Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 111: Love entry not loaded (14)

"Quick wear: After the villain heroine reaches full level (

Gu Jing went outside and inquired about Hua Wu with others. He heard that she didn't come from a transfer school, and her expression was a little weird.

Does Lin You look like that?

Gu Jing realized that he couldn't remember a little.

He socialized widely, but only with those who wanted to socialize with him.

Like the kind of person who doesn't like to socialize and doesn't have a sense of presence, he doesn't remember being normal.

"I haven't attended classes this month... such a big change?"

Gu Jing thought of what he had seen, and the corners of his lips couldn't help but rise, he liked this Lin You!

It was almost noon, Ling Mo came back from the outside and touched the back of his neck as he walked, his indifferent expression mixed with a bit of confusion.

He was pretty sure he had been attacked.

The position where he woke up was not the same as where he was last conscious.

But the other party didn't do anything to him, just dragged him near the nursing home...

"Ling Mo, have you seen Le Man'er?" Xu Yixia was a little anxious, seeing Ling Mo was like seeing a savior, "Someone saw her follow you out."

Ling Mo: "No."

Ling Mo and Le Man'er went out one after the other.

Ling Mo walked in front, but he didn't know Le Man'er was behind.

I didn't see Le Man'er...

But thinking that he was suddenly knocked unconscious, he frowned slightly: "Where's her phone?"

"She didn't take her cell phone with her." Xu Yixia was really in a hurry, afraid that something might happen, so she hurried to the dean's office to find the head teacher.

The head teacher heard that Le Man'er was gone, and hurriedly called out the classmates to look for it.

After working all morning, the classmates who didn't eat breakfast were too hungry, and now they have to find someone, and many classmates have some resentment in their hearts.

What are you going to run out of...

It's gone now, and they have to find it hungry.

Hua Wu chose a direction where no one was around and walked around casually.

For the sake of love and peace, Le Man'er is of course practicing every minute for every minute.

It's all for her good!

Hua Wu, with a sense of justice for 'good classmates', fished in the back.

"Do you know where that Le Man'er is?"

A voice suddenly came from behind, startling Huawu.

She turned her head to meet Gu Jing's smiling face.

Hua Wu caressed her chest, annoyed, "Why do I know where she is?"

Gu Jing grabbed a piece of grass, followed her in a few steps, and tapped her with the grass: "I don't think you're in a hurry at all."

"I'm in a hurry." Hua Wu held a steady air: "A steady person will not be overjoyed."

Gu Jing laughed, "I'm worried that you are stepping on ants here? Are you worried that the ants won't die fast enough?"

Hua Wu said without changing her face: "I just walk so slowly."

Gu Jing: "When you threw Ling Mo, you ran very fast."

Hua Wu insisted: "Running is not the same as walking."

Gu Jing choked and gave a thumbs up.

Hua Wu walked a few meters and found Gu Jing following her. She became vigilant: "...What are you doing with me? It's not appropriate to follow a female student in the wilderness, right?"

I didn't even plan to use you as a tool person, do you still have to deliver it to your door?

Are the villains so self-conscious now?

Gu Jing: "Classmate, the road is facing the sky, I just happened to choose the same direction as you."


Just when Hua Wu was thinking about how to let Gu Jing get lost, a shout came from a distance: "I found it!"

"So soon..." Hua Wu murmured, these classmates are too enthusiastic!

Gu Jing glanced at her, the girl lowered her eyes slightly, and her curled eyelashes were like crow feathers, covering up the emotions in her eyes.

The corners of her lips pulled down slightly, clearly unhappy.

Not happy to find classmates.

It really has nothing to do with her!

The students worked hard because they wanted to find and eat quickly.

And Le Man'er wasn't too far away.

When Hua Wu arrived, Le Man'er was pulled up with ropes by the villagers who had already arrived.

It's only been a few hours, and Le Man'er has no other injuries except her throat is hoarse, her body is a little dirty, and she is a little scratched.

Hua Wu's face was full of regret.

The duration of the experience card of the land of love between male and female protagonists is also too short.

As a loyal fan, you should let her experience one day and one night and pay tribute to the original work!

"It's good to find someone. Scare someone to death." Some classmates are glad.

"Really... what are you running around?" Some classmates also complained.

Le Man'er was supported by two female classmates, buried her head, and her body trembled slightly.

"Take her back to the nursing home first." The head teacher said, "Let's all go back."

Le Man'er was helped to go back.

Many classmates were hungry, so they climbed up and walked back.

The head teacher and the dean were talking over there, "Why is there such a big hole here?"

The dirt pit was in a wasteland, and below it was a small stream with many wild flowers blooming by the stream.

The stream was flowing, crisp and pleasant, and the air seemed to be much fresher.

The dean of the nursing home pointed to the opposite side of the stream, "In the mountains and forests over there, there used to be wild boars, who always came to the villagers' fields to make trouble. This pit was dug to catch wild boars."

"Catch wild boars against the law." Hua Wu answered coldly.

The dean of the nursing home shook his head: "It's long overdue. Young people choose to live in the city, and the land in the village is a lot of waste... I haven't seen a wild boar for a few years."

Everyone back to the top.

The dean of the nursing home greeted everyone: "Everyone, go back to eat, the children must be hungry."

in the cafeteria. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

After working all morning, I went to find Le Man'er. Everyone was hungry, but the food provided in the cafeteria... Not to mention bad, but definitely not delicious.

If hunger hadn't dominated them, no one would have wanted to use chopsticks.

Gu Jing took the food and sat opposite Hua Wu.

Hua Wu looked up at him.

Gu Jing immediately raised a smile: "I don't mind."

"I said mind, will you get up?"

"of course not!"

"Then do you mind if you ask me, do you deliberately shy away from me?"

"Why, don't you think the meal is delicious looking at my face?" Gu Jing was obviously very confident in his appearance.

"Then you shouldn't sit here with me." Hua Wu pointed to the front of the cafeteria, "You should sit there to show your style better, go Pikachu!"


What a Pikachu!

Gu Jing glanced in the direction she was pointing, and smiled: "Then there is no need."

Hua Wu: "Students should have a spirit of dedication."

Gu Jing raised his eyebrows slightly.


Gu Jing didn't care about Hua Wu's attitude, and suddenly asked, "Do you like Ling Mo?"

Hua Wu didn't know where she acted like she liked Ling Mo...

Before she came, the heroine and Ling Mo were unfamiliar classmates!

If you don't understand, ask, Hua Wu smiled politely: "Your eye can see it?" The eyes are so blind, they should be treated.

"You know where Le Man'er is, but you didn't tell everyone. You didn't mean it? I heard that Ling Mo and Le Man'er were very close during this time. You are jealous of her!"

Gu Jing probably felt that he guessed correctly, and his eyes were bright.

Hua Wu pulled the corners of her mouth, "Good guess, don't guess next time."

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