not bad.

Carol saw her like it, and added a cup to her, and waited until a bottle bottomed out. The opposite person was still mentally awkward and did not see any drunkenness.

Instead, she changed her eyes and looked at herself with a peach eye, as if she was asking, is there still?

Carroll: "..." Why didn't she get drunk, he felt the deep malice from the world.

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