Her hair is sleeping on her body, holding her, letting the other person do whatever she wants, and Ning Shu’s heart is hard.

Especially when the child reaches the age of climbing, it is simply a nightmare for Ningshu.

Counting, she has been in the world for a long time, is it possible to leave, the dog's life expectancy is not long, the longer it takes, the shorter the life of the dog.

However, her task did not seem to be completed, and 2333 did not inform her to leave.

So definitely there is still something.

What will it be?

Ning Shu’s heart is a little overhanging. In the end, who will be in trouble, should be cured, Chen Hong and the child, or Beibei itself has problems.

Everything is full of unknowns, and can't predict what will happen in the future?

Ning Shu's daily work in addition to guiding the doctor to go to work, when he came home, he looked at the child beside the crib, and occasionally used a paw to take a crib toy to make fun of the child.

The child will laugh and laugh. After two months of growth, the child grows white and the eyes are dripping.

It is a beautiful child. The treatment itself is not ugly. Chen Hong is also a good-looking person. The children born are good-looking.

It is a pity that the child's parents can't see what their child looks like. They can only feel the child by touching.

Chen Honghe should not be willing to stay with a little nail, for fear that he could not see it. If he did not pay attention, it would be like a child scratching.

I feel that this little girl is really happy. Not every parent can love children, nor does it stipulate that every parent must love children.

Especially the crying of children is particularly irritating and not as obedient as adults.

Ying Zhi and Chen Hong love this little public move.

Ning Shu shook the crib, his nose moved, and he seemed to smell something, with a slight gas smell.

The two husbands and Chen Hong’s mother are eating.

Ningshu suspected that the gas leaked, and went to the kitchen to see if the natural gas coal tank was leaked.

Ning Shu smacked his nose around the jar and smelled it. This taste was even stronger. Ning Shu screamed and barked at the gas tank.

"What's wrong with Beibei?" Yingzhi groped in and entered the kitchen. The taste of natural gas was strong. He said, "Mom, have you not shut down the natural gas?"

Chen Hong’s mother immediately entered the kitchen, which reminded me, “I’m stewing soup in the pot.”

First shut the natural gas, Ning Shu called.

Chen Hong’s mother tightened the natural gas and opened the window.

A house like this is a whole. Once the gas leaks, it is a horror. If it is ignited again, the whole room will explode, and everything in the house will be destroyed. If someone has an accident, it will be bad.

I always feel that Chen Hong’s mother has some memory loss, and she is a bit lost. She often forgets what she wants when she goes out to buy things, and then runs again.

This situation is not once and twice.

"Hey, old, I must pay attention next time." Chen Hong mother said a little embarrassed.

"That must be taking care of the children too tired, rest, if you want to eat, I buy outside, do not have to cook every day, but also take care of the children." Ying Zhi said.

“It’s really a bit busy.” Chen Hong’s mother said, “Fortunately, nothing happened.”

Fortunately, it should be cured without smoking. If it fires, it will definitely cause problems.

He should find out how to open the windows in the house, to spread the smell, and then to see his own daughter.

"Then we will fire less in the future." Chen Hong said.

Ning Shu sighed in his heart, this is the difficulty of two people with invisible eyes walking together.

However, if you switch to a normal person and take care of a person whose eyes are invisible, the normal person feels that it is a burden and will not support each other as well as Chen Hong and be considerate.

Ning Shu looked at Chen Hong, a pale-faced mother. Because she made a mistake, she seemed uncomfortable and apologetic.

When I am older, helping to take care of a niece may be a bit overwhelming.

Ying Zhi also noticed, let Chen Hong mother not have to open fire to cook, help to look after her daughter every day.

Chen Hong’s mother promised her mouth and said that if she fires again, she will be careful and will close the gate.

After Ningshu decided to send the class every day, she went home to look after her family.

When it is time to go to work, she will go to the hospital.

It is a little difficult to cure the toilet. It is ok to let others take the handle. Ning Shu feels that the orphans and widows in the family are more dangerous.

Although I don't know what will happen, it is definitely not a simple matter for a dog to sacrifice his soul.

Ning Shu will be sent to the massage shop, and then called with a call to prepare to go home.

He should have taken the head of the snack. "Bebe is great, thank you Babe."

He should get out of the bag and take a dog's mouth and tear open the bag to Ning Shu.

Beef-flavored small bones.

Ning Shu feels that he loves the taste of dog food and snacks.

Ning Shu swayed home, passing through the street garden, a second rushed toward her, widened his eyes, and the tongue exposed outside became a wave.

Roll, dead dog!

Ning Shu also rushed toward it, flew it with a kick, and then ran away!

Erha: ...

I met a new partner, and this partner has always been noble and glamorous. Today I see a dog, no master, I want to come close and close.

The result was taken a long way.

Second, he climbed up and prepared to chase down Ningshu, but he was caught by his master and smashed away.

Ning Shu returned home and took a shot, but no one opened the door.

Ning Shu Wang Wang Wang shouted loudly, but there was no movement inside, squatting through the door to listen to the movement in the room, if there is the child's breathing and the sound of people walking, the family must be someone.

And usually Chen Hong will not take the child out, because the invisible will hurt the child, this time Chen Hong mother should go shopping, or buy other things.

She called for so long that no one actually opened the door.

When Ning Shu came down, his nose smelled like a natural gas, and it leaked or not.

What about the people in the house?

Chen Hong and the children?

The door was locked, Ning Shu could not enter, did not hesitate, flew to find a cure.

Ying Zhi is giving a massage, Ning Shu opened his mouth and dragged his trouser legs to the outside.

"Bebee is noisy, I am at work." Ning Shu suddenly came in and scared the guests who were cured.

Ning Shu anxiously dragged Zhizhi to the outside and shouted.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Zhizhi, and Ning Shu Wang screamed.

Ying Zhi thought of this time, Ning Shu often ran home, must be something at home.



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