When Medusa was finally taken down by the hero Perseus, the Medusa was pregnant at the time, and Pegasus and the giant Cleopatra flew out of her body.

No one in this accident has a blame for the actions of Poseidon and Athena, because after all, Both Poseidon and Athena are gods, and Medusa is nothing but a small priest of a temple. Starlight can compete with the sun and the moon!

This matter cannot be punishable by evildoers, but it should not be placed on the victim's body.

Even if it is in mythology, the woman is raped, it is also the woman's fault, accusing the woman of not checking, not **** others why they raped you.

Nüwa and Medusa are snake women, but their fate is completely different. The ancient goddess and son-in-law created human beings and saved humanity from the fire. It is a symbol of the compassion and gentleness of the Chinese people, and the ancient Chinese myths are mostly gods to save humanity or It is a story between the gods, most of which highlights the characteristics of the ancient Chinese gods who do not eat human fireworks, and have no desire.

The tragic story of changing from Medusa to the snake girl shows that most of the gods of Greek mythology have human characteristics such as jealousy, lust, and so on.

Unleashing nature, no scruples in the aspect of sex, brothers and sisters, parents and children, no scruples at all.

Such as Zeus, his wife, all kinds of goddesses, as well as his own sister and daughter, aunt and aunt, is a big slut.

It also reflects the social atmosphere that opened up in ancient Greece during that time.

Medusa is powerless, raped by the sea god, and asked for help with Athena. Athena can't save it. After all, it is a personal act to save people from saving people. The other is sea god. Athena will not start with a small sacrifice and sea god. The conflict is also normal.

But Athena vented all her anger to Medusa.

Moreover, Athena is the goddess who grasps the justice and wisdom of human beings, and punishes Yamei Dusha as an ugly snake demon. Anyone can not look directly at her, or it will become a stone thing.

Can't see what justice is there.

Medusa is a tragic figure. The gods are majestic and majestic. It is not the virgin sacrifice of Medusa who has married the goddess of wisdom, especially in the temple.

Moreover, Athena and Poseidon had some struggles of grievances. Poseidon did such things in the temple of Athena. First, Medusa was beautiful, and second, the gods were unscrupulous. The male **** was a man and naturally loved beautiful women.

It is good to be able to enjoy and revenge.

When Athens was first built by a Phoenician, Poseidon and Athena competed for the glory of the name, and finally reached an agreement.

The person who can provide the most useful things for mankind will become the patron saint of the city. Poseidon used his trident to beat the ground and transformed a horse, while Athena turned out to be an olive tree - peace and wealth. symbol of.

Because the war horse is considered to represent war and sorrow, Athens was named after the goddess, and the goddess soon included the city in her protection.

Medusa's wish is not to be raped, not to be an ugly snake demon, and not to be blinded by people.

Ning Shu stunned the eyebrows, although she was a sacrifice, to a certain extent, she represents Athena, but it is not these gods.

Every **** has his own power of divine power and nature.

Now Ningshu is in the temple, the entire temple is within the scope of Athena's divine power, and the basics of all things are done under Athena's eyelids.

At the beginning, Athena could endure that the sea **** broke into his temple and then did such a thing.

Poseidon swayed into the big swing, then swayed out, and when he left, he vented anger at a woman who had no backhand and was raped.

It’s so drunk.

The fact that bullying is afraid of hard people is the same for God.

Ning Shu runs the peerless martial arts in the body, and there is a respirence around the body, and at least a little self-protection is cultivated. Otherwise, there is no backhand power against the wild horse of Poseidon.

Don't know if this world law is suppressed?

It should not be very big. After all, the sky is full of God, and the means are not so great.

But in the temple, Ning Shu is not good to test.

There is a gods who come in to wash for Ning Shu, Ning Shu looks at the pot, the water reflects her face, the face is really beautiful, the nose is pretty, the eyebrows are deep, the eyelashes are very long, like a fan sweep.

The three-dimensional three-dimensional is the delicate beauty of the Western eyes.

Ning Shu took the water to wash his face and painted some traces on his face with paint. It was a special makeup. In front of Athena, he made a ritual and received the people who came to worship.

Ning Shu with a veil, dressed in tulle, with a walk, a pair of slender legs in the tulle.

In front of the statue of the goddess, the temple stands a magnificent statue of Athena with ivory and gold.

Ning Shu bowed, and there was a word in his mouth.

The statue of the goddess Athena is not as beautiful as Athena himself.

Athena is the famous goddess of the alum. She is characterized by a pair of bright and large gray eyes with a wide forehead and a healthy tan.

The hair is many and dense, sometimes draped in the back, sometimes made into a bun with a gold band, which is the color between gold and brown.

Athena wears a helmet, wears armor, and holds a spear or a goddess of victory on the right. It is more masculine than other goddesses.

Athena is one of the twelve Olympian gods, and the strength cannot be underestimated.

In the temple of Athena, regardless of the deviant action, it will be punished by Athena.

She is the representative of Athena in the world.

Ning Shu made a tedious sacrifice and prayed and blessed the people who came to the temple.

It is estimated that this body is really beautiful, attracting a lot of eyes, especially men's eyes.

Ning Shu feels that he has been treated as a traitor, but he still can't do anything special and can't blame people.

Beauty, kindness, these beautiful things need to be guarded by power, otherwise it is a disaster.

Medusa is just a small sacrifice, but there is a look that makes women swear, this is a curse.

Rape by Poseidon, no backhand power, was punished by Athena, still no backhand power.

After being watched for a while, the sacrifice was over, and Ning Shu returned to the temple room.

Even the walls of the room are painted with Athena's portrait, and Ning Shu blinks his eyes. This exaggerated color makes people see their eyes hurt.

Ningshu opened the layers of brightly colored yarn and then lay on the bench.

Ning Shu lay in the chair, the neck was slender, the chestnut-colored micro-volume hair was thick, the legs were slender and round, and the curves of the body were looming in the tulle, beautiful and beautiful, making people bloody.

Barefoot, snowy feet with golden bells, with the movement of Ningshu, the golden bells made a crisp sound.


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