Returning has been waiting for the news, but did not wait until Yan Xingzhou sent him a message, what do you mean?

Doesn't he explain his behavior or apologize?

Not only does it have no news, it doesn't mean to brush a copy together.

This makes the return a little panic, what do you mean, is it to put her on the side, not to team up with her?

With such a thought, there is no chance to get close to Yan Xingzhou.

Come back and ask people to inquire whether the Great Gods have a copy of the brush, and see if the copy of the abyss has been attacked.

However, the information found is that recent Yan Xingzhou and Cangshan wells have no recent copy of the name.

Clearly online, why not ask her to brush a copy?

Returning to the news of Yan Xingzhou, I can only find Yan Xingzhou on my own initiative.

"Recently brushed a copy?"

Yan Xingzhou: "No brush."

The two words that are crisp and neat, your sister, can't say more than one word.

Return: "Then what have you planned recently?"

Yan Xingzhou: "I don't know."

Well, this time it is a word more.

Returning to help the amount of money, so noble and glamorous, Ming Ming and Tao Jing together, also to Tao Jing peeled shrimp.

How come to her, it is too much trouble to say a few more words.

But the heart of returning is not reconciled. With Tao Jing, can she not?

Sabbi is OK, she can't do it without reason.

Not reconciled, not reconciled.

If Yan Xingzhou’s attitude toward returning is eager, she is very good to her, and she can’t be so persistent when she returns, and she is more and more obsessed.

Maybe not getting the best.

Want to conquer him, let him be as good as her against Tao Jing.

Do not brush the copy, how she did the live broadcast, anyway, the live broadcast is now more and more diversified.

Everyone can cut the live broadcast, and then there are live broadcasts of love, live broadcast a variety of.

On the contrary, the live broadcast of the eight copies of the script was rarely seen.

The bizarre live broadcast filled the eyes of the players, but I wanted to make a live broadcast of love, but Yan Xingzhou didn't even marry her.

Have you ever been in love with yourself?

What makes her return more scary is that her income has shrunk dramatically. Without new live broadcasts, there are fewer people to reward, and her income is naturally less.

This makes it very insecure to return. A good man is not his own. Now even the purse is smashed, and the days can't be over.

Worry and embarrassment are very anxious to return, and anxiety will become what it was like before being born again.

Love work has failed, let the return of hair, very crazy.

Return: "When are you going to brush the abyss copy and call me."

Yan Xingzhou: "Good."

I really want to say that I don’t want to go down the line like the last time, but I can’t say it, I’m worried that Yan Xingzhou is angry.

I want to make myself harder when I return, but I can't do it.

And now the brush abyss copy is not very good, no Tao Jing this drag oil bottle is very good.

Now returning is not expected to let Tao Jing as a companion, Tao Jing is stupid, if not big, but not to mention the foil, it has seriously affected her.

And returning to the two people are getting along, they fell in love, and she couldn't get anything at all.

Ning Shu naturally does not know the mood of returning to anxiety, but even if he knows it, he will not be concerned.

Because the upgrade cost her all the time, except for weight loss is an upgrade.

For almost two months, Ning Shu’s figure was a little curved, his stomach was not bulging, and his face was small.

The skin is not slack, this is the most happy thing for Ningshu.

I am afraid of losing weight, and finally the skin is slack, it is better not to lose weight.

At least the skin is firm, and Ningshu has finally become a hundred-level **** under the care of the third brother.

It’s hard to make a little money with the mother of Tao, and it’s spent on buying equipment.

These cool gears are used to abuse.

Compared to these small money, the commissioner in the plot is a small meaning because of the depression and self-mutilation into the hospital.

Ning Shu was on the line, this time it appeared directly and swayed, no longer invisible.

The 100-level grade is shining.

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