Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 765: You have a problem with cultivating immortals like this (9)

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Under the threat of Hua Wu's repayment, Bai Yu's cub was forced to agree to Hua Wu's unreasonable request.

Bai Yan's cub had just eaten Lu Shuyu's Rejuvenation Pill, and now he has almost recovered.

It stepped back three times and walked in the direction of Shimen.

Hua Wu clenched her fist behind, silently cheering it up.

White Cub: "..."

It should be obedient and not run out.

woo woo woo.

The white cub sniffed and moved to the stone gate with heavy steps.

It didn't open the door either, its body gradually became transparent, and finally disappeared into the stone door.

Inside the stone gate.

Du Qing stood in the empty hall, looking at the altar in front of him.

A complex formation is depicted on the altar.

Just as Du Qing was about to lift his feet up, he heard a slight sound behind him.

Startled, he immediately turned his head vigilantly.

However, there was only a small animal with blood on its fur behind it, and it limped over, as if it had been seriously injured.

Spirit beast?

How could there be a spirit beast suddenly appearing?

Du Qing took a closer look at the spirit beast, and suddenly felt a little familiar.

The little beast took a few steps, and finally seemed exhausted, and fell directly to the ground.

Du Qing observed vigilantly and listened carefully to the movement outside.

There was silence outside the stone gate.

How did it get here?

He didn't hear the sound of the stone door opening just now.

And there is a secret door here?

Or was it hidden somewhere before?

This spirit beast appeared suddenly, Du Qing remained on high alert.

Time passed by, and the spirit beast was lying on the ground, as if it was dying.

There was still nothing happening around, so Du Qing walked over hesitantly.

A spirit beast suddenly appeared, it was impossible for him to accept the inheritance at this time.

Can not be disturbed by anything during the inheritance.

This spirit beast must be dealt with first.

Du Qing approached the spirit beast, the more he looked at the spirit beast, the more familiar it seemed...


Isn't this the spirit beast that the heroine in the book met in the secret realm?

The more Du Qing looked at it, the more he felt like it.

The heroine in the book only saved the spirit beast, and later gained some benefits because of the spirit beast, but she did not make a contract with the spirit beast.

But Du Qing knows the importance of this spirit beast, if he can contract it...

It looked like it was injured, and if it was injured at this time, it should be easy for him to succeed in the contract.


Du Qing glanced at the altar, the more important thing now is to accept the inheritance.

Du Qing first took out a elixir, stuffed it into the little beast's mouth, and then took out a Qiankun bag, "You should stay in it for a while."

When the little beast saw the Qiankun bag, his psychological shadow expanded infinitely.

Looking at Du Qing's eyes, there was a sense of sadness and resentment, and the frequency of the tip of its tail also became faster.

But Du Qing only thought it was because of the fear of being injured.

"Do not be afraid…"

Du Qing comforted the little beast.

The little beast twisted its body and struggled, and even bit Du Qing.

But its strength is not great, Du Qing didn't care about it, he just used brute force to put the little beast into the Qiankun bag.

When he gets the inheritance, he will have a quasi-divine beast...

The more Du Qing thought about it, the more excited he became, and there was a bit of joy on his face.

Du Qing got up and walked up to the altar, and took out the token of Taoshan Sect that he cheated from Yun Xi, it was a pure white token with three characters of Taoshan Sect engraved on one side, and the unique mark of Taoshan Sect on the other.

Just when Du Qing cut his finger and was about to activate the token with blood, the closed stone door was knocked open with a bang.

The huge spirit beast rushed in from the door, and its eyes were fixed on him.

This spirit beast was so huge that it blocked the stone gate without leaving any gaps.

It looks like the replica of the little beast he put in the Qiankun bag just now.


Du Qing's heart beat wildly, he grabbed the token and put it away first.

The spirit beast stared at him, spit out human words, and said in a bad tone, "Where is my son!"

Du Qing's first reaction was to deny it.

But the next sentence of the spirit beast shattered his illusion: "You caught it! Damn human, return my son to me!"

The spirit beast could feel the breath of his own child on him.

Du Qing's face turned pale, he couldn't hide it...

This is a quasi-divine beast...

He can't beat it either.

Du Qing immediately opened the Qiankun bag, released the little beast, and said kindly: "Just now I saw it was injured, so I put it into the Qiankun bag first, and didn't intend to hurt it."

Seeing his elders, the little beast struggled to jump off Du Qing's hands, and ran over with a limp.


Du Qing couldn't understand the little beast's wailing.

But he could feel that the murderous aura emanating from the big spirit beast was getting stronger and stronger, and the eyes that looked at him were gradually stained with anger and murderous intent.

Alarm bells rang in Du Qing's heart.

Du Qing stepped back subconsciously, the spirit beast snorted and swung its paws towards him.

"There is nothing good about human beings!"



Du Qing dodged the claw in embarrassment and rolled around on the ground.

He immediately got up and moved away from the altar, not allowing it to destroy the altar.

The spirit beast missed the target with one paw, and it seemed even angrier. The fur on its body exploded, and the nostrils let out a groan.

Hua Wu listened to the sound of thunder and bangs inside the stone gate, and folded her arms and couldn't help worrying about the people inside.

Don't kill me...

She hasn't broken her leg yet!

It doesn't suit her status to whip a corpse.

The movement inside the stone gate rang for a while, and finally quieted down.

Hua Wu watched the shrunken white spirit beast and its cubs come out of it.

The cub was lying on the white spirit beast, and the whole beast looked sleepy.

After they came out, the cub glanced in Huawu's direction.

But it didn't show anything else, and the white spirit beast gradually disappeared into the passage with it.

Hua Wu immediately got up and ran inside.

The walls and ground of the empty hall were full of potholes, but the altar was intact.

Hua Wu looked around and finally found Du Qing lying in the pit.

"Dead? You shouldn't have been beaten like this..."

Lu Shuyu, who came in with Huawu, was shocked: "Sister Yunxi, that is a quasi-sacred beast, and it will be hanged and beaten in the stage of transformation."

Those who can enter this secret realm are obviously below the Nascent Soul, this person should have just formed the alchemy not long ago, the early stage of the golden alchemy.

It's a wonder he survived!

Hua Wu showed regret, but soon said enthusiastically: "To entertain distinguished guests, we should use the best spirit beasts."


Guest, guest?

You beat the guest to death?

Lu Shuyu turned her eyes around, UU didn't know what she was thinking when she read the book www.uukanshu.com, and she looked at Huawu even more happily.

Hua Wu jumped into the pit and found the token belonging to the Taoshan sect from Du Qing.

Her sect has fallen.

Hua Wu just wanted to find out what good things are still on Du Qing's body, but Du Qing, who had closed his eyes tightly, suddenly opened them, meeting Hua Wu's gaze.



Du Qing was beaten half to death, but he used a magic weapon to cover his breath, and deceived the quasi-divine beast-level white spirit beast, so he escaped.

But the magic weapon has a time limit, and he will wake up when the time limit is up.

Who knew that when he opened his eyes, he would see a person he least wanted to see and should not see!

(end of this chapter)

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