Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 596: Starry Sky Delusion (34)

Things didn't go to the point of hijacking the Zerg spaceship, which was loaded with loot and soon set off for a destination.

Hua Wu was quite disappointed, as if not hijacking the spaceship was a great regret in life.

Yin Feng doesn't understand her.

He didn't want to understand either.

After all, this little princess has always been abnormal.

At this time, they were hiding in a fairly safe place. In the corridor separated by a wall, there was a movement of Zerg crawling through from time to time.

In the small space, the smell was not very good, Hua Wu sat on the ground and covered her nose with her sleeves, drowsy.

Yin Feng was sitting next to her, and the rest were sitting in different places.

She didn't know how long she would stay, Hua Wu was so uncomfortable sitting on the hard ground, she looked around and moved to Yin Feng's side.

Yin Feng glanced at her from Yuguang, thinking that she had something to say, but who knew that she probed her head to observe him for a while, then suddenly leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder.

Yin Feng: "Why?"

"Come on, it's uncomfortable." Hua Wu was quite righteous.

Yin Feng's shoulders shrank, Hua Wu's head was empty, and the whole person fell on him.

Yin Feng moved to the side, showing no pity.


"I can't help my father."

Hua Wu muttered this sentence with a full face, and moved towards a humanoid warrior.

Humanoid warriors have no gender, the skin is the same as that of humans, and the temperature is not worse than that of real people.

Hua Wu found a comfortable position and began to sleep with the avatar warrior.

If you don't recharge your batteries now, you won't have time to wait until you get there.

Yin Feng watched her close her eyes and seemed to fall asleep in a second, not worrying about her safety at all.

The heart is so big...

Yin Feng couldn't help grinding his teeth, staring at the girl's quiet sleeping face, and then abruptly turned his eyes away and looked at the drowsy void.

seven days later.

The spaceship descended bumpily, looking down from the spaceship, the dense black spherical buildings spread throughout the space.

It's not on the ground.

but underground.

Many of those spherical buildings are floating in the air out of thin air, and there are bands of light connecting them with other spherical buildings, and those bands of light form a huge net.

The spaceship enters one of the spherical structures.

The hatch did not open immediately, the entire spaceship was quiet, and even the movement of the Zerg could not be heard.

Hua Wu, Yin Feng and others tried to open the door, but found that all the doors were locked.

They finally got off the spaceship, only to find that it was a void outside, and the spaceship was parked on a platform with no connections on all sides.

Looking down is a bottomless darkness, surrounded by the same platform, some of the same spaceships parked, some empty.

Huawu: "…"

Yin Feng: "…"

Hua Wu touched the weapon with a gloomy smile on her face: "Insects are pretty good at playing."

Yin Feng had already checked around and walked back: "It's too far to get through."


A slight tremor came from under his feet.

But apart from the shaking, nothing else happened.

Hua Wu thought of something, he turned his head and looked at Yin Feng, and the two ran to the spaceship at the same time, returning to their original place full of 'cocoons'.

At that time, the place full of cocoons was more than half empty.

The ground turned into a black hole, and the remaining 'cocoons' were falling down one by one.

But in the blink of an eye, the remaining half also fell completely, and the bottom compartment was slowly closing.

Just then, gunshots sounded outside.

The Zerg found them.

Several humanoid warriors rushed in from the outside, followed by the huge Zerg. As soon as they entered, the place that was originally spacious suddenly became narrow.

There were dense crawling sounds outside, and more and more Zerg came after hearing the news.

Hua Wu looked at the cockpit that was about to close completely, took a deep breath, turned her head and sent an invitation to Yin Feng: "Would you like to explore the mysteries of the world with me?"

Yin Feng: "…"

Yin Feng took Huawu three steps and took two steps, jumping into the darkness from the bottom cabin that was not fully closed.

The humanoid warrior behind him, while blocking the Zerg, jumped with Huawu and the others.


Huawu fell into the water, and there were many things underwater, and she hit those things, her body was out of control.

Hua Wu was trying to stabilize her body when her waist suddenly tightened, and then she slammed into a broad chest and was hugged tightly.

They start to rise.


"Huhu..." Hua Wu took a deep breath and found that there was a strange purple mist in front of her, she could only barely see Yin Feng's appearance.

There are other movements behind him, it should be those humanoid warriors.

But the last crash was loud, Huawu's scalp numb, dragged Yin Feng and swam forward.

However, there are many 'cocoons' on the water surface blocked by the purple mist, and they will bump into them if they are not careful.


The Zerg with two huge mantis arms emerged from the bottom of the water, and its sharp claws cut through one of the cocoons, and the people inside were also divided into two, and the **** smell spread.

Huawu made a decisive decision, "You go to attract its attention, I will kill it."

Yin Feng nodded and swam to the other side quickly, making a big noise.

The Zerg was really distracted by Yin Feng, and Hua Wu followed the sound and touched the Zerg behind.

When they helped Yin Feng recover the goddess of life before, the two cooperated in action. Although they have not acted together for a long time, the tacit understanding is still there.



Zerg fell into the water.

Hua Wu sat on the head of the Zerg and took a breath.

She was standing tall at this point, and all she could see was a purple fog.

And on the water surface under these mists, there are countless cocoons floating.

There is no end at all around, I don't know how big this place is and how many such cocoons are there.

Yin Feng and the others climbed onto the Zerg corpse one after another. The huge Zerg corpse with levitating power could just be a place to stay.

"This should be the place where the Zerg breeds offspring." Yin Feng said: "The Zerg queen should not be too far from this place."

"Let's find a way to get out of here first." Hua Wu's eyes fell on the head of the Zerg corpse, "Put his head off, just enough to be a boat."

After Hua Wu finished speaking, she let the avatar warrior next to her go to work~www.readwn.com~ She twisted her clothes and seemed uncomfortable, but now the conditions are limited, she frowned and endured it, and took out a nutritional supplement Put the medicine in your mouth and take a few breaths.

"Simulator warriors are so good, they don't even need to eat or drink."

"They'll be out of power."

"Don't say a few words, no one will treat you as dumb." Hua Wu was annoyed, "Crow's Mouth!"

The humanoid warrior was skilled in handling the Zerg corpse, and soon unloaded his head and peeled off the shell on the top of his head.

The size is moderate, and Huawu broke off two claws from the Zerg as oars.

Several people sat in a temporary 'boat' and began to row in one direction.

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