"Quick wear: After the villain heroine reaches full level (

and many more……

At that time, she didn't even know about the zombie virus, did she?

Then why did she say that?

Or at that time, she knew that she had been involved in this project?

Jiang Yi's cold eyes fell on the girl sitting in the chair.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Hua Wu felt that Jiang Yi's eyes were not quite right, and she put her hands around her chest and said vigilantly.

Jiang Yi: "..."

Jiang Yi turned his eyes away and looked at the progress bar on the computer that was about to finish.

At this moment, there was a sudden movement outside the corridor.



The third child opened a slit, glanced at it, and closed it again: "It's Captain Xiao."

Xiao Xi's people and a few survivors were chased by zombies and came here.

The third research room was at the end of the corridor. Xiao Xi and the others ran here. The only refuge was here.

The third child pressed against the door and asked Hua Wu, "Do you want to open the door?"

They and Xiao Xi are just temporary plastic companions, and the third child doesn't care if they live or die.

Hua Wu glanced at the computer screen, and the progress bar just showed the prompt of 'completed'.

Jiang Yi immediately pulled out the USB flash drive. Before Hua Wu made a sound, he had already started to destroy the hard drive.

Huawu: "..."

As expected of the villain's seed player.

Hua Wu patted Jiang Yi's shoulder with admiration on her face, "I like you."

Jiang Yi: "???"

Who wants you to like a lunatic?

After Hua Wu said that, she walked directly to the door, "Open the door."

The male protagonist hangs up at this time. Who will be the best audience for Yu Yanyan?

"There are quite a few of them." The third child reminded her, "There are only three of us. If something happens, we can't win."

"Third brother, we are messengers of justice anyway, don't open your mouth and shut up to fight and kill, it's impolite."


Are you polite? Are you polite that you pay the guy directly?

The third child opened the door, "Captain Xiao."

When Xiao Xi saw the third child, he immediately shouted, "Come in!"

He and a few teammates backed up, giving the rest of the survivors time to run in.

Xiao Xi and his teammates came in last, and several people quickly blocked the door.

Zombies slammed and roared outside, and the harsh sound of fingernails scratching the door rubbed everyone's nerves.



Hua Wu looked at the group of survivors who were paralyzed on the ground and gasping for breath. There were about twenty survivors.

I didn't see Yu Yanyan and others, so they probably got separated.

Xiao Xi originally planned to let these survivors wait outside, and bringing them in was also a burden. Who knew that the group of zombies appeared too quickly and drove everyone in.

The movement outside the door gradually subsided.

Xiao Xi breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the people in the room. Seeing only Hua Wu, Jiang Yi and the third child, he was a little surprised: "Just the three of you?"

Hua Wu pretended not to see him, and looked away directly.

It was even more impossible for Jiang Yi to speak, so the third child could only speak: "Has Captain Xiao seen Brother Mike?"

Xiao Xi: "No. But if they heard gunshots, they should be fine."

There are many places to hide in the base. As long as you are not chased by zombies into a dead end, you have a great chance of survival.

The third thinks that Mike and the others should be fine.

Xiao Xi first asked people to check the survivors to see if anyone was bitten by zombies, and made sure that no one was injured. Then he said, "Everyone rest here first."

"Captain Xiao, can we still go out?"

"We have no food or water, and now you are all out of bullets, are we going to die here?"

"Captain Xiao..."

Captain Xiao was surrounded by this group of people, and it would be a lively event if you spoke to me.

The flower mist looks numb to the scalp.

It's hard to be the protagonist!


Hua Wu felt that something was wrong, she seemed to be the protagonist... Hua Wu looked around, moved her body, and hid behind the third child.

Neutralize the protagonist's halo and the villain's halo, and the trouble that belongs to the protagonist will not be able to find her!

Hua Wu felt great.

Jiang Yi glanced at her out of the corner of the eye, wondering why she was mad by hiding herself at the moment.



Xiao Xi motioned for everyone to be quiet: "I will find a way, everyone rest first and recover their strength."

After comforting the group of survivors, one of Xiao Xi's teammates stepped forward and said a few words to Xiao Xi. He began to look around the room, and then walked to one of the computers.

Xiao Xi obviously also came from some data in the computer.

Hua Wu stood behind the third child with her arms crossed, and suddenly said: "You said that information, will it be in every computer?"

Jiang Yi: "No."

Hua Wu: "Why are you so sure?"

Jiang Yi: "What do you think that is? One share?"

"It's good if it doesn't." If this is true, and it affects her to save mankind, it will be troublesome.

Huawu held the lofty justice that no one could stop her from saving mankind, and gave a thumbs up: "Now we are stable."

Work progress +1.

Jiang Yi: "???"

What are you babbling about?

Sure enough, Xiao Xi didn't find what they were looking for.

Jiang Yi didn't have time to hide the hard drive that Jiang Yi destroyed. He threw it into the corner and was found by Xiao Xi's people.

Xiao Xi and his teammates murmured for a while, then came over to Huawu and the others, "Old third, have you ever touched anything in here?"

The third child: "When you came, we just came in not long ago... This is just a bunch of machines and some incomprehensible documents. What's so exciting?"

Xiao Xi: "Have you really never moved?"

The third child was suddenly unhappy, and slammed the axe on the ground: "What do you mean, Captain Xiao? What do you have to say directly~www.readwn.com~ Don't beat around the bush!"

Xiao Xi quickly reassured: "I don't mean anything else, it's just that that thing is very important to us."

The third child snorted coldly: "We didn't move anything! Believe it or not."

Xiao Xi looked at the third child, and then looked at Hua Wu, who was hiding behind the third child, only showing half of his body, and Jiang Yi, who was standing against the wall.

The handcuffs on Jiang Yi's hands are very eye-catching.

Even if Jiang Yi usually appears with clothes over handcuffs, it is impossible for Xiao Xi, a trained person, to not notice at all.

But Jiang Yi had never asked anyone for help, and he was free to move, so he couldn't care why he was handcuffed.

Besides being good-looking, Jiang Yi doesn't seem to have any special abilities.

Hua Wu is just a student, she should not know what is in this base.


Xiao Xi probably thinks that he is a big old man with a lot of swear words, and his output depends on roar.

There's no reason for them to destroy the hard drive...

Xiao Xi felt a little weird in his heart, but he had no other evidence, so in the end he could only apologize and return to his team.

Didn't find what they were looking for, Xiao Xi and others didn't give up, and discussed going elsewhere.

The third child wants to go to meet Mike.

There is only one way to go out, they still have to go together.

The zombies in the corridor were led away by voices from other places. After they came out, Hua Wu found an opportunity to separate from them during the chaos.

"Where are we going now?" The third child asked Hua Wu.

"monitoring room."

"What are you going to do there?"

"Look for Mike."

Why is Mike in the monitoring room... The monitoring room is looking for Mike, monitoring...

The third child is not stupid, but there is a question: "Do you know where the monitoring room is?"

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