Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 745: The Day of the Ruins (18)

The latest website: Hua Wu did not expect Qiao Yi's crow to be so easy to use.

As expected of the big villain Crow, she doesn't even need to do it, it's a must for home and travel.

Hua Wu looked at the people on the ground, except for the first few who had become skeletons, the rest of the people still had whole bodies.

But Hua Wu looked around and couldn't find Ding Xiangxue.

Is it still inside?

Hua Wu took a look into the dark and dangerous building, she felt that it was not a very wise thing for her to go in.

Hua Wu turned her eyes around, and said to Qiao Yi beside her, "Let the crow monitor the exits."


Qiao Yi didn't need to issue any instructions, and the crows flew away spontaneously.


The ground shook, and one side of the dangerous building began to collapse.

Hua Wu quickly pulled Qiao Yi back to a safe place.


The side of the dangerous building collapsed completely, smoke and dust billowed, crows flew out from the gaps in the ruins, and black crow feathers fell from the sky.

Huawu: "..."

How did it collapse?

The crows didn't see Ding Xiangxue coming out from other places.

Huawu waited for a while, went in and turned around from the place where he could still enter, but did not find any trace of Ding Xiangxue.

Hua Wu looked at the collapsed ruins, couldn't it be buried underneath?

Is it so easy to solve?

Although Huawu suspected that it was not that simple, she couldn't dig up the ruins for inspection, so she had to leave it alone for the time being.

"Where did Yuan Yang and his group go..."

Hua Wu looked worried at the unburied box.

With so many boxes, should she do it herself?

"Have you seen Yuan Yang and the others?"

"No." After Qiao Yi replied, he added: "I asked the crows to look for them, and if they found them, I would bring them back."


Hua Wu looked at him suspiciously.

"You really didn't see them?" Yuqiao County is not very big, can people like Yuan Yang fly into the sky?

Hua Wu suspects that this little thing is lying to her.

Qiao Yi tilted his head and followed Hua Wu's voice, probably not understanding why Hua Wu said that, his face was full of confusion.

"I didn't see...you don't believe me?"



Hua Wu didn't discuss whether or not to believe it with Qiao Yi, she rolled up her sleeves and started to move things.

After all, these things are also important props for building a home in the future, and if they can be taken away, of course they must be taken away.

Hua Wu filled up the car, and there were still a few boxes left.

Qiao Yi can't drive, and she can't take these things away by herself, so she can only hide them temporarily, and if there is a chance, she can come and get them.

After Huawu cleaned things up, she returned to the ruins.

She touched a few grenades from the box, and asked Qiao Yi to direct the crow to drop them from a high altitude.

The buildings that had remained half intact collapsed completely amidst the sound of bombing.

If Ding Xiangxue was still below, after such an explosion, he would probably be crippled if not dead, right?

If buried alive...

That could only be her bad luck.

Hua Wu clapped her hands, "Perfect."

Hua Wu drove the car, ready to find her missing brothers.

It's really worrying.

She is the mistress...

Those zombies who were chased by Wanshou before did not know where they went.

As Hua Wu went all the way, she met some lonely zombies, and that number of zombies was not enough for her to exchange two plots of land.

As for Yuan Yang...

That is, there is no more shadow.

into the night.

Hua Wu found a place to rest, and Qiao Yi sat on one side with the red-eyed crow in his arms.

Hua Wu looked sideways and met the eyes of the red-eyed crow, she suddenly said fiercely, "What are you looking at, gouging out the eyes."

Qiao Yi's blank face: "Huh?"

The red-eyed crow looked at her, Hua Wu glared at it, and said angrily, "Speaking of your crow."


Qiao Yi reached out to cover the eyes of the red-eyed crow, and smiled innocently at Hua Wu.

The red-eyed crow got out from under Qiao Yi's hand, flapped its wings and flew away.

Qiao Yi explained to Hua Wu: "It doesn't have any malice, it only looks at you because it likes you."


She doubted that Qiao Yi could see—through that red-eyed crow.

But she has no substantive evidence.

The young and beautiful boy's eyes reflected the jumping flames, and his brows seemed to be stained with joy, "Yeah."

Huawu: "It likes me, why are you happy?"

"I like you too."

After Qiao Yi finished speaking, she seemed to realize that she was speaking too fast and became nervous again.

"I...I don't mean that, I mean...you saved me and are willing to take me with you. You are a very good person, so I..."

Qiao Yi spoke incoherently for a long time without expressing his meaning clearly.

In the end, he seemed to give up. He lowered his head and grabbed the hem of his clothes with both hands, like a frightened little rabbit shrinking back.

Huawu: "..."

I didn't bully you, why did you act like this!


Wasn't she deliberately tempting her to bully him by putting on this appearance? !

Hua Wu forcefully looked away, "Don't like me, it won't work."

Qiao Yi raised his head, his dull eyes seemed a little surprised against the background of the fire.

He opened his lower lip slightly, wanting to ask something.

However, he tried several times, but he couldn't say a word.

Finally, he hung his head dejectedly and stopped talking.

The surroundings became quiet again.

Hua Wu folded her arms, lay beside her and closed her eyes to sleep.

Hua Wu was only in a light sleep, she could hear Qiao Yi's light footsteps walking towards her after her breathing became steady.

Qiao Yi was very close to her at this moment.

It was so close that he only needed to reach out to grab her.

Hua Wu's hand hidden by her side was slowly clenched.

If you can't confess, do you want to kill someone?

Hua Wu resisted the urge to act first, and had already made up her mind that as long as he did it, she would teach him how to be a human being.

However, Qiao Yi didn't do anything, just stood by for almost ten minutes.

Qiao Yi finally turned around and left, and sat down beside her.

Yuntong went to the field to check the growth of the crops, and when he returned to the house, the other two brothers who stayed behind had already started cooking.

Or ragout.

But this dish, compared with the dry food they have eaten for more than ten years, is simply not too delicious, and they will never get tired of eating it in a short time.

"Brother Yuntong, it's time to eat."

Yun Tong sat over, worried: "Why hasn't Ms. Ye come back?"

They've all been gone for days.

Such a long time…

"Could it be some danger?"

"There are so many of them~www.readwn.com~ As long as it's not a group of zombies, they should be fine."

"Brother Yuan, don't let anything happen to you."

"You don't have a crow's mouth, can you?"

"Oh, bah, bah, bah..."

The other two were also a little worried about Yuan Yang, but they couldn't contact them now, so they could only wait here.

And pray that nothing happens to them.

Yun Tong worried anxiously for two days, and finally at dusk two days later, he saw a car approaching in the distance on the field ridge.

"Miss Ye is back!"

Yun Tong yelled at the house, and he jumped off the field ridge to meet the car.

(end of this chapter)

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