Quick Transmigration: After Villain Reaches Full Level

Chapter 92: The Crown Princess, she quit (28)

"Quick wear: After the villain heroine reaches full level (

Zong Qi was caught by Hua Wu, and the rest of them were taken down by Zong Wu's people under symbolic resistance.

Zong Qi was pressed to the ground, he squatted and panted, his eyes staring at Hua Wu.

Hua Wu was putting the dagger into her sleeve, and looking at Shang Zongqi, she bent down slightly: "I reminded King Jin long ago that if you quit this competition, you can still be your King Jin, but you don't listen to yourself. advise."

"Our former friendship..."

"...Don't live in the past." Hua Wu shook her head sympathetically.

She got up and went to Zong Wu.

Zong Wu was staring at the Emperor Desheng who was writing his edict.

The real will was also written by Eunuch Desheng, and now it's just a name change.

Eunuch Desheng was stared at by Zong Wu, his hands shaking a little.

"I want to be the queen." Hua Wu stood beside Zong Wu and said suddenly.

Father Desheng was surprised and almost wrote the wrong strokes.

The princess is so courageous?

The prince just didn't care about her intentions at all...

Just when Eunuch Desheng thought that Zong Wu would be angry, Zong Wu just said in a flat tone: "What are you anxious about, the position of the queen will be given to you when the matter is over."

"Just remember it, Your Highness." Hua Wu smiled at him: "Those who don't keep their word will be punished."


Threats to his head!

Zong Wu felt that his crown princess was getting more and more courageous. When he became a queen in the future, would he still have the courage to go to heaven?

Let her learn the rules! !

Hua Wu didn't know that Zong Wu had such a devilish idea, she sat next to Father-in-law Desheng and watched.

Hua Wu took it too seriously, making Eunuch Desheng very uncomfortable, "Prince Concubine... is there any problem?"

"No, I will study and study, you continue."

Eunuch Desheng: "..."

What's there to learn about?

After Eunuch Desheng finished writing, he took out the jade seal, stamped it, and handed it to Zong Wu.

Zong Wu burned the previous share, and turned his head to see Hua Wu staring at Yuxi.


Hua Wu said nothing.

Zong Wu's voice floated over: "You will also have a phoenix seal in the future."



In the nineteenth year of Jiahe, in late April.

When the emperor died, it was passed on to the prince.

King Jin intended to rebel and was captured by the prince on the spot.

Many ministers knew from the bottom of their hearts that the emperor was probably not the crown prince...

But it doesn't matter now.

The prince is the final winner.

Zong Wu had to prepare for the emperor's funeral, as well as state affairs, as well as his enthronement ceremony.

Huawu has moved into Changle Palace from East Palace.

Changle Palace used to be the residence of the empress in the previous dynasty, but because the empress of the late emperor died of illness for many years, Changle Palace has been empty.

The meaning of Zong Wu letting Huawu move into Changle Palace is self-evident.

Zong Wu was too busy to see anyone, and Hua Wu, the crown princess, didn't share his worries, and even caused trouble for him.

That Concubine Xian didn't know how to offend her, but she ran over excitedly and suggested that Concubine Xian be buried.


Is that something a future queen can say?

What a vicious queen! !

Zong Wu finally 'comforted' Hua Wu and called Sha Yu to ask, "Why did Concubine Xian offend her?"

As a future queen, what does she care about with the late emperor's concubine?

"Going back to His Highness, it was the Crown Princess who discovered that the Thirteenth Prince was injured, and asked if it was Concubine Xian who did it..."

Zong Wu rubbed his eyebrows.

Although he took care of the Thirteenth Prince, he only guaranteed that he would not die.

As for what happened to him in the harem, it was not within his control.

This Concubine Xian and the Thirteenth Prince couldn't get along because of the Thirteenth Prince's mother, Princess Rouran.

Although Concubine Xian was favored, she had no children.

She had been pregnant before, but had a miscarriage.

It is said that Princess Roan caused her to miscarry.

And Princess Roland gave birth to the thirteenth prince.

After the miscarriage, Concubine Xian, who was diagnosed as unable to conceive again, held a grudge against Princess Roulan.

Zong Wu suspected that Princess Roan died of illness, which was probably the result of Concubine Xian.

However, he didn't have the heart to investigate the battles between these women.

After Princess Roulan passed away, Concubine Xian vented her resentment against Princess Roulan on the Thirteenth Prince.

In the past few years, the Thirteenth Prince would have died many times if he hadn't been watched by his people in the palace.

Zong Wu: "...She has been with the Thirteenth Prince these days?"


"I haven't seen her care on weekdays."

"Your Highness, then this matter..."

Zong Wu was silent for a long time, and said: "My father loves Concubine Xian so much. I think Concubine Xian has a deep relationship with my father, and I don't want to leave my father unattended below..."

When Shayu listened to Zong Wu's words, her highness still cared about the words of the Crown Princess.

"The slaves sent someone to do it."

"You go in person." Zong Wu said: "Don't let the Crown Princess intervene and fall into the hands of others."

"The servant understands."



Changle Palace.

Hua Wu didn't know where to bring a pile of books, and pressed the Thirteenth Prince in front of the pile of books.

The warm sun fell on the budding peony in the yard, and a gold border was placed on the flower buds, which was a good weather.

"Imperial Sister-in-law?" The Thirteenth Prince was puzzled: "Do you want me to post books?"

"What kind of books are you drying?" Hua Wu picked up a book, put it in his hand, and said solemnly, "Children should study hard."

The thirteenth prince recently ate and drank well in Changle Palace, with some flesh growing back on his face, and wearing a fitted prince's suit, he looked a lot cute.

He heard Hua Wu say that, his eyes widened~www.readwn.com~ But..."

"But what is it, study hard." Hua Wu said: "I will find you another teacher when the situation in the courtroom is stable someday."


The thirteenth prince held the book, a little overwhelmed.

He looked at the graceful and luxurious imperial sister-in-law, and at the yellowed book in his hand, his lips opened and opened, but no sound came out.

He didn't understand why the Queen's Sister-in-law would take him to Changle Palace and treat him so well.

The prince's brother doesn't like him...

The Thirteenth Prince sat in the sunshine, flipping through the book in his hand.

He was in class, but he was often sick before, and he had to go to school intermittently, and the teacher who taught him would not give him extra lessons on purpose.

Over time, he couldn't keep up.

"Sister-in-law, these books..."

Hua Wu said: "You work hard and become a talent as soon as possible."


"It's nothing but!" Hua Wu firmly encouraged him: "Believe in yourself."

Thirteenth Prince: "..."


He is reading these books now, and he only knows words...

Zong Wu didn't care about the Thirteenth Prince's affairs in Changle Palace, but only occasionally asked what the two were doing.

Hearing that Hua Wu asked the Thirteenth Prince to study, he specially asked people to take a look at the book that the Thirteenth Prince read.

It looks like a mess.

There are even villains!

I don't know where she got it.

Zong Wu finally arranged the school rules for Hua Wu.

Of course Hua Wu refused, and she had a lot of fights with Zong Wu about this.

What rules does she need to learn.

The villain... No, what rules does the heroine need to learn!

The heroine is the biggest rule!

After the crown prince became emperor, he swelled, thinking that she would not dare to take him for joy! !

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