Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 721: The villain's little wife is not quite right (23)

Su Yan scolded Su Xuan in various ways in the office.

Su Xuan sat behind the desk leisurely, lowered his eyes and listened quietly, and did not stop him.

When Su Yan was out of breath from scolding, he slowly said, "Dad, don't you think I don't know what you did?"

Su Yan's face and neck were flushed red. Hearing Su Xuan's words, he subconsciously asked, "What do you know?"

"You want me to tell those things one by one?" Su Xuan chuckled, "Then why not go to the police station and tell them."


Su Yan was stuck for a moment.

"It was you who attacked me first." Su Xuan paused, seemingly helpless, "If you continue to make trouble, then I can only deny my relatives and let the police deal with it."


Hasn't he already disowned his six relatives?

Su Yan knew what he had done.

He wasn't sure if Su Xuan had any evidence in his hand.

What if?

"Dad, go back." Su Xuan got up and opened the door for him, "Stop making trouble, or I'll be really angry."

The young and handsome youth had a gentle smile on his face.

However, that smile was indescribably cold.

Su Xuan only felt chills in his limbs, and cold sweat covered his back in an instant. He stared at the person by the door, wishing he could bite a piece of flesh off him.

Where is his son...

It is simply a devil!

Su Yan made a fuss in the company, but in the end he could only pack up his things and leave in despair.

The things Su Xuan did spread quickly in the circle.

The methods used by Su Xuan in the past were already dreadful.

Now that he even dares to treat his own father like this, what else can't he do?

Therefore, the rumors about Su Xuan became even more outrageous.

After Su Yan returned home, there was no fuss, it was very quiet.

I don't know if I have accepted the reality, or I am secretly planning other ideas.

Since Su Xuan completely took control of the company, he carried out drastic reforms and laid off many old people.

Most of these people came with Su Yan.

Su Yan himself nearly bankrupted the company in the past, and these people naturally have no skills, they just make a living in the company.

Su Xuan cut them off, although some people were dissatisfied.

But thinking about Su Yan's fate, no one dared to challenge Su Xuan.

Hua Wu affirmed and praised Su Xuan's performance.

Su Xuan didn't know what this had to do with her, but after all, she and him were married in name, and he didn't dismantle her.

"What have you been doing lately?"

He has been busy during this time, and he doesn't have much time to go back.

Hua Wu, who was watching TV on the sofa with a thermos cup in her arms, replied without raising her head, "Observe."


Su Xuan couldn't understand the words she popped up from time to time.

Seeing that Hua Wu had no intention of explaining, Su Xuan could only ask aloud, "What are you observing?"

"The fragility of love." Hua Wu couldn't help but bend the corners of her lips when she thought of Li Enning's uneasy expression recently.

If you want to be with the hero, how can you not go through hardships and obstacles.

Love needs to be tested!

Su Xuan was full of doubts, whose love?

What is she laughing at?


Su Xuan was still thinking about "whose love", the person on the sofa pulled out a few pieces of paper from nowhere, and waved them at him with a clatter.

"This is your next work plan."


Su Xuan didn't take her words to heart, but after he finished reading those papers, the way he looked at Hua Wu changed.

"How do you know so much?"

"God, omnipotent." Hua Wu made a very second-hand gesture, "Mortal, believe in me, and you will get everything."

Su Xuan blankly turned off the TV that was playing a certain animation: "Speak normally."

Huawu: "..."

Hua Wu scratched her chin and remained silent.

"Where did you get this information?"

Hua Wu cleared her throat and said seriously: "Mr. Su, there are some secrets, there is no need to ask them to the end, keeping the secrets can make our husband and wife relationship last forever~"

"Then how can I trust you?"

He can't just believe what she said just because she said a few words casually, and then risk the company, right?

Huawu reached out and tapped the word "suggestion" on the title of the first piece of paper.

"You have a long brain, some things are not difficult to find out, and I'm just giving you a suggestion." Hua Wu withdrew her hand, "So whether you believe it or not is up to you."


Which means, believe it or not, I'm not going to explain it anyway.

She is really headstrong...

Su Xuan lowered his eyes and looked at the thin sheets of paper, which actually contained a lot of content.

Although Su Xuan felt that her source of information was strange, but when he thought about it carefully, he didn't doubt her too much.

For some reason, he seemed to have a natural trust in her.

Hua Wu stood up and stretched, "It's getting late, I'm going to bed."

She walked past Su Xuan, and someone grabbed her wrist suddenly.

She looked at him sideways and smiled: "Boss Su, do you have any doubts?"

"I'm not going to work tomorrow."

"Huh? If you don't go, then don't go..." Why did you tell her?

"So, tonight I can do my duty as a partner."

Hua Wu is still a little dazed when being hugged by Su Xuan, does this count as throwing himself into his arms?

Hua Wu thinks it counts.


"We just need relationships, right?"

"if not?"

We are all adults, and Su Xuan didn't think there was any problem in fulfilling the relationship between husband and wife as you like.

"That's good, I like you sober." Hua Wu was relieved, and took the initiative to hug him, and whispered in his ear: "Take a bath first..."

Su Xuan: "..."

What does it mean to like him sober?

into the night.

In the dead of night, the city seems to have fallen into a deep sleep, and the sporadic lights of the buildings in the distance are still on.

Su Xuan came out of the bedroom, picked up the papers scattered on the table and put them into the study.

He didn't turn on the light either, sitting in the study, his whole body immersed in darkness, the faint light from the window cast his shadow on the wall next to him.

Su Xuan clicked on the phone, found Ning Ning's personal information, and read it from beginning to end.

"Ning Ning..."

Su Xuan pressed the edge of the phone with his fingertips and stared at the screen until the light on the phone screen automatically dimmed.

Su Xuan sat in the study for half an hour, got up and went back to his room.

Hua Wu was quite satisfied to find that Su Xuan didn't sleep in her room when she got up.

Although beauties are very fragrant, sleeping in a big bed alone is also very fragrant.

Hua Wu puts on her clothes and goes out~www.readwn.com~ Su Xuan was already eating breakfast, seeing her coming out, got up and poured milk for her.

Hua Wu sat opposite, her body limp in the chair as if she had no strength.

She looked up at Su Xuan, "You got up so early."

Su Xuan pushed the milk in front of her, "I'm used to it."

Hua Wu sighed, "Young people have good energy."

"..." How old is she! "You are younger than me."

Hua Wu held the cup and took two sips of milk, sighing old-fashionedly: "I am mentally old."


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