Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 585: Starry Sky Delusion (23)

Hua Wu finally sent the royal family away and finally could rest on the soft princess bed.

As a result, Fang Lang's communication request came first.

Fang Lang and Bo Xin were together, and they were arranged by Hua Wu outside the palace to avoid any accident and they would be wiped out.

Just after talking to them, Yin Feng's call request lights up again.


The new leader has nothing to do, but he won't find himself.

Could it be that the newly acquired leader has been lost again?

It's not so rubbish, is it?

Hua Wu connected to the communication with an uneasy mood.

Yin Feng was on the spaceship, walking through a corridor, and when she saw her answering the communication request, he raised his eyes and glanced.

That glance was light, as if looking at an unimportant object.

But whoever made him look good, no matter what he did, he always had the urge to forgive him.

Hua Wu leaned against the bedside of the dreamy princess style, wearing delicate and beautiful pajamas, and her long hair fell from her ears to her front.

"Looks like you're fine."

Hua Wu clasped her hands in front of her, like an elder of a young man in the school exam, with a deep tone, "Do you want me to be okay, or do you hope I'm okay."


Yin Feng entered a room over there, which seemed to be a place to rest.

Hua Wu asked calmly, "What are you looking for from me?"

Yin Feng: "It's fine."

Hua Wu is suspicious, what are you doing with her?


He never used to brag about himself...

She asked cautiously, "Is there anything wrong with you?"

Yin Feng: "…"

Can't she hope for better?

Yin Fengpi smiled and said, "Thank you for your concern, very good."

The two were relatively speechless.

Finally, Yin Feng asked her, "Where are you now?"

"I just came back, it's not bad to be able to lock Liu Siwei." Hua Wu shrank into the quilt and sighed slightly, "The road to the king is full of thorns and bumps."

"You don't seem to need me. Why do you let me take people to the edge of the galaxy?"

With that many people, it is definitely impossible for him to enter the empire with great fanfare.

So he can only stay on the periphery now, and he has to be careful to hide, so as not to be found and beat up.

"What if I fail to seize the throne?" Hua Wu's chin was buried in the quilt, and her dark eyes were sly and agile, "I have to grab it with both hands. Excellent princesses will always leave a way out for themselves."

Yin Feng: "You have Bo Xin to help you, so you shouldn't be able to use me."

"He's very useful."

If she had met Bai Xin earlier, she wouldn't have to work hard to get Yin Feng.

She didn't think about Persing at the time.


Sure enough, the details are important too.

Hua Wu can only comfort himself. If he is restless and has a hard time, he should be the heroine who does good deeds every day.


The light and shadow in front of the flower fog compresses into a line in the air, and finally disappears.


What are you doing?

Why did she hang up before she finished speaking?

So impolite!

Hua Wu was not in the mood to call him back, she shrank to the quilt, and closed her eyes to sleep.

She still has a tough battle to fight.

the next day.

As soon as Hua Wu got up, someone came in and told her that the king was coming.

Hua Wu just woke up and was still a little stunned. He didn't respond for a while after hearing this.

The servant who passed the message looked at her face carefully, "Your Highness, don't you want to see it?"

Hua Wu put on a small white shawl, and the tassel swayed with her movements, "What is he doing here?"


His Majesty didn't say anything.

Hua Wu didn't embarrass the servant, "Let him come in."


Hua Wu waited for the servant to go out and turned on the video recording function of the personal terminal.

The servant quickly brought Nian Yang in.

Nian Yang's handsome face was a little haggard, as if she hadn't slept well last night.

"His Majesty the King doesn't seem to have a good rest." Hua Wu sat in the chair, drinking coffee.


Nian Yang frowned slightly, "Xiao Qi, you don't need to call me that, I'm still your brother."

Hua Wu put down the coffee cup and said in a serious tone, "Then how can you do it, respect and order, you are the king now, I can't be rude."

Nian Yang: "…"

Nian Yang was not happy at all, but felt that Hua Wu was doing it on purpose...

"Your Majesty the king came so early, what's the matter?"

"I... just came to see you."

Yesterday, they didn't say a complete word.

"What Liu Siwei did..."

"Your Majesty the King doesn't need to explain anything to me." Hua Wu interrupted him, "The royal family will issue a public announcement after the trial is over. If His Majesty wants to intercede for her, it is useless to come to me, I am not responsible for the trial. ."

"I didn't come to plead for her."

Hua Wu raised her eyes: "She is about to become your wife anyway. You should like her, right? Otherwise, you won't marry her, and Your Majesty has no compassion at all?"

Nian Yang was stunned by Hua Wu's words.

Why did she still speak to Liu Siwei?

"She hurt you."

Hua Wu: "She didn't hurt you, she was so good to you, and you didn't help her plead for mercy."

Nian Yang: "…"

Wouldn't she be more angry if he pleaded with Liu Siwei?

Nian Yang probably thought that Hua Wu said this on purpose.

After all, if something happened to him, he wandered outside for two years and finally came back, but he couldn't even think about the person he once liked marrying someone else.

"Xiaoqi, I know you're angry, but I really thought you had... I only got with her later, and there are other considerations for marrying her."

Nian Yang clearly analyzed his difficulties for Hua Wu.

Hua Wu didn't interrupt him this time, waiting for him to finish speaking, "Finished?"

Nian Yang: "…"

Hua Wu's face squeezed out a smile, "I have other things to do today. Please come back after Your Majesty has finished speaking. Don't delay official business."

"Xiao Qi, I..."

"Send Your Majesty out."

Nian Yang's lips twitched, and finally seemed helpless, "Then you have a good rest these days, and I will see you tomorrow."

She didn't want to see her now, and Nian Yang knew that it was useless for her to be anxious.

Nian Yang got up and left.

Huawu brought breakfast in, and after breakfast, I read the information on Xiaxing.com.

The royal family rescinded the announcement of her death yesterday and called an emergency meeting to confirm the news of her return.

The focus of the discussion is nothing more than two points.

Celebrate the princess's death and return to the palace.

The situation of the princess and the current king, will the princess take back the throne and step down in time for New Year's Eve?

If the princess doesn't take back the throne, then it shouldn't be a big deal. She is still a noble and unparalleled princess.

If the princess wanted to take back the throne, would Nian Yang be willing to give it back to her?

'Repay' and 'Not repay' are two different situations.

Hua Wu looked at these people and analyzed ~www.readwn.com~ as if they had witnessed it with their own eyes.

In addition to this incident, it was the case of Liu Siwei's murder of the princess.

Now everyone only knows that Liu Siwei made the princess 'die', and the specific details have not been revealed.

A moment ago she was the lucky one who was about to become a queen.

Who knows that the next moment will become a prisoner and become the murderer of the princess.

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