Although the soul has become tough, it still feels very painful and very painful.

People's emotions and sorrows, ** obsession will affect people's body and soul.

Otherwise there are so many toxins in the soul.

Mainly because she has too much contact with impure things. Before she dug the soul stone of the first world, the soul stone in the soul stone mine is not pure and has been in contact.

There is also soul liquid.

Negative emotions that come into contact with the task.

Toxins produced by their own emotions.

Ning Shu is a bit worried, is it only she has taken the power of the soul to deprive it?

Ning Shu opened the big scorpion group and asked if these big cockroaches had been deprived of the power of the soul.

Basically, there are deprivations, and some have reached eight times.

Eight times, can you let the soul collapse without saying five times? I didn’t expect to be able to toss eight times. What a powerful soul? you

Seeing that everyone is tossing the soul, Ning Shu is relieved, afraid that he alone will toss the soul alone.

In the future, it is still too much contact with the things that pollute the soul. It is too painful to deprive the soul.

Does that mean that there will be less to go back to the world in the future.

But don't go to see my heart is really not at ease.

It’s time to do the task. Ning Shu opened the system to exchange the mall, exchanged some of the Gu Dan, ready to do the task.

Tao Jing’s story is not as good as a fool.

Ning Shu said to the system: "Do the task."


Ning Shu was transferred to the mission, feeling into a body, especially difficult, can not get in, this feeling is like being integrated into the wood.

Ning Shu abolished the strength of the boss to integrate, she should not be involved in something strange, or the system transmission error.

After being incorporated, Ning Shu heard the sound of broken thoughts in his ear, and an inexplicable force was integrated into her body.

Augustine saw the green oil in the blink of an eye lit up, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. "Vigie, you woke up, your flame suddenly disappeared, I am so scared."

Ning Shu saw a man with a blond blue-eyed baby face, curly hair, and the eyes were clear and radiant, like a sparkling sea.

Pure and beautiful.

Ning Shu’s mind has an impact on this person, and there are two words in his mind, the master.

He is her master.

Master, inexplicably ashamed.

Ning Shu got up and then sadly found himself a bone.

Oh, so desperate.

Why have you been dealing with you all the time?

This is another world that has come to you.

Ning Shuke never thought that he would become a beggar.

The blond blue-eyed little brother is still saying: "How can the fire of your soul be extinguished?"

Ning Shu: I don't know.

"Vigie, are you in danger?"

Ning Shu shook his head and his neck slammed.

"Then rest, I still have something to do." Augustine left.

Ning Shu looked at the bones of his hands. There was no meat on the bones. It was really a clean bone. He tried to curl up the joints and the joints were stiff.

No muscle and body. The lubrication of the liquid is the friction between the bone and the bone, which is very stiff.

Ning Shu began to accept the plot, and the fire of the blue soul in the eye was beating.

This is a magical continent. There are magicians who practice magic. The magician has gold, wood, fire, earth and ice, time and space, undead, and the magician's status is noble.

Some people who can't practice magic choose to practice vindictiveness, become a fighter, and even become a dragon knight.

There are also alchemists, alchemists can make weapons of various attributes, staff.

There are also pharmacists who make potions that can save lives and kill people.

There is also the Necromancer who can summon the undead to fight.

The mainland is rich in species. To be precise, there are many intelligent species, beautiful and proud elves, good at forging ugly dwarves, powerful but greedy dragons, orcs with madness, and powerful Warcraft.

And... God.

This kind of **** is cultivated and reaches the highest level of cultivation, called God.

Fighting God, Fashen, Beast God.

In short, it is a beautiful and dangerous world.

As for the commissioner, it is just a flaw, and it is somewhat different from other crickets.

Because she has a soul, in general, the sorrow of the undead master is actually attaching a force to the shackles, and there is no soul in itself.

The Necromancer will use this power to control the battle.

Without the magic of the Necromancer, there is no power.

The consignor is the product of failure, and the goal of each undead mage is to summon countless squadrons from the undead kingdom.

But it seems that no one is successful.

The little blue-eyed little brother is just a necromancer. Just look at the temperament. No one can think of him as a necromancer.

The feeling of the Necromancer is sullen, wearing a black cloak, hoarse voice, no one knows the body under the cloak, is it a man or a cockroach.

The Necromancer is a rather unpopular existence, playing with the dead body and even fighting.

Disgusting, and too many dead people, not only the human body, the animal skeleton can be used to fight.

It is worse than a tomb thief.

Augustine also wanted to summon the undead from the undead kingdom, but without success, the author's soul was attached to this shackle.

The soul of the consignor is not summoned from the reincarnation of the world. It is the soul that wanders in this world. A wonderful accident has a body, but it is awkward.

Since then, the consignor has been with Augustine to take care of everything Augustine, including laundry and cooking, and even when experimenting, she has to help with the materials.

Augustine lived a wandering life after being discovered to be a necromancer talent.

He is an alchemist himself, sometimes running around for a material.

Always face the annihilation of the empire, every time he appears in one place, he will cause panic.

He took the commissioner again, and although he put on the cloak for the commissioner, he was always found to be a necromancer.

Sometimes, in order to survive, facing August, Augustine had to summon the shackles buried underneath to fight.

Of course, this makes people more disgusted with him, and the empire thinks he is very threatening.

There are some necromancers who are extremely extreme. For their own army, they can kill many people and even go to the tomb of the dragon to steal the dragon's body.

The Necromancer is considered to be the most disgusting person, and one of the woods.

Playing with the body of the deceased, even the dead are able to be manipulated by the Necromancer.

This feeling is to hate and swear.

It’s too evil.

And evil is destined to be destroyed.

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