Gu Rui listened to Mingzi said that life and death bells would have a counter-attack on himself, his face was very ugly, he looked at the small gaps on the ring of life and death, turned his head and looked at Ningshu.

Ning Shu shrugged his shoulders and said with sincerity: "It's a shame."

Ning Shu’s heart was relieved. Anyway, some people have sacrificed now. They can only sacrifice one soul at a time. She is not afraid now.

Gu Rui Chao Cheng Mingzi asked: "Can't sacrifice two people."

Cheng Mingzi shook his head. "There are two souls in the life and death bells, they will fight each other, and they will have an influence on the control of the dead and the dead."

Ning Shu wrinkled his brows. Isn’t the soul disappeared immediately after being swallowed by the death bell?

“Thank you for your way.” Gu Rui said, and set off the secrets left on the ground.

Ning Shu snorted two times, and finally made a wedding dress for others.

Maybe Gu Rui is fooling himself.

Therefore, IQ is very important. It is too much to believe in your own strength, and wise people to control force.

"Gu Gongzi, can you now find something for the poor road?" Cheng Mingzi asked.

Gu Rui nodded. "This is the natural road leader who knows where the thing is?" Gu Rui asked.

"There are green grass here, things must be here." Cheng Mingzi touched his beard and said.

Gu Rui sighed, raised the ring of life and death, shaking the ring of life and death, the life and death bell did not make a sound, but these monsters stared blankly at the death bell.

Gu Rui rhythmically shakes the ring of life and death, and does not know what to read in his mouth.

These monsters immediately spread out, as if they were looking for something.

Ning Shu looked at these monsters with great vigilance, and Gu Rui.

Gu Rui has mastered this group of monsters like this?

Gu Rui ignored Ning Shu and seemed to have given up killing Ning Shu.

However, Ning Shu’s heart was still scared, and the dangerous feeling did not weaken at all.

Ning Shu does not think that Gu Rui will let himself live away from the cemetery.

"Dao Chang, where do you think that thing will be?" Gu Rui Chao Cheng Mingzi said without hesitation.

Cheng Mingzi is a dusty, "is in the grave."

Gu Rui thought about going to the hall where he was placed.

Ning Shu also followed, looking at the gorgeous 棺椁, after two or three hundred years, this 棺椁 is still beautiful and new.

Glass coffin.

"Dao, is it possible to be in the mouth of the national teacher?" Gu Rui asked.

When the ancients entered the shackles, they would stuff a thing in their mouths, calling it a mouthful of money.

This is not to be embarrassed.

I don't know why, Ning Shu always feels that Gu Rui has a similar disgusting mood to this national teacher.

So there is no psychological burden to dig graves, coffins.

"I don't agree with the opening. It is originally a ‘the corpse.' If the corpse is smashed, the corpse inside will smell the popularity, and it will definitely swindle.” Ning Shu screamed.

Gu Rui blinked and didn't pay attention to Ning Shu. Instead, he said to Cheng Mingzi: "Dao Chang, what do you think?"

"The poor road thinks that this thing is not very likely in the mouth. If it is in the mouth, it can't make the green grass here, and the flowers bloom." Cheng Mingzi shook his head and said.

Ning Shu: ...

Is this treating her as a transparent person?

Ning Shu is thinking, what exactly does Cheng Mingzi look for?

That thing can make the grass here, the plants grow normally, and it must be a treasure.

Gu Rui shook the death bell, and the monsters gathered from everywhere.

Gu Rui frowned, these undead monsters apparently did not find anything.

"Gu Gongzi, this is a monster without intelligence. It is normal to find something." Cheng Mingzi said, taking out three pieces of copper coins from his cloth bag. It seems that he wants to be a slap.

Cheng Mingzi put the copper coins in the turtle shell, shaken them twice, and poured out the copper coins.

"The image shows the northwest direction." Cheng Mingzi's face is somewhat white. "This thing should be northwest."

Gu Rui shook the death bell, and all the monsters looked for things in the northwest.

Ning Shu sees Gu Rui so mastered that he has mastered the life and death bell, and his heart vaguely understands why the national teacher disappeared after the establishment of the Gaya country.

With such combat power, the royal family is absolutely not at ease, and the husband is guilty of sinlessness, so that the monster that does not eat or drink, does not die, is simply a big killer.

After the death of the national teacher, it seems that the people of the royal family of the gambling country have dug the grave more than once.

Otherwise, Gu Rui is very familiar with this place.

Only then the map disappeared.

Ning Shu just looked at it silently, she would have to look at what treasures.

The direction of the northwest is a stream of water, and the lotus grows in the water. The lotus flower is waiting to be placed and gently swaying.

Elegant and beautiful, it is hard to believe that it is growing in the grave.

Ning Shu looked at the glass coffin, and there was a faint glimpse of a person lying inside, motionless.

Is there a man or a woman lying on it?

Ning Shu intuition is a woman, because the surrounding arrangement is very feminine, which man's graveyard is grass, flower, and small bridge.

Ning Shu really wants to open the coffin to see.

Ning Shu patted his hand and could not die.

Gu Rui swept Ning Shu, Ning Shu asked Gu Rui: "Is the national teacher a male woman?"

"Men." Gu Rui said.


Ning Shu: ...

Ning Shu had already added a song of love to the world, and this man must be specially arranged for the woman in the country.

The result is a man.

"Dao, we don't have much time, we can't always be here." Gu Rui frowned.

Cheng Mingzi’s look was somewhat disappointing. It seems that this life is destined to not get that thing. He immediately said: “The son, then let’s go now.”

Gu Rui shakes the ring of life and death, these monsters are gathered together, behind Gu Rui.

Ning Shu also quickly followed the past, lest he was abandoned here.

"Catch her." Gu Rui suddenly pointed to Ning Shu.

These monsters reached out to Ningshu, and Ningshu quickly climbed up the rockery and looked at Gu Rui with a high concubine. "Gu Rui, what do you mean?"

"You have no use of value, you can die here." Gu Rui said faintly, "The national teacher is too lonely here, you accompany me for him."

Ning Shu: ...

Ning Shu kicked the monster that climbed up and said to Gu Rui: "Gu Rui, what kind of resentment I have with you, you have to do this to me."

Ning Shu cut the monster's neck with a dagger. No blood flowed out and the muscles were pale.

The monster that has been cut off from the neck can actually recover as it was, intact?

What is this power?

It’s worse than the loss, and the zombie is stunned after being headshot.

Ning Shu took out the paper from the purse and posted it on the head of the monster.


These monsters are fixed.

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