Mike looked at the third child: You see, I'm right?

Third child: Perversion is perversion.

"Mike, are you and the third brother flirting with each other?"

Brother Mike and the third child were startled at the same time, looking at the girl who suddenly appeared in front of them, would she teleport? !

The third child scolded angrily and went to the side with great anger.

Probably because he was afraid that he would die early in the morning if he talked to Huawu.

After all, Mike is the eldest brother, with good psychological quality, "Do you really want to keep him?"


"...Then you can be optimistic." Brother Mai glanced at Jiang Yi, "This kid doesn't look like a good stubble."

Hua Wu pondered and thought about it: "How about we go to fix the shackles again?"

Mike: "..."

He began to worry about Jiang Yi.

"He told you, where is that place?"

"Yeah." Hua Wu asked Xiao Wu to find a map and find the place Jiang Yi said on the map, "He said there is a secret base here with supplies."

"How did he know?"

Hua Wu glared: "Then I didn't ask."


Jiang Yi has done a lot of secret projects before the end of the day, many of them at the national level... It's not normal to know a few secret bases that others don't know about.

So Huawu doesn't think it's strange.

"What if there are still people alive at the base?" McGee doesn't quite believe Jiang Yi: "I think he's lying to us."

"Then we won't go."

"Go, why not go."

"..." Hua Wu was silent, "Mike, women are so fickle."

McGonagall glanced at her, understood her mental illness, and didn't care, "Let's check the situation first. It's too hard to find supplies now, and it will be even more difficult in the future."

Who knows when this hellish doomsday will end.

They have to make long-term plans.

"Why is this kid dizzy?"

Xiao Wu's voice came from behind.

Hua Wu turned her head and saw Jiang Yi lying on the ground, "Oh."

Mike: "..."



Jiang Yi woke up at noon the next day, and they were still in the gym.

But he only saw Brother Mc, those who came down from the third floor with him, Brother Zhong and others were gone.

"Wake up."

Jiang Yi met the girl's clear eyes and her somewhat confused mind, and instantly became clear.

The girl changed the sportswear she wore yesterday into a red and white school uniform. Her long hair reached her waist, which made her face even more immature.

Jiang Yi sat up only to realize that he had changed his clothes.

Hua Wu was amazed: "You are really amazing, bullets can still be loaded in your body as if nothing happened."

As soon as Jiang Yi moved his hand, the handcuffs rattled. He was not used to it yet. His right hand pulled his left, and the movements seemed awkward.

He pulled up the hem of his clothes and saw that the gauze on the wound showed signs that it had been removed and re-banded.

"Did you take out the bullet?"

"No, I won't, what if I kill you." Hua Wu was righteous.

Jiang Yi put down the hem of his clothes, "Where are those people?"

"I do not know."


Huawu really didn't know that, as soon as she fell asleep, the people were gone.

Hua Wu pointed to his wound: "Aren't you going to take out the bullet?"

Jiang Yi: "No tools."

Hua Wu: "...In the movie, it's all hand-picking."

Jiang Yi: "This is reality."

Hua Wu slapped her thigh: "It shouldn't be more outrageous."

Jiang Yi: "..." Why, I can still dig with my feet!

The environment at the end of the day is so bad, there is no medicine and no tools, Jiang Yi dare not take it casually.

Hua Wu felt that Jiang Yi was sick like this, so she had to get cured quickly, and said actively, "There seems to be a hospital nearby, I'll take you there."

Hua Wu didn't ask him for his opinion at all. After she finished speaking, she went to see Brother Mai and asked the third child to be her bodyguard and take Jiang Yi to the hospital.

"Am I your bodyguard?" The third child was very unhappy.

"We are family! We should help and support each other."

"..." Who is your family!

The third child scolds Hua Wu as a bodyguard every day.

The clinic Huawu said was not far away.

In the past, I met two zombies, and the third one lost his axe.


"Is this the hospital you said?"

Jiang Yi held the telephone pole and looked at the hospital with the good signboard, and had the urge to learn swearing from the third child.

I saw that on the signboard, it was clearly written - Haoyuan Pet Hospital.

Huawu: "Man is also an animal."

Jiang Yi: "..."

"The conditions are limited, so don't choose." Hua Wu has already opened the door, "It would be nice to have a hospital."


The environment of this hospital is actually very good, it should be regarded as a high-end pet hospital.

It was also searched here, and many things were damaged.

It may be that the searcher was not careful. Huawu found some alcohol, as well as disinfected and unused surgical instruments, and also found anesthesia.

After seeing the ingredients of anesthetics, Jiang Yi determined that people can use it too.

Of course, you can't be too picky about this condition.

Naturally, Jiang Yi can only do this operation himself.

Fortunately, he can operate the wound by himself, and Hua Wu can help him by the side, and he can complete it.

When the bullet was taken out, Hua Wu was eager to try: "I can sew it up for you."

"You can?"

"...Yes." Hua Wu excitedly gestured, "It's just like sewing clothes. It's done, I can sew you something beautiful."

"……I will do it myself."

Jiang Yi refused to give his safety to Huawu.

Huawu lowered her head in disappointment, sat beside her in frustration, and stared at him stitching the wound.

"Why do you want me to follow you?"

Hua Wu opened her mouth and said, "I think you are a malleable talent~www.readwn.com~ in the future, you will definitely become the pillar of the country and make achievements."

The pillar of the country?

Build a career?

Now the world is full of zombies, where did you come from? Who do you make a career for?

Jiang Yi looked at Hua Wu for a moment: "Do you know me?"

He knew very well that he had never seen this little girl.

Judging by her age, she should still be in high school.

There will be no intersection with his world.

Hua Wu nodded: "I know."

"Oh? When?"

"The day before yesterday."


Jiang Yi felt that the wound was starting to hurt.

Jiang Yi was silent, and suddenly leaned towards Huawu, and the two drew closer, "Do you like me?"

The girl seemed to be startled by his sudden approach, staring at him with those jet-black almond eyes.

Hua Wu's face flushed slightly, she suddenly got up, retreated to the wall, and gasped for breath.

"You... how long have you been taking a shower?"


Jiang Yi's body is actually not dirty.

Compared to the dirty survivors, I don't know how much cleaner it is.

But compared to the clean fog of flowers, it is indeed... incomparable.

After all, he was injured and locked up by Brother Zhong's people, so he had no chance to clean himself up.

"Are you two okay?" The third child pushed open the door and entered, "We have to go back."

Jiang Yi took what could be used, got off the operating bed, and went out the door with a dark face.

"This little white face is a ruthless man..." The third tutted, "I can go by myself."

——Looking at flowers in the fog——

Babies, vote!~

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