"Quick wear: After the villain heroine reaches full level (

The door is of course locked by Huawu.

If this group of people ran out and chose to join the zombie camp, wouldn't the witnesses be gone?

Even if they didn't join the zombie camp, they would run around and it would be very troublesome for her to find her, so she might as well be locked here.

easy and convenient.

It also ensures their safety, killing two birds with one stone, how great!

Isn't that her duty as a heroine?

Working hard today too!

Workers will never admit defeat!

Of course... can't admit it.

Hua Wu's argument was well-founded, but they didn't know if the base was destroyed and the door lock failed. And they also helped them open the door to prevent everyone from being bitten to death by zombies.

"Follow us." Hua Wu showed the good character of the heroine: "Let's go to Mike now and leave here."

They are completely unfamiliar with the base, someone leads the way, and there is a third child who can fight, of course they are happy to follow.

The only one who is not happy is the third one.

It's fine for him to be a bodyguard for these two little bastards, and now he has to be a bodyguard for a group of people.

What crime did he do in his last life!

"What are you doing to save them?" Although the third child doesn't quite understand why Hua Wu is so kind, he also thinks it's not that simple: "With a bunch of burdens... What's your idea?"

"It is my duty to save humanity."

No matter how serious and firm the girl's tone was, she couldn't shake off the strong feeling of middle school.

Which normal person talks about saving mankind?


Jiang Yi said from the side: "She probably wants to make these people witnesses."

"What kind of witness?" The third child didn't react.

"Yu Yanyan."

"!!!"Grass! He was looking for Mike there, and she was putting it aside to count people! !

This is the family! !

The third child decided to find McGee and let McGee kick her out! !

Fart family! !

Hua Wu didn't know that the third child was going to kick her out of the family group, holding on to the glasses that didn't exist, and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Jiang, you know me so well, you really can't tell if you don't show your face."

Jiang Yi: "..."


Not necessarily.

Hua Wu put her hands on her chest, yearning and looking forward to it: "We are a match made in heaven..."

Jiang Yi looked at her for a moment, and suddenly felt that the words in her mouth might not mean what he understood.

Jiang Yi suddenly turned cold and sneered: "God is blind."

Huawu: "..."

I am now the darling of heaven!



After Mai Ge and Huawu dispersed, they were pushed to the next floor by the zombies.

They were lucky enough to find the warehouse where the supplies were stored.

It's really exciting to have a lot of stuff.

When Hua Wu found them in the surveillance, they were going through a difficult ideological struggle, giving up so many supplies and preparing everyone to take as much as possible.

Then I heard the sound of Hua Wu greeting.

Hua Wu brought people and Mago to meet them. Seeing that she brought a lot of survivors, Mag thought she had specially found the supplies after hearing that she had found them, and she was overjoyed: "You're quite smart, you've made so many things. Human porters are here!"

Hua Wu answered with kindness: "Fortunately, I am a family with a vision."

The third child was shocked by Hua Wu's shamelessness.

I really want to tell Michael that these people are the 'witnesses' she's looking for, not the human porters she's looking for at all.

She doesn't even take you seriously! !

But the third child didn't say anything in the end.

After all, these 'witnesses' can also be porters.

There are a lot of materials in the warehouse, and the survivors were starving to death. When they saw those materials, their first reaction was to eat first.

So many materials, it is impossible to take all of them.

Mike didn't stop them. After all, only when they're full can they have the strength to remove more supplies.



Xiao Wu and others packed up the supplies. In addition to these, they also allowed the survivors to stuff some more on their bodies. As long as they can take them away, those will be theirs after they go out.

Hua Wu found a way out in the surveillance, and used the central control room to set up a regular broadcast. After all the zombies were led away, they went out without any danger.

A few sporadic zombies are not enough for the third child to cut.

Just as Hua Wu and the others went out to load the supplies into the car, Xiao Xi also took someone out of the other exit, and Yu Yanyan followed behind him.

In her small group, only Ding Tong was with Yu Yanyan at this time, and the others disappeared.

There are no zombies behind Hua Wu and the others. They can slowly load supplies while admiring the zombies in the parking lot, but Xiao Xi and the others have...

Huawu: "..."

Why is the hero so useless!




The team of hundreds of people has shrunk by half.

Xiao Xi's people lost two more, and now there are only five people left.

After they left the base, they didn't find a place to rest until dark in a village.

Before Hua Wu got out of the car, she heard a loud noise.

She leaned on the car window and looked out, just in time to see Yu Yanyan being slapped on the ground, and half of Yu Yanyan's face immediately became red and swollen.

"What are you doing!"

Ding Tong was still alive. Seeing this, he was very companionable and tried to stop the group of angry survivors.

"What are we doing?" Huang Mao sneered, "Why don't you ask her what she did?"

Yu Yanyan was stunned by the slap, and lay on the ground for a long time, unable to get up.

When she came out of the base, she vaguely saw the yellow-haired group of people~www.readwn.com~ Before she could think of a countermeasure, she was slapped when she got out of the car.

"What can Yanyan do?" Ding Tong stung his neck: "Don't bully people too much. Last time you robbed us of supplies, we didn't care about you, and now you are still beating people, don't think that we are small. I'm afraid of you!"

Huang Mao's eyes were full of vicious colors: "Pull her away!"

Yu Yanyan and Ding Tong were only two people at this time. There were not as many people as last time.

Knowing that Xiao Xi was there, Ding Tong struggled and shouted, "Captain Xiao... Captain Xiao help!!"

When Xiao Xi brought people over, Yu Yanyan had already been kicked several times and curled up on the ground, very pitiful.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Xi scolded and helped Yu Yanyan up from the ground, "Do you still have any humanity when you attack a girl!"

"Captain Xiao..."

Ding Tong broke away from the person holding her, ran to Xiao Xi's side, and began to cry.

"Captain Xiao, they suddenly made words and said they harmed them. They are just talking nonsense, just to see that our two girls are easy to bully! Captain Xiao, you have to decide for us."

Huang Mao's group began to refute: "We are talking nonsense? With so many people, who is full and wronged her!!"

"It's this woman who deliberately led us to places with zombies and closed the door on purpose. She just wanted us to die."

"Captain Xiao, come and judge..."

Xiao Xi listened for a while, and finally understood what was going on.

Xiao Xi frowned and looked at Yu Yanyan who was leaning against him, "What are they talking about?"

Half of Yu Yanyan's face was swollen, tears hung in the corners of his eyes, and he couldn't fall. He grabbed Xiao Xi's hand and shook his head: "I don't know... I haven't met them. I don't know why they say that..."

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