Giving one person a dog is simple and cannot be simpler. Others are gone.

Ning Shu couldn’t control the instinct, the head squatted on the floor, his eyes twitched and he asked 2333: "Please tell me the wish of this mission."

A dog's wish.

2333 coughed. "You look at it. This task is very simple. Do a dog. As for the wish, we don't know what the dog wants to do?"

The dog can't talk again.

Ning Shu: ...

Ning Shu stretched his tongue and gasped.

The guide dog is a working dog.

Trained guide dogs can help blind people go to schools, shops, laundries, street gardens, and more.

They are accustomed to the constraints of collars, guide belts and other accessories. They know a lot of passwords and can lead blind people to walk safely.

When encountering obstacles and needing to turn, the owner will be guided to stop the danger.

Guide dogs have a natural peace of mind, will stand in time, refuse to eat, help blind people to ride, transfer items, ignore the interference of passers-by, and will not attack them.

Suitable for being a guide dog, Labrador, Golden Retriever, German Wolf, and Poodle.

Ning Shu is now a big golden hair.

The guide dog is very familiar with the regular schedule of the owner, the following classes, frequent restaurants, supermarkets, friends' homes, etc.

The dog will know where the owner often goes, how long does it stay?

A dog can remember the address of a friend, even if he still leads the owner to that location after one year.

The guide dog and the owner will form a very strong relationship, which is full of emotions and sometimes even more than kinship.

Guide dogs are the eyes of the visually impaired, assistants, close family members and loyal partners.

Ning Shu looked at the wall clock, but saw the black and white color, some uncomfortable.

Ning Shu stood up and went to the room. Now, at this time, he should get up.

Ning Shu opened the door with his claws and walked into the house to the bed, and the man who pushed the paw and pushed the bed.

Because he used the body of four legs, Ning Shu is now in a wrong state.

Ning Shu pushed it with his claws several times, and the treatment of the bed has not yet woken up.

Ning Shu thinks if it is ill?

Ning Shu jumped into the bed, sticking out his tongue, and then the mouth water should cure his face and squat.

It was a wash, but she added a bit of oil.

Look carefully, the treatment is still too long, the five senses are correct, if the eyes are normal, it can be regarded as a handsome guy.

With a slap in the face, Ning Shu went straight to the stomach that should be cured.

"Oh..." The treatment should finally wake up. "Babe, my stomach was almost crushed by you."

Ning Shu jumped out of bed and looked at the crutches that had been groping for the bed at the bed. The eyes that were cured were grayish white, and there was no obvious difference between the pupil and the white of the eyes. It seemed that there was a layer of sorrow in the eyes, looking gray and white. terror.

He ruled to enter the bathroom, began to wash his face and brush his teeth, Ning Shu sat at the door and looked at him.

Things placed in things at home are immutable. Once they change, they can’t be found.

After washing, I should find out the dog food from the cabinet, pour it in the dog bowl, put it on the ground, then touch Ning Shu, and gently pat the head of Ning Shu, "eat it."

Ning Shu looks at the dog food intricately. As a single dog, I have to eat dog food. Now it has become a dog. I have to eat real dog food.

Ning Shu decisively began to eat, after all, this dog food smells quite fragrant.

I have to get some simple bread for breakfast, have eaten breakfast, should be cured to go to work, is a technician in the blind massage shop, it is also a skill to support themselves.

"Babe, you have to go." It should be treated to Ningshu sleeve collar and traction belt.

Ning Shu did not struggle, and she was allowed to give herself a set. This is her job.

He was ruled with a cane, took sunglasses, closed the door, and slowly walked to the place under the leadership of Ningshu.

When passing by the traffic lights, Ning Shu found that he could only watch black and white, and could not correctly distinguish the color of the traffic lights. It can only be distinguished according to passers-by and vehicles.

Ning Shu stopped at the intersection and guided the treatment to stop. He should be treated like a normal person, standing on the side of the road and waiting for the green light.

Ning Shu sat down with his tongue and saw a little baby who stared at himself and ignored her.

I didn't expect this little baby to come over and lick her ears. Dajinmao looked very gentle and gentle.

Want to change into a hound, see if he dares to come over?

Ning Shu: ...

Hate bear children.

Ning Shu did not attack him, the child was taken away by his mother, and he apologized to the rule.

He should be cured and touched Ning Shu’s head. "Bebe is great."

Ning Shu pulled the corner of his mouth, thank you for your compliment.

The green light was on, and the pedestrians on the side began to leave. Ningshu took the road and crossed several streets. He passed through the street garden and finally got to the massage shop in the class.

The scale of this massage shop is not small, it should be regarded as a master level in the treatment, and it is more than enough to support yourself.

Should be treated in a specific box waiting for the guests, Ning Shuyu in the inconspicuous corner, so as not to scare the guests.

When the toilet is needed for treatment, she will go to the toilet with her treatment.

Ying Zhi took out some small dogs from the bag to Ning Shu, then touched Ning Shu's head, waiting for the guests to come over and give the guests a massage.

Ning Shu chews a small mouth, the taste is really good, beefy, this task is a holiday, do not have nothing to do with the dog, take the owner to the place where to go every day, let the owner avoid danger.

No tasks, no tasks, and only carefree dogs are good.

Ning Shu headed to the ground, eyes dripping and watching the treatment to the guests massage.

After a massage, I was already sweating. The massage required strength and skill. At noon, Yingzhi received two guests.

The rule is to take the commission according to the guests.

Because the blind massage is invisible, it is more difficult for an ordinary person to massage.

When you see a cure for a massage, you are skilled and visible to your eyes.

When you are fine, you should seek a dummy to practice.

"Babe, go to the toilet." He should wash his hands and wash his hands, and groped his hand and wiped his hand. He said to Ningshu.

Ningshu climbed up from the ground and reached the foot of Yingzhi. He should be bent over and touched the leash. Ningshu went to the toilet with Yingzhi.

However, at the entrance of the toilet, I met a masseuse. Ning Shu met the masseuse's leg. The masseuse took down what, touched Ning Shu, and said with a smile: "Is it a cure?"

"It's me." Ying Zhi whispered, "Would you come to the toilet? How about the business in the afternoon."

"The reception of three female customers, okay." The masseuse said, with a faint smile on his face, looking at a very gentle person.



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