"Hey, do you really love him so much, what good is he, I am much better than him, you like me."

"I will be very good to you, even if you say that you want my life, I can give it to you."

Amos buried her head in her neck, her voice low and hoarse, full of sadness.

Looking for a subconscious mind to tighten the clothes on the chest of her husband, the tears that had been stopped, began to rise again.

She has never seen her husband's fragile side, is it because of herself?


"Hey, you don't have to tell me the answer right now, I can wait, as long as you know, whenever I am, I am behind you."

"You can see at a glance, even if you don't look back, don't worry about shadows or danger behind you, because there is me."

Amos, who illuminates the love skills, is very sincere. Although the feelings of fullness seem to be a bit exaggerated, they let the tears fall down.

Soaking Amos's clothes, the hot water drops are like the magma poured on his heart, very hot.

"Oh, don't cry, I told you that these are not trying to make you stressed, just wanting you to know, even if the world doesn't want you, you still have me."

Amos, who was screaming in his heart, said that he was not blushing and said something that was against his heart.

It seems that because of the sadness of the seemingly extraordinarily depressed voice, the listener feels heavier.

Especially for the search, such a husband should not appear.

Biting the lip, a few invisible nods, is to respond to his words.

The aim of the Amos lips is a slap in the face, and she is soon her own.

Nick did not miss the minute, and now it is replaced by the sympathy that Amos looked at.

It’s pitiful to be stared at by such a big gun.

The mouth is so nice, I don’t want people to have pressure, huh, huh...

If you don't have the ability to say it, it's not obvious that people are unwilling to go home and have a sense of guilt.

He suddenly felt that, in fact, Amos had been very good to him before, at least not counting himself, burning incense.

Turning around quietly, there is no need for an audience, and neither of them needs a third party.

However, he had to start thinking about how to publish this news for Amos to be resisted by the crazy fans.

It’s a headache, hehe.

"Amos, I'm fine." Looking for a gentle push of her husband's arms, some embarrassed, his ears slightly reddish.

Looking down, I was originally prepared to avoid my husband's gaze, and I saw his red-naked feet and frowned.

"Why don't you wear shoes, go back, what to do if you are cold, wait until you are going to be a judge."

Pushing people toward his room, instantly forgetting his current situation.

The two people who were not well-dressed appeared in the hallway, one eyelid was red and swollen, the bottom of the eye was still shadowed, and the complexion was pale.

Her tiredness was covered in her cold face, and only the soothing atmosphere showed her calm at the moment.

"Looking, are you okay?" The president always came to care after receiving the news.

To know that this is their golden 饽饽, can not be an accident, after all, the association's style depends on her.

Seeing the two people at the moment did not think much about it. After all, Amos preached that he would not give up. Seeing him like this, he obviously knew that the news came over and was comforted.

The president of the general election is a human being, and the people who continue to come over are also refined, only looking for a strong concern.

However, they all refused to mention Wang Runze’s affairs, fearing that she would cause her sadness.

Looking for a slight shaking of his head, there is no extra expression between the eyebrows. "President, I am fine, thank you for your concern, I..."

‘Drips...’ The phone that had not finished talking on the phone rang and looked at the caller ID above, and the brow wrinkled.

"Sorry, I will pick up the phone first, you are busy, I will arrive on time."

I took another shot of her husband’s arm and motioned him to go back. He saw that although he was reluctant but nodded, he turned and answered.

"Wang Runze." The expression on the face is very cold, but the voice is the anger and sadness of forbearance.

After listening to it over there, I immediately opened it: [Look, you listen to me, I...]

"Are you not intentional? Or are you being framed? Three times, the first time, the second time, the third time."

"Wang Runze, do you remember when you asked me to marry me? Three days ago!" Looking for a tone of voice can not help but sharpen, like a struggling beast, angry and helpless.

"You were blown out four days ago, but it was only three days. You asked me to marry me. I smiled on the face, but do you know how chilling I am?"

"I thought you would change, but this is the result you gave me, Wang Runze, Miao search for your love, not what you squander."

"You cancel the marriage contract, I am tired." Looking for a deep breath, leaning against the railing, his eyes drifted far away.

The two masters of the original Lord lived in the world built by Wang Runze, and they could not end the second time.

She clearly did not do anything, because she loved someone who should not love, but how could she know that that person should not love?

This is not a multiple choice question, nor is it a judgment question.

[No, look for it, I love you, I won't agree, I...]

I don't want to hear the voice of the scum man inside, hang up the phone directly, the lips are tight, and the lines are cold.

Possession of possessiveness, mouth and mouth to say love, it is really cheap.

‘啪’ Wang Runze screamed at the phone in anger, and the whole person was like a raging lion, walking around the room.

Damn, damn, the dead woman actually counts him. Although it was not this time in his life, it was such a thing.

As a result, this life has coincided with the rest of his life. Is he going to the old road of his last life?

No, how can he, he said that he should love her, and she must not let her be sad, but.

I was irritated and my head was chaotic. He didn't know what to do next, and he didn't know what to do next.

He did not forget to look for what he had just said. He only asked for marriage two days ago.

Although his image has long since disappeared, he is about to start a regional competition. He does not want to have any accidents.

"Wang Shao, you calm down, Miss Miao loves you so much, forgive you two times before, this will definitely be."

Zhao, a young master of Zhao’s dog friend, was handsomely accompanied by Wang Runze, who was not concerned about it.

He didn't feel embarrassed about this kind of romantic affair. Man, there are a few red faces outside, it is normal.

"Even if she is really angry, you will let the little girl who gave you medicine last night, and you will not be able to."

"At some point, maybe she feels that you are still in a hurry, and then, can you really keep her as a jade?"

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