Quick Transmigrating Second Female Lead’s Counterattack

Chapter 1544: Under the lord, I want to smoke you 64.3

Those who have noticed are silent, and another one is not trying to meet, but is not self-reliant.

In fact, they don't blame them for thinking about it. It is well known that the rich and senior officials gathered here, and the average person did not dare to come in because of the high consumption.

In addition to those who want to fly on the branches to become phoenix and some curiosity, I want to install one.

Although Peng Rouhan simply understands where Harr Street is, it is still scared by the name of the decoration and the names that are not understood.

Hold the small bag tightly and endure the sights that come from time to time.

She wants to be calm and can't back down for a better life in the future.

She has been very good at the beginning of the past two years, and the wealthy have seen a lot of life that she has never seen before.

I also understand that if she has no money, she can’t try it, let alone have it.

Bai Xi Yu gave her 20 million, she clearly has a lot, and blames the **** 卞 clear.

If she did not take her to play any bet, how could she be deceived and lost more than 10 million.

She is only tens of thousands in her hands, which is not enough for her to live for a week, let alone buy clothes.

No way, she can only think of the sword to go slant.

Walking on the marble sidewalk, which is all water-green, there are all kinds of precious flowers on both sides. Any one is as good as a bag.

This gap makes Peng Rou feel that the air is very suffocating.

She is just a fisherwoman, even if she has been mixed with those rich people in recent years, she may lack the same mentality.

Not to mention the temperament that can only be possessed from a young age. Take a deep breath and look around to find her destination.

She has put all her hopes on today, and she must not fail.

When the female owner appears, the baby prompts her.

Lying in the exclusive small garden of the hall, enjoying afternoon tea, the lips curled up in a shallow arc.

The woman does not appear to have her hair, she has not determined that the man is her husband, the original owner and the woman have no enemies ( ̄ Д ̄) ┍

Well, it’s still that Simi is more attractive to her, delicious, and I’ll go back to the 32nd floor.

Xiao Jingjing said that there was a new food study, she said, very much looking forward to it.

In the lost place, there is a kitchen in each floor, all kinds of flavor chefs, as long as you can say the name of the dish, you can do it.

"Boss, you see, our performance in the past few days is a bit sluggish."

Xiao Jing Jing Fan Jing, who had just been read, appeared in front of the search, wrinkled with a cute little face, and looked at the gorgeous woman who looked at her face with pity.

The eyes are turning and you know what abacus is being played at a glance.

Looking at the corner of his mouth, the smile is stiff, and this girl is not here now, how come out again.

"I know that the boss is willing to help for the place we lost, so, the boss, please ask you to stand at the door now."

Fan Yijing does not need to find an answer, pull her directly and push it to the door.

Looked up and looked at it, frowned, and quickly ran inside to get a deep red rose into the search.

Take two steps back and look at the beauty in front of you.

The hair of the ink is fixed by the red crystal on the left neck, which is loose and looks lazy and elegant.

The white complexion is more crystal-clear in its silhouette.

Under the exquisite eyebrows, the double enamel is like a good black glass, which contains the infinite brilliance of the world.

The inadvertent curvature made her a beautifully-lined lip with a smile and a smile.

The face of the beautiful aggression is like a poppy flower that has been sterilized, knowing that it will never be recovered, and wants to jump.

A white cheongsam with green bamboo, plus a gorgeous flower, with that face, the aristocratic lady who came out of the whole world.

It is obviously a simple dress, but because of its own temperament, it is impossible to watch.

Bai Xi Yu in the car felt that she was like a **** on the top, overlooking those who struggled in the mud.

When you see the wonderful place, you will smile and smile. When you see the sad place, you will squint.

Oh...God, the first time this feeling appeared, it was a novelty, and the novelty made him want to move.

Just looking up, but it was blocked, unpleasant frowning.

"Hello, is there a location?" Peng Rou finally found the lost place and sighed.

When I stepped up and prepared to go in, I noticed that the person at the door was inexplicably raised. She was so beautiful, and she was afraid of being a woman.

She didn't know what she was afraid of, probably because of that person, originally intended to go directly to the current direction.

Looking for the depressed eyelids in the hands of the flowers, this is the first time, the first few times 〒 _ 〒

There is an employee who is more ferocious than the boss and can't play happily.

In other words, how did she find a manager who likes money and is especially wealthy? It is a sad thing.

For the incoming inquiry, the eyelids were not lifted. "Miss, you can look at the information next to you, or you can go directly to the consultation counter."

The woman’s flash of embarrassment, she did not ignore, just did not feel anything, after all, this kind of vision she saw much more every day.

Immune to ┑( ̄Д ̄)┍

But this person is a female lord, she has a lot of heart.

Peng Rou's hand holding the bag tightened, and there was some annoyance on the face. It was not a beautiful lady who was beautiful. What was great.

I glanced at her, and proudly raised it and went inside.

Looking for an eyebrow, this female lord... oh.

I always feel that she will not provoke her, she will be restless, it seems that 90% of women and women are not likely to be harmonious.

Probably the setting that has already been formed, it has not changed.

Sadly, the rose petals in his hand were thrown at random, and then they were immediately caught.

She lost again and was caught again.

She continued to lose and continued to be picked up.

When one is finished, a red rose that is still dripping is immediately sent to the front.

It’s not polite to look for it. I’ll continue to pull it and continue to lose it. There’s such a big circle in front of the front to help collect garbage.

Who made her boring now and couldn't go to have fun? After all, the little quiet words are there.

Although she knew that it was a small quiet lie, she had to bow to evil forces _(:зゝ∠)_

Because I have offended the little quiet, there will be no food, how can she accept such abusive thing, but fortunately there are so many people who are boring to accompany her.

‘Helping to collect rubbish’ and ‘boring’, a group of non-rich and expensive people, screaming and smashing the rose flower that was thrown out of the search, laughed and called it a idiot.

They are cool, but some people are not happy.

Bai Xi Yu is very satisfied with seeing that person, even if it is more unsightly, just...

Why does he think she is acting like a dog?

The key is that he also wants to be teased, what is going on.

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