Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 478: The Invasion of Strange Creatures (34)


Who are you and us?



Anomaly Authority.

Qu Xiyuan knew the news of Hua Wu running away, and the calm and restrained handsome face couldn't help but twitch slightly.

He knows...

I knew it had nothing to do with her!

"The headquarters is looking for her everywhere now, why is she so courageous... I heard that she has an accomplice."

Ye Liting said here, paused, and looked at Qu Xiyuan.

"Captain, what did you leave for that night?"

Suddenly suspected by his deputy, Qu Xiyuan felt helpless.

She invited herself...

But he didn't agree!

"I was still at the airport when the incident happened."

Ye Liting thought about it, there was no problem with time, he secretly relieved.

After confirming that his captain was not suspicious, Ye Liting began to gossip: "How did you say she stole things from the headquarters?"

The defense of the headquarters is many times stronger than they do not know here.

How could she be so...

Not only did he get in, he actually stole things.

Now the headquarter is jumping with anger up and down.

Qu Xiyuan: "Who knows."

"It will be troublesome for our team to work in the future." Ye Liting thought of a crueler fact.

Qu Xiyuan: "..."

Because there is a player involved in the case, everyone on the first team must be investigated.

If it weren't for the lack of manpower right now, they'd probably have to be suspended.

The first team only knew that Hua Wu had stolen something from the headquarters, but they didn't know what it was.

However, they didn't feel that they were implicated, they all had the same idea as Ye Liting, and their work was going to become more difficult.

The headquarters sent people to search everywhere, but Huawu seemed to evaporate from the world.

After a period of uproar, the headquarters did not know whether to give up or go to a dark place.

Qu Xiyuan found that he lost an excellent team member. Even though many of them now have the ability, the workload has not decreased at all.

Monsters appear frequently, and more people are involved.

It takes a lot of time for them to identify whether these people are contaminated or not.

Where is it like before, Hua Wu directly took a look and finished it in ten minutes.

With so many bizarre abilities, how come no one else has such abilities...

"Captain, I can't do it anymore. If I don't rest, I will die suddenly."

"Captain, me too..."

Qu Xiyuan saw that everyone was so tired, and it was difficult to assign tasks, "Let's go back and rest today."

"Long live the captain!"

A group of people ran out with a bang, for fear that they would be kidnapped by work if they slowed down.

Qu Xiyuan looked at the empty office and sighed slightly.

He put on his clothes, turned off the lights in the office, and walked out of the bureau.

This time is really too tired, Qu Xiyuan is going to go to the restaurant he usually goes to eat first, and then go home to rest.

Qu Xiyuan ate half of it, and the store brought him a packaged one.

"I don't have any..."

"It was sent to you by a guest," the shopkeeper said.

"Send me? Is anyone still there?"

"left already."

Qu Xiyuan didn't feel like embarrassing the shopkeeper. He looked at the package, which was a very ordinary steamed dumpling.

There is a list on the outside of the bag.

But this list... It's not the same as a normal takeaway order, and the address above is not hidden.

There is only one word for the contact person on the order.

Qu Xiyuan entered the address on his mobile phone and drove for more than an hour.

He finished eating twice and left with the takeaway.

After Qu Xiyuan drove to the location, he found that it was a very desolate bus stop with no one in front and behind.

Then he heard the phone ring.

Qu Xiyuan looked around and finally found a mobile phone in the trash can next to him.

There is an unfamiliar number on the phone.

He exhaled and answered the phone.

"Congratulations to Captain Qu on the successful treasure hunt..."

"A three-year-old child wouldn't insult you like that." Qu Xiyuan was annoyed, "You still dare to contact me, you are very courageous."

"It's okay." Hua Wu was modest on the other end of the phone, "Does Captain Qu want to be promoted and get rich?"

Qu Xiyuan: "You want me to lose my job, right?"

"...Look at what you said, how can I be that kind of person? We are teammates for so long, we are all family."

"When you went to the headquarters to steal things, did you think about us teammates?"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while, and then suddenly said, "Captain Qu, have you changed your name?"

"...No." Well, why did he change his name?

"Then how did you change from Captain Qu to Qu Ranran?"

Qu Xiyuan: "..."

Qu Xiyuan: "What's the matter with me? You don't need to say anything that violates the rules."

Hua Wu: "I'll send you warmth."

Qu Xiyuan: "..."

Frozen three feet of warmth?



Hua Wu gave Qu Xiyuan an address and asked him to meet him there.

Although Qu Xiyuan suspected that the warmth of the flower mist was poisonous, he finally arrived at the place according to the time.

It was a desolate open space, and Hua Wu and a man he had never seen were sitting in front of the barbecue.

The grill was empty.

And when Qu Xi arrived, he was carrying large and small bags—vegetables and meat.

"Captain Qu." Hua Wu waved: "You've come."

Qu Xiyuan: "..."

Qu Xiyuan feels that he is very similar to a word popular on the Internet - injustice.

Came all the way to bring her barbecue materials.

Qu Xiyuan carried the things over and looked at the man opposite Hua Wu.

This guy... looks too good-looking.

"Who is this?"

"My partner."

"..." Oh, the accomplice who fought for the door with her.

When Qu Xiyuan found Hua Wu's introduction, the man's face showed obvious disgust.

He didn't seem to want to agree with her.

Qu Xiyuan buys semi-finished products, which can be baked directly on the rack without washing or cutting.

Huawu said while putting something on the barbecue:

"Captain Qu didn't ask anyone to arrest me. I'm very pleased. It seems that our revolutionary friendship is still very solid."


He should have called someone to arrest her.

"What the **** are you looking for me for?"

Qu Xiyuan didn't even bother to ask about the door, she couldn't give it back to him anyway.

She was looking for herself today, probably to make a deal for something else~www.readwn.com~. Hua Wu took out a tablet from behind and handed it to Captain Qu, "We have a way to let people have two or more abilities, which will improve your survival rate when fighting monsters. "


Qu Xiyuan immediately took the tablet to check.

Qu Xiyuan didn't quite understand the professional expression above.

But with a short animated demo, it's much easier to understand.

"But ability is linked to spiritual power. Even if there are two abilities, it is useless without strong spiritual power."

They only have one ability now, and every time they use it up, it takes a while to recover.

Consuming mental power, they have the possibility of being polluted.

Two abilities are not necessarily a good thing.


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