Bowen Lal is a glance for Nicole, love at first sight, life, one...

Even if she is wearing Nicole's skin, her temperament is different.

Although Ning Shu does not think that he has temperament, but when people experience more, there will always be something precipitated.

What precipitation will the girl have?

Bow and Lal can recognize it, and Ning Shu is not surprised at all.

If it is for a face and ignores others, it is not known to love Ningshu.

Ning Shu held his chin and looked at passers-by.

A copper coin was thrown in front of Ningshu, Ning Shu eyes lighted, and immediately slammed with his feet, and looked around, seeing no one staring at her, picking up the copper coins in the ground.

Ning Shu found that there is a benefit to sitting on the side of the road. Maybe someone can throw money when she is jealous.

Wa hahaha……

"Is it a friend of Miss, I am a housekeeper, and Miss is sending me to pick you up." A middle-aged man came over and asked Ningshu.

Ning Shu nodded, "I am."

Ning Shu stood up and took a shot. The dust on the stock followed the butler.

Bowen Lal followed Ningshu and saw a five-year-old child on the roadside burying his head and crying.

Wow, crying, crying very sad and desperate.

The child wore run-down clothes and a linen hair.

Occasionally looked up, revealing the watery eyes, watching passers-by, seeing no one care about himself, and buried his head and crying.

"Master, the child is crying," Lal said.

Ning Shu: "Oh!"

"Master, the child is a weapon, it should be a weapon abandoned, so small." Lal continued.

Ning Shu: "Oh, oh!"

"The owner needs other weapons. It's just that I can't do a weapon." Lal stared at the small weapon.

Ning Shu: "Oh!"

What Lal said, Ning Shu is a light word, not even a moving expression.

It seems very cold.

Bow 拉 Lal: I want a girl...

"Master, let's take him in, anyway, the abandoned weapon, and will not spend the master's money." Lal said directly, and then continue, always a word.

Ning Shu: "No."

Bow, Lal, Yu.

"The owner only wants to have me a weapon. Lal is very touched, but the master not only has a weapon, but tells the truth, and I am a defective product. In your human words, I am a deformed child."

"The owner has other weapons, and I don't have to worry about the safety of the owner all the time, but the owner is hurt for my sake. The pressure on me will be greater and I will be more self-sufficient."

"Although I am worried that my master has other weapons, I will abandon my useless weapons, but I still hope that the owner has other weapons. I am sincere and sincere."

The inner heart of the bow and Lal is tangled, and more is desperate for his ability.

Ning Shu: "Oh!"

Bow 拉 Lal: ...

The butler who led the way stopped and waited for Ning Shu and Lal to make a decision without inserting a mouth.

The sobbing little boy saw someone staring at himself, crying and pumping, screaming, don't mention how much pity.

Ning Shu no change, turned and left, bow and Lal said a little angry: "Nico, you are so angry."

Ning Shu looked at Lal. "Yes, if you are angry, you will say it."

"Brother..." The little boy ran away and ran over and hugged Lal's leg. "Brother, I am so hungry, can you take me to hunt."

"Nike." Lal looked at Ning Shu with difficulty.

Ning Shu reached out and picked up the collar of the little boy and threw him away.

Bow 拉 Lal: ...

His master can't be so cruel.

His master cannot be so unsympathetic.

"Destroy the weapon, stay away from my weapon." Ning Shu said coldly.

A few boys who had been on the ground, stood up with a smile and smiled innocently, staring at Ning Shu. "I am not a fallen weapon."

"You can accept even the defective products. Can I accept such small and new weapons?" The little boy looked confused.

Bowen Lal opened his mouth and couldn't say a word. He looked at the little boy with a strange expression.

The little boy walked up to Ningshu and asked innocently: "Sister, why do you know that I am a fallen weapon."

Ning Shu: 乖 乖 ......

Ning Shu smiled and patted his head heavily. "You guess."

Lal: The owner is so bad...

The boy waved Ning Shu’s hand, "Don’t touch me, disgusting human."

"Master." Bow 弩 Lal blocked in front of Ning Shu.

The little boy sneered at him. "On a defective product, it can stop me."

Ning Shu did not want to pull with the little boy, pulling the bow and Lal went away.

The little boy was kneeling on the floor, crying wow, and there was a vague mark on the back of his hand.

Bowen Lal lowered his head and said, "Nike, it's all my fault."

"Nothing, the city has a deep set of roads, you have a country doll, naturally can't prevent it." Ning Shu did not care.

"At the time, I was watching the weapon should be very powerful. I felt the pressure and wanted to recruit another weapon."

Ning Shu nodded. "I understand your pains, but we are not strong enough now. Don't just wholesale our sympathy."

"The inner distortion of the fallen weapon is full of uncertainty. Normal weapons stay with them and will inevitably be affected."

Emotional things can infect people.

"I know." Bowen Lal immediately said. .

Lal’s look is a bit of perseverance.

Even if the child is a normal weapon, Ning Shu does not intend to, because the child is very troublesome.

And Lal has already made her feel a little tired, and others will forget it for the time being.

The butler took Ning Shu and Lal to the door of a luxurious big house.

Ning Shu looked at this house, grass, and cockroaches.

Why is her delegator always poor?

The housekeeper took Ning Shu and Gong Lun Lar to the room, and there were countless maids along the way, all kinds of gorgeous arrangements.

Ning Shu noodles did not change color to follow the housekeeper, Lal did not care about the surrounding situation, and kept his eyes behind Ning Shu.

Even if he felt that there were a lot of powerful weapons in this house, he tried not to let himself reveal the twilight.

"This is your room," said the butler.

"Just, is it one?" Lal asked.

"Although it is one, but it is very big, there are compartments. This is arranged by the lady." The butler left and left.

Ning Shu nodded and thanked him.

Dinner was sent by the maid. From coming to the world, Ningshu was so delicious and so delicious for the first time.

It’s really delicious to taste slowly.

too delicious.

Lal stood next to him and looked at Ning Shu, with a smile on his face. He asked, "Is it delicious?"

Humans seem to attach great importance to eating. Eating is a desire and hope.


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