It is reasonable to say that a place like a cemetery should be a rotten taste, but Ning Shu smells a fresh flower fragrance.

It’s just a bad thing.

"You smelled?" asked Ning Shu.

Gu Rui nodded, his look was a bit strange, obviously there is something beyond his imagination.

"In order to avoid any situation, we should wait a while to go in." Cheng Mingzi said.

Gu Rui shook his head. "Can't wait, this stone door will be closed in a certain time."

Ning Shu and Mo Moun asked in unison: "How do you know?"

"Now is not the time to ask such questions." Gu Rui took Ning Shu into Shimen.

The people behind him quickly followed, and Shimen slammed shut.

As soon as I walked into Shimen, Ning Shu felt that she had walked into a fairyland.

The ground is covered with tender green grass, and even trees, with carefully paved cobblestone roads.

There are even rockeries, creeks and stone bridges.

This is not like a cemetery, it is more like a gorgeous yard that can live.

The lotus flower is still blooming in the pool water, which gives off a fresh taste.

A vibrant world.

But it is very weird in the cemetery.

Is it an illusion?

How do these plants survive without sunlight?

The light in the house is illuminated by countless night pearls.

Ning Shu came down and took out the dagger in the calf and used the dagger to dial the grass on the ground.

The grass is normal and the soil is normal.

This is one of the strangest tombs Ning Shu has ever seen.

What is the power that allows these plants to survive without sunlight?

Everyone is a little bit arrogant. If you face the nausea and then challenge the picture of your ability, you can be mentally prepared.

But seeing such a scene is really not thought of.

"Gu Rui, what is it now, this cemetery should not be built according to the palace." Even if it is in such an environment, it is still very uncomfortable.

There is a kind of depression that can't be said in my heart.

Gu Rui is also a bit strange, things have changed.

"Someone is coming." Ning Shu heard footsteps.

Everyone immediately hid behind the rockery, and Ning Shu stretched out his neck and peeked at the things that made his footsteps.

How can such a place be someone?

There were only five people, they were dead, and their clothes were already broken.

The five people lined up as if they were on tour, but their eyes were empty, empty, no focus, and the skin was blue.

Walking seems to measure well, everyone's footsteps are the same, mechanically incomparable.

These are the monsters.

What exactly are these monsters, actually still alive?

Ning Shu looked back at Gu Rui, Gu Rui eyes staring at the five people on the tour, the eyes are burning eyes.

When the monsters are gone, they come out from behind the rockery.

What is the situation now, they are coming to the tomb, how to be like a strong house.

“There are living people in this cemetery?” It’s inexplicable.

"Impossible, impossible." Gu Rui said with a slap in the face.

Ning Shu stared at Gu Rui and felt that Gu Rui had been to this place. Even if he had not been there, he would definitely know the situation in the cemetery.

Gu Rui rushed to a place.

In a magnificent palace, there is a coffin in the palace.

Ningshu: →_→

This kind of cemetery really makes Ning Shu look awkward, why there is no organ, no hidden weapon, no ghost scorpion.


So beautiful and refined is not the same as other fascinating graves.

Gu Rui smashed two heads at the coffin, and he had words in his mouth. "National teacher, I am the prince of the gamma kingdom. Now the gamma country is destroyed. I want to regain the country but have powerlessness..."

Ning Shu is too lazy to listen to Gu Rui.

Everything about digging a grave can be done. Now Shantou said this, it is speechless.

Ning Shu has always been concerned about why plants in this cemetery can grow?

No sunlight grows.

The dusty eyes were fixed on a book on the desk next to the coffin, and his breathing was short.

Staring at the martial arts secrets can not move his eyes, and the footsteps are unconsciously moved over there.

When the dust is gone, I grabbed the cheats book and put it in my arms without looking.

Mo Zhen seized the cheats, but Gu Rui grabbed something like a bell.

The bell swayed, but did not make any noise.

"Go." Gu Rui took the Ning Shu Chao door to go.

Ning Shu is a bit stunned, seeing the bell in the hands of Gu Rui, is Gu Rui's purpose is this string of bronze bells?

Ning Shu was run fast by Gu Rui.

But the entire cemetery was shaken up, and the neat steps made the land under the feet a little bit tremble.

Someone chased them over.

These people are wearing armor and holding long guns, and their eyes are very sluggish.

Gu Rui looked at these monsters, and his eyes flashed with enthusiasm. People were still calm, but they were about to crush Ning Shu’s wrist.

These monsters are neatly approaching a group of people.

Gu Rui holds the bronze bell in one hand and says lowly: "With my best soul, I will give it to you." Gu Rui shook the bronze bell.

"With my best blood, I will give it to you."

Gu Rui is like a curse, and the voice of low and gloomy sounds in the ears of Ning Shu.

And the monsters who heard these two words stopped their steps and did not move.

Soul, flesh and blood?

This is to sacrifice her.

When Ning Shu took Gu Rui’s rocking bell, he slammed into Gu Rui’s heart.

Gu Rui did not notice for a while, and was kicked back by Ning Shu's strong legs, but he took Ning Shu's arm tightly and pulled Ning Shu's arm off.

Ning Shu painfully turned his face white, and the other hand took out the dagger and was tied to Gu Rui’s hand.

Gu Rui seems to be a little afraid of injury, and loosened Ning Shu’s hand.

"Catch her." Gu Rui calmly greeted his men.

More than a dozen people immediately surrounded the Ningshu group.

Ning Shu stared at Gu Rui, "What do you mean?"

"It is what you see, I want to use your soul and flesh and blood to sacrifice to the death bell." Gu Rui said faintly.

"Why is it me?" Ning Shu stared at the bronze bell in the hands of Gu Rui.

"You are my closest relative, naturally use your sacrifice." Gu Rui said faintly.

"I, when did I become your closest relative?" Ning Shu pointed at himself, "Gu Rui, you are sick."

"You are the queen of my Gu Rui."

Ning Shu: ...

"Queen of fart." Ning Shu tightly held the dagger, it was here to wait for her, before she was inexplicable, how Gu Rui will marry her.

It turned out to be waiting for her here.

Use the soul, sacrifice with flesh and blood, this evil thing.

I know that there is no such thing as a pie in the world, even if it is a poison pie.

Is there any requirement for this sacrifice?

Ning Shu stared at the bronze bell and said with resentment: "Gu Rui, you grabbed my family's things, and now I want to use my sacrifice, your conscience is eaten by the dog?"

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