Ning Shu thinks that these players in the black beneficiaries in the game, some are deliberately black, some are follow the trend, and some are to please return, tough.

Anyway, if it is not black, it will not be fashionable or trendy.

Ning Shu looked at the live broadcast, all the live broadcasts in front were quite good, very perfect, although there were commissioners.

The performance of the consignor is a little rookie, with this big god, that is the difference between the clouds and the mud.

It is good to bring back the beauty of the people.

However, the recent live broadcast was obviously not very good, and it was robbed.

In the past, the last knife was almost returned, and the make-up was particularly beautiful.

The knife was robbed, and even the equipment that had burst out was robbed, which made people feel so deserved.

Anyway, the return is not very affordable, Ning Shu did not play the game during this time, returning did not do live broadcast.

Maybe playing the game, but there is no live broadcast, and the mood is obviously affected.

This can't stand it. The commissioner is smashed fat every day, and the third is ugly.

That's also coming over, but this kind of stiffness obviously has no effect.

The damage is caused, but it can't be seen for a while. It is deep and deep, and finally depressed.

This kind of depression is very difficult to treat, and the damage of the mind can be more difficult to heal than the damage of the **.

Returning to the habit of being admired and admired, the higher the standing, the more painful it is.

Returning is eager to change the things of her predecessors. Before she gets Yan Xingzhou, she must be perfect. Only this perfect state can make her get Yan Xingzhou.

When she didn't get Yan Xingzhou in a day, she felt that she had not changed her life.

Maybe she got Yan Xingzhou, she will not be so tight.

The more people care about other people's opinions and thoughts, the more anxious they are, and the more anxious they are more likely to make mistakes.

Returning is obviously a mentality of wealth, suddenly became a goddess, eager to show off and fear that one day he became the former person.

Ning Shu thinks that Yan Xingzhou is a bit of a person. It is obviously a beautiful woman. Why not be with her?

And the time it takes to get Yan Xingzhou is much longer than the time spent by the client.

The two have experienced long-distance running in love, and it is several years of love long-distance running before getting married.

The trustee and Yan Xingzhou fell in love for two years. After seeing the parents, they got married.

Ning Shuguang thinks that she is really tired when she comes back. She doesn't understand why she is attached to Yan Xingzhou.

The shelf life of love is so many years, love is very tired after running down, and then enters the grave of love.

Maybe I don't feel tired after returning, I feel that I have changed my life.

Ning Shu did not play the game, this month, to exercise.

Can not be too anxious, to slowly come, suddenly thin skin is loose, and at the cost of hurting the body, Ning Shu is not willing.

Originally, this body has a soul that has accommodated two people, and there is wear and tear. In the case of intense weight loss exercise, it will definitely die early.

Eat very little every day, eat seven or eight meals a day, once a small bowl of soup, or meal replacement powder.

In short, I have never had enough to eat, and there is a strong stomach that really can't afford to hurt.

The stomach is protesting all the time.

Jogging every day to do aerobic exercise, how to lose weight anyway.

Without the aura, the world really can't afford to hurt, and it doesn't work to lose weight.

Ning Shu’s insistence that the family’s chin fell off the ground, I thought she was talking about playing, I did not expect to persist for so long.

Although it was still meaty, it looked like it was a little thinner.

At least the five senses were swept away by the sweat, and it was no longer a fleshy look.

Mother Tao can't help but ask the prostitute if she is stimulated, but don't hurt her body.

Ning Shu just said that he wants to make himself better and wants to lose weight.

The third brother said directly: "Being turned out to be slag, you want to dying and struggle, I think you still give up, you are fat from an early age, it is stubborn fat, can not be reduced."

Ning Shu: "Roll."

Even if it is stubborn fat, I don't believe it can't be reduced. I don't believe it at all.

Eat less, move more, let the body consume energy, Nima, do not believe that this is still not thin.

However, weight loss is really fortunate, Ning Shu feels that weight loss is more fortunate than cultivation.

After all, cultivation is as easy as getting started.

But weight loss is not like this.

It’s instinct, it’s instinct, it’s stuck on the sofa, on the bed, I just want to move, I don’t want to run.

Tired and dizzy.

This body rarely exercise, exercise, dry mouth and vomit.

What is the vital capacity of the lungs is not normal.

It’s not good to be so fat.

Third Brother: "You haven't played the game recently. Now when you see me in the game, I ask you why you didn't go to the game?"

The third brother was very depressed and found that his sister's popularity was so high, although it was black and black.

He is also a great god, although it is not a top-level god, but it is also a good man with good skills and good skills.

When you meet him, ask your sister, your sister...

your sister……

Ning Shu licked his own hair. "Is it impossible to find someone black? I look at my joke every day."

These people are also bored, and others should get together to laugh at them and have fun?

"You really want to go to high-end gaming parties, don't go, the people who go are big gods, are handsome men and women." And it is still a famous coin player.

That is to say, the party of the local players who spend money on the game.

His sister is a local tyrant, and he spends a little money on it, but the handsome man doesn’t have anything to do with her.

When I was wearing a pink lace skirt, I was so rounded that I couldn’t look straight.

How can such a girl be a dragon with him?

The whole family is as ugly as her head.

Ning Shu said directly: "I have spent money, how can I not go, remember to call me, I am sure to dress very beautifully, my heart is beautiful."

Third brother: ...

As far as you are, you can wear anything ugly.

Do you have any points in your body?

And her dress style is a cute route, so people can't vomit.

There are more slots in the slot.

Ning Shu made a circle on the calendar, looked at the date, and there were more than twenty days.

Watching the calendar to lose weight is particularly motivating.

I came from myself and worked very hard to look down on Tao Jing, who was still drunk and dreamy.

Not only you will lose weight, lose weight, who will not.

Sister's ugliness is because of fat, unlike some people's ugliness is a lifetime.

Two days before the high-end gaming party, Ning Shu went shopping with the mother of Tao, of course, to buy clothes for the party.

The clothes before were a bit too big, and they didn't cover the meat, and the clothes of the previous consignor were not suitable for partying.

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