Ning Shu couldn't help but look in the mirror and see if he looks like a big head.

Sure enough, it was a cannon fodder. When something happened, it was pushed to block the gun.

You said that you are married when you get married.

Tang Yan held a press conference in the forefoot. Da Yi said that he loved Wen Hanlei and held a wedding ceremony. Ning Shu made a statement.

Said that he will not marry Tang Yan, and generously wish Tang Yan and Bai Feifei, I hope that Tang Yin and Bai Feifei can be happy, she generously let go, to find their own happiness.

In the end, Ning Shu once again blessed Tang Yin and Bai Feifei, you must be happy!

Ning Shu feels that he is quite a good predecessor, breaks up peacefully, and bless you generously.

Don’t see the statement:

He desperately wants to clarify his illegitimate relationship with Bai Feifei. Wen Hanlei, this woman also said what generous blessings, bless your sister.

Tang Yan’s blue veins on his forehead jumped and screamed at the eye of Ning Shu.

"Wen Hanlei, what do you mean by this?" asked Tang Yu.

"What good is it to marry you, why should I marry you, marry you, I am alone, you have fun with Bai Feifei, my mind is in the water." Ning Shu said with a white eye, "not to mention I am not your wife when I hold a wedding. I don’t even have the most basic rights and protections. You are stupid. Are you still stupid? Missing?"

Tang Yan bit his teeth, "This is the first marriage."

"How about getting married, anyway, you have fun with Bai Feifei, I am alone, and how about a marriage certificate?" Ning Shu said without any sense.

"Wen Hanlei, what do you want to do, how can I marry me." Tang Yan gritted his teeth and was gloomy.

"Married, only one request."

“What conditions?” Tang Yan asked. “I will try to make up for you, except to fall in love with you.”

"The condition is... you are going to die, the old lady will not marry you in this life." Ning Shu hangs up the phone.

In addition to falling in love with you, hehe...

Tang Yan's face is iron and blue, and the eyebrows are exhausted. Now the company is heart-wrenching, and shareholders are not very satisfied with his president.

It is necessary to pull a partner to face this risk. If you want to go, Wen is very suitable, and the shopping malls operated by Wenjia are beneficial to the products of the sales company.

Originally thought that Wen Hanlei was willing to marry him, he made a statement.

A vow of the past, he tied him to Bai Feifei.

This pig teammate!

Without the path of Ningshu, Tang Yan let his parents take the route of Wen’s mother.

Now I changed to Wen’s father’s love for Tang’s parents. When talking about the marriage of two people, Wen’s father only said that she respected her daughter’s choice. Her daughter’s happiness is important.

Refused the idea that Tang Yan’s parents wanted to marry.

Wen Dad knows that the Tang family wants to tie the Tang family to the Wen family, but now the situation in the Tang family is not optimistic, and Wen’s father does not care about this drowning.

However, it is still promised that Tang's products will definitely have preferential treatment in the store.

This kind of promise is good to listen to, there is no specific contract, there is no clear contract listed, it is a fart.

Wen mother called Ning Shu and said that she would not marry Ning Shu to Tang Yan. With Ning Shu, your father actually feels distressed.

Ning Shu turned his eyes, this is definitely not a distress, but now the Tang family is not worthy of cooperation.

However, Ning Shu did not say anything, anyway, got rid of Tang Yan, and did not involve Tang Yan and Bai Feifei **** down the stove.

Don't always go out and pull her out of the top tank.

I really thought that she would agree with her.

Does she look innocent and innocent?

There is no relationship with Tang Yan, Ning Shu is relaxed, but Tang Yan is in front of so many reporters, saying that he wants to marry him, and he still feels that he should return Tang Yin.

Ning Shu called the entertainment newspaper and prepared to tell the newspaper Tang Yan and Bai Feifei the close relationship.

However, Ning Shu was afraid of the other party's recording, changed the mobile phone number, changed the voice, and then called the newspaper to open the news.

Now Tang Yan and Bai Feifei are hot events, and I believe that entertainment newspapers are happy to have such gossip.

Exploding, Ning Shu folded the phone card and threw it into the toilet to wash away with water.

Look at the newspaper of tomorrow.

In fact, Tang Yin is already a crime, and raped the underage girl. Although Bai Feifei is over fourteen years old, she is not a young girl, but Bai Feifei is only sixteen years old, still underage.

Honestly, this kind of strong traitor man has so much charm, can people forget the **** seas?

Sure enough, the bed is hard to go, the **** sea is a fart.

The next day's entertainment headline is ‘Tang Hao forced the underage girl to have sex. Relationship’

This name...

Ning Shu likes it.

Just look at how Tang Yan defended it now, and it happened to have a relationship.

When the secretary didn't shine, he sent the newspaper to Tang's office. Tang Yan was getting up from the bed, and Bai Feifei was so tired that he didn't open his eyes.

When Tang Hao saw the newspaper, he was so angry that he had directly smashed the coffee table.

"President, what should I do?" asked the secretary.

Tang Hao supported his forehead. "You go to the company first."

As soon as the secretary left, Tang Yan could no longer control his emotions. Not only did he turn over the coffee table, but he also smashed the expensive vase in the house.

Few people know about this.

Tang Yan glanced at the maid who was trembled next to him. "Are you telling the newspaper?"

The servant looked blank and immediately turned awkwardly and said quickly: "Mr. Tang, I am not telling you, really."

"Roll..." Tang snorted.

The servant was scared to run straight out.

Tang Yan's face was iron and blue, and the doors and windows of the house were locked, especially the room of Bai Feifei. The door was locked and Bai Feifei was directly locked in the house.

When Bai Feifei woke up at noon, she couldn’t open the door at all, and there was no one at home quietly.

To Tang Yan’s phone call, Tang Yan said that something was hanged. Now there are more important and urgent things to deal with, and he simply can’t take care of Bai Feifei.

Bai Feifei curled up on the bed alone, tears flowed into the river, and the pain was extremely high.

When Tang Yan came back in the middle of the night, Bai Feifei was hungry and passed away, and he also had a high fever.

Tang Yan panicked and sent Bai Feifei to the hospital.

But the reporter who didn't want to be kept outside the villa took a picture, and looked at the photos, and had to write some stories.

Anyway, they are all looking at pictures and telling stories.

The next day, the entertainment headline was actually ‘the middle half went to the hospital, suspected of abortion’

Ning Shu: Hey...


These newspapers are also quite good for sales.

Like Bai Feifei, he blames himself. He feels that he is the most painful person in the world. He does not eat, and he abuses all kinds of abuses.

Ningshu pays attention to the two people's affairs, and at the same time strives to run the new store in China, relying on the new store to establish a foothold in the company.

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