Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 539: Prostitutes will not easily lead dogs (16)

The injury on Wang Jianghua's body was not serious, and it almost healed after a few days of raising.

The Xu family was worried that she would encounter danger again and let her stay at home. Wang Jianghua finally persuaded them that she could take people out.

"Miss, there is a fragrant market today, shall we go and have a look?" Cuifang said: "It's only once a month. There are many good things in the market."

Wang Jianghua thought for a while, then nodded in response, "Okay."

Cuifang immediately told the driver to turn around and head towards Xiangshi.

Just after Wang Jianghua's carriage turned around, two people at the corner immediately followed.

The incense market sells not only finished incense, but also various raw materials.

Many uncommon raw materials may be encountered in the incense market.

Not only can you trade things here, but you may also meet like-minded friends, so every time the incense market opens, there will be an endless stream of people coming and going.

Before Wang Jianghua arrived at Xu's house, she knew little about fragrances.

But when she returned to Xu's house, she didn't only know about pleasure and didn't learn anything.

After a short period of tonic, she has mastered a lot of fragrances, as well as the properties and usage of common raw materials.

Everyone in the Xu family praised her for her talent, and she deserves to be the daughter of the Xu family.

Therefore, Wang Jianghua is very proud of this point and never delays in learning.

She understood that only when she became more powerful would the Xu family recognize her more.

Wang Jianghua took Cuifang for a while in the fragrant market and bought a lot of things.

"Miss, let's go over there and take a look."

Just as Wang Jianghua was about to go with Cuifang, Yu Guang swept to a book stand near the corner.

The owner of the stall is pulling and pulling with someone.

"I'm here to sell books, not to receive them. You can go and look elsewhere, don't hinder my business."

The sloppy man pulled the boss and begged, "Boss, do your best, anyway, you have so many books here, and you can't miss these few. I'm here to treat my mother, otherwise I wouldn't sell these books. ."

"Oh, I'll take care of you..."

The boss pushed the man out.

The man staggered and fell to the ground, and the book in his hand fell to the ground.

Wang Jianghua suddenly went over there, and Cuifang quickly grabbed her, "Miss, the books sold by these vendors are all used to coax laymen. They are of no value."

Books that are really valuable will not be sold here.

"Just take a look." Wang Jianghua said, "It's fine."


Cuifang couldn't stop Wang Jianghua, she gritted her teeth and followed her.

Wang Jianghua walked up to the man and helped him pick up the book on the ground.

The above two are very common in the market, and there is no special fragrance spectrum, and there are even many mistakes in them.

Even Wang Jianghua, who has just come into contact with this industry, can identify it.


Wang Jianghua looked at the bottom book, her pupils shrank slightly, and her heart beat faster.

Just as she was about to open it, the man seemed to have been snatched by her, so she quickly took the book back, "Thank...Thank you."

The man got up with the book in his arms, glanced at the boss standing behind the stall, and left in despair.

"Wait a minute." Wang Jianghua stopped the other party, "Can you sell these books to me?"

The man was stunned, as if he couldn't believe it: "You... you want to buy it?"

"Well, sell it to me."

"Did you really buy it?"

Wang Jianghua directly asked Cuifang to take the money.

The stall owner stood behind the stall and reminded Wang Jianghua: "Girl, don't be deceived, the books in his hand are useless at all."

He has seen all kinds of routines in the incense market, and he has seen this kind of people who sell books to treat their relatives countless times.

In fact, those books are just a patchwork of content that is not desirable at all.

"It's okay." Wang Jianghua said: "It's pitiful to see him."

The stall owner heard what Wang Jianghua said and didn't say anything else.

The man handed a few books to Wang Jianghua, thanked him repeatedly, and ran away quickly with the money.

Wang Jianghua didn't want to go shopping any more, she returned to the carriage with her things, and immediately opened the last book.

The book cover seems to have been soaked in water, and the handwriting is blurred, only a few words on it can be discerned.

She opened it holding her breath.

The first page is the prologue, which is about the rise and fall of the Rong family.

"Miss, it's still early, do we have to go somewhere else?"

Wang Jianghua: "If you don't go, go back to the house."

Lu's back door.

A sloppy man squatted by the door with his hands folded.

The back door opened with a creak, and the man immediately got up and looked at the person who opened the door: "Girl."


"It's all done." The man smiled.

Hua Wu took out a silver note from her sleeve and gave it to him, telling him to leave.

After arranging these, Hua Wu did nothing.

After Lu Zicheng's health was well maintained, Zhen Shi began to prepare a dowry for Hua Wu.

Hua Wu heard from Lu Fan that the wedding date was set in two months.

Lu Fan said that she could ask Zhen Shi for anything she needed, so Hua Wu started to stock up on her small vault.

Although Zhen Shi was reluctant, she finally gave it all.

When Hua Wu has time, she will send some raw materials to Shi Yu.

"The last one hasn't been used up yet." Shi Yu looked at the raw materials piled up in the hills, "You don't have to send it all the time."

"No money anyway."


Lu Zicheng sponsored the ingredients of Huawu, and he didn't spend a penny.

Hua Wu let Shi Yu not have to worry about this, "You just study hard and strive to become a master as soon as possible! I will solve other things for you."

Shi Yu felt that Hua Wu's attitude towards him was too strange, "...what do you want me to do?"

She gave herself a place to live, to give him what he needed...

But she never said what she needed to do for her.

What you get without paying any price, maybe pay a bigger price later.

Hua Wu covered her chest with her hands, and the sparkling light in her eyes said, "I can't bear to see geniuses buried. I like to cultivate geniuses and watch them shine. I am the Bole of geniuses."

Teacher Yu: "???"


Shi Yu got up and went back to the house. When he came out, he had an extra box in his hand.

He handed the wooden box to Huawu.

"give me?"

Shi Yu looked at the ground with a slightly awkward tone: "For your mother, when you go to bed, it will make her sleep more comfortable."

Hua Wu raised her eyebrows, "Thank you."

Shi Yu didn't say a word, sat back at the table and started sorting out the things that Huawu brought.

"By the way, do you want to participate in the Xianglu Festival?"

The movement in Shi Yu's hands paused, "Will you let me participate?"

He really wanted to go to the Xianglu Ceremony~www.readwn.com~ It was the only stairway that could lead him to a higher place.


He signed a contract with her.

"Why not? Your talent should be seen by more people, and let them admire and admire you." Hua Wu lay on the table, "If you want to go, go and sign up."

Find something for the child to do, and he won't have time to think about anything else!

Shi Yu did not immediately agree, only said he would think about it.

Probably because he was worried that Hua Wu would suddenly encourage him to sign up and have other purposes.

She's not as kind as she herself says.

Shi Yu thought about it later, and felt that she rescued herself, probably because she and Lu Zicheng negotiated.

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