Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 133: Love entry not loaded (36)

"You know how to come back..."

Seeing Liu Yuxi coming back, Zhang Fenfen immediately pointed at her and scolded her.

Liu Yuxi permed a curly hair, heavy make-up, almost can not see the original appearance.

"Where have you been fooling around these days? What are you wearing? Ah? What are you trying to do? If you don't pass the exam, you won't be able to go to school now."

Liu Yuxi walked to her room: "Don't worry about it."

Zhang Finland followed behind her buttocks and said loudly, "I don't care? I'm your mother, you don't want me to care, who do you want?"

Zhang Fenfen didn't let Liu Yuxi close the door, and stood at the door and scolded Liu Yuxi.

"What face do you have to say about me?" Liu Yuxi burst out suddenly, her voice overshadowed by Zhang Fenfen: "What have you been doing these few months? Playing cards, drinking, and in two months, you will lose all the money from the divorce..."

"If it wasn't for me, we wouldn't have the money to pay the rent, and we would have been kicked out long ago."

"What right do you have to speak of me?"

Zhang Finnish froze there.

Liu Yuxi kicked her out, "leave me alone!"

When the door was closed, Zhang Fenfen reacted and patted the door vigorously: "Liu Yuxi, whether your wings are hard or not, it's up to your mother. You open the door for me..."

Zhang Finn was cursing outside.

It would be better for Liu Yuxi to go home and be clean outside. She changed her clothes and left the house, ignoring Zhang Finn's obstruction.

"You go, you go too, don't come back when you go!"

Liu Yuxi's movement to go out stopped, and then she left.

In addition to scolding Lin Wu every day at home, Zhang Fenfen was drinking too much. In the past two months, she turned her attention to her and began to scold her.

Seeing that Liu Yuxi was really gone, Zhang Finn laughed first, and then began to cry.

Liu Yuxi didn't come back for several days. After Zhang Finn was depressed at home for a few days, he was called to the poker table by a poker friend.

When Liu Yuxi came back again, she found that there was a man in her residence.

Liu Yuxi felt that the man was not a good person, and asked Zhang Fenfen not to associate with him.

However, Zhang Fenfen felt that she was an elder, so why should Liu Yuxi care about her and let the man live in directly.

Liu Yuxi couldn't control it, and was too lazy to control it.

She came back every three to five, and the way the man looked at her made her sick.

Once Liu Yuxi saw the man sneaking into her room, she told Zhang Fenfen that Liu Yuxi didn’t go back much after Zhang Fenfen didn’t take it to heart.

She was afraid that if she stayed there any longer, she might not know what would happen.

The conflicts between the two mothers and daughters accumulated more and more. In the end, Liu Yuxi stopped contacting her and only gave her some money every month.

Two months later, Liu Yuxi went in and ate the public food for a period of time. When she came out, Liu Yuxi was in a trance.

She was walking aimlessly on the street, not knowing where she should go.

In the crowd of people coming and going, Liu Yuxi saw a familiar figure.

Lin You…

The last time Liu Yuxi heard about her was after the results of the college entrance examination... I heard that she stayed in Yinjiang City.

She stood in the shade, swinging a fan casually.

At this moment, a figure ran towards her in the distance, hugged her in his arms naturally and skillfully, and talked intimately.

Even though she was just across the street from her, Liu Yuxi felt that they were separated by a whole world.

Gu Jing came out of the supermarket next to him with a bag, and naturally hugged the girl who was waiting for him by the roadside: "Buy it, let's go."

Hua Wu swayed with the small advertisement fan posted by the roadside, and didn't care about Gu Jing's actions, "What's for dinner?"

"What do you like to eat." Gu Jing shook the bag, "Guarantee our eldest lady is satisfied."

With his shamelessness, Gu Jing successfully achieved the achievement of shared rental.

"That's not necessarily true." Hua Wu disdainfully said: "You have a lot of room for progress in cooking."

Gu Jing choked: "I will try my best."

Gu Jing hugged her and walked a few steps, then remembered something, "By the way, didn't you say you wanted to buy clothes yesterday? What kind of clothes do you want to buy? Do you want to stop by and buy them?"

Hua Wu spread out one hand, palm up, and made a lift from the lower abdomen.

"You want to buy underwear with me?"

Gu Jing was stunned for a moment, and then said with a dark face: "Put your hands down."

Usually at home, she occasionally makes outrageous actions, so what is it like on the road!

Hua Wu put her hand down, "Do you want to accompany me?"

"Go." Gu Jing narrowed his eyes and said with a smile, "I can't see anything."

For a while, Hua Wu silently gave a thumbs up: "The adventure of the brave!"

As expected of a big change!


Gu Jing had become accustomed to his sweetheart, and from time to time he would say one or two sentences in the middle of the second.

Gu Jing went to put things in the car first - Lin Wu sponsored it to Hua Wu.

Hua Wu was too lazy to take the driver's license test, so she was all in shock.

Gu Jing led Hua Wu into the mall. Although there were many couples in the store, most of them were sitting in the waiting area outside the store and playing with their mobile phones.

There are hardly any who accompany women in.

Hua Wu presumably did it on purpose, and pulled him in: "Look, which one looks good, I'll buy it for you."


The shopping guide next to him has a weird expression.

However, shopping guides are also knowledgeable, and it is not surprising to occasionally encounter one or two perverts who have an incorrect understanding of their gender.

The shopping guide packed up his mood and showed a professional smile.

Hua Wu encouraged him: "Don't be shy, pick, and I'll pay for it."

Gu Jing laughed angrily, "Interesting?"

Hua Wu: "Didn't you say there's nothing you can't see? Well, see enough."


Did he mean that?

Gu Jing was probably afraid that he would be treated as a pervert, so regardless of Hua Wu's retention, he went outside and waited.

When Hua Wu paid out, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com saw her smirking, Gu Jing endured and endured, his eyes were full of danger: "Lin You, do you still remember the consequences of your last harassment?"

Hua Wu's expression instantly calmed down, and she said solemnly, "I'm here to show you a lot of knowledge. Aesthetics does not distinguish between genders and national boundaries."

"I thank you."

"You're welcome."


You really dare.

Gu Jing smiled: "I will thank you when I go back."

Hua Wu is vigilant: "Thank you in your mouth."

Gu Jing smiled more charmingly: "Well."

Huawu: "…"

Hua Wu covered her forehead, said hurry up!

After returning, Hua Wu didn't eat dinner, and was first thanked by Gu Jing.

Huawu regrets it.

Gu Jing this person, give him a pole and he dares to climb.

If there is no pole, he can find one by himself...

Hua Wu finally ate dinner, but before she could take two bites, Gu Jing stabbed her heart with another knife.

"Have you not done your homework yet?"


It's all posted for you, and you still have so much to say!

I'm all done, what more work to do!

"Is it due on Monday?" Gu Jing added, "Are you finished tomorrow?"

"Me." Hua Wu pointed at the tip of her nose: "Fucking a god-level degree."


Gu Jing also found out that after she went to college, her enthusiasm for studying in the third year of high school had long since disappeared, and only the rottenness was left.

If she can delay ten days, she will never delay nine days.

"Want me to help you?"

"Oh, I'd rather fool myself." Hua Wu held the bowl with disdain. She stuffed Gu Jing with a mouthful of shrimp and said solemnly, "I hope you can count on yourself."



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