The court is wearing a very rustic clothes on the mud road. There are a lot of checkpoints on the road. Every time you have to check it out, you will be annoying.

I wanted to fly, but considering the current thin aura, use a little less, or don't waste it.

Along the way, I met many people who fled the country and even starved to death.

This kind of scene will be much more common. From ancient times to the present, the wars in the country have suffered from these ordinary people.

Seeing more, there is no feeling in my heart.

The world will be divided for a long time.

These things are not something he can stop. Although the minister knows that he is not dead, for the creatures of humanity, the ministers are not guilty or will not participate excessively in them.

The ant is more like a human being, and he is such a human being, where there are as many humans as ants.

Although one foot can kill a lot, but it is troublesome.

Cold eyes watched the dynasty change, smashing the sea.

If you are sick on the road, you will treat the minister with a handy treatment. If you have herbs around you, you will smash the herbs directly and put them on.

Anyway, the living horse is a dead horse doctor. Besides, no one cares if the sick person dies.

If there is no herbal medicine, use a sharp thing to puncture the acupuncture point directly.

Occasionally, the person will be saved, and he will give him a bit of food, such as Wowotou, which looks very rough.

The minister did not want to, he did not eat, she did not need these things at all, although it was just a small nest, for others to eat, maybe even life.

The minister handed Wo Wotou to a skinny child who had been staring at the wolf head in his hand.

The child took care of the wolf and swallowed his head.

In this case, if you encounter it, you will help. If you don't encounter it, you will ignore it.

With a little blood induction, the court went from the war-torn northeast to the big Shanghai that was so popular.

Ning Shu bought some antiques, and as the front battles were in full swing, everything became very expensive.

Ning Shu endured the meat and bought some bullets. These things will only become more and more expensive.

And she has now banned money from the gallery, mainly because she has made too much.

The person in charge of the gallery really can't afford the boss's wife to come over and make money for three days. Then, the gallery will not be able to run.

Contacted the boss and informed the actual situation of Yan Hongchang.

When Yan Hongchang suddenly became angry, it was a defeated mother. In a few months, can it make so much money, can I eat so much money?

It’s not a wild man to go.

Zhai Hongchang, who had lived in Xiaonongtang, returned to the public hall. When he came back, he saw that the entire public hall was empty, and there was no personal image.

He came back. He didn't even have a tea-drinking person. He listened to his daughter and said that his wife had dismissed the servants at home. One did not stay, but he did not expect it to be true.

She is crazy.

When I saw my wife, she asked her for a seal and money.

Ning Shu took the money out of the safe and said it was unsafe in the gallery. This year the world was too chaotic. The person in charge of the gallery was able to escape with the money.

So, I got some money at home.

Ning Shu did not spend all his money, it was to guard against the matter of Qi Hongchang coming over to ask for money.

Yan Hongchang took away some of the money and left a small amount of money that was only enough for Ningshu and his dream life.

Of course, Ning Shu still has money.

In short, saving money from all aspects, so that her now private library antiques are more and more.

The bullets are much prepared.

In short, she will not go when she flees here on a large scale.

It is estimated that Yan Hongchang will not take her.

This will be a rustic dress, and the hair is scattered at the door of the yard. Ning Shu is very suspicious of his yard being discovered.

The thief is stepping on the point, and may sneak in to steal her things, huh~

I will be able to go in, but I feel that there is a law in this yard.

But in the era of the end of the law, there are people in the same way?

The faint confession will be felt, and it will become worse and worse for them to survive in such a heterogeneous situation.

There are strange things in history, and these strange things will not really exist in the future.

The formation is not very strong, he can also go in, but it is not good to trade in this way.

Can have his blood, except for the family he blessed.

But there is no voice in this yard.

Before the minister had not slept, it was also dealing with humans.

But after a long time, it was inevitable that I was bored, and then I began to fall asleep. I didn't expect to wake up again, the world is a bit different.

Ning Shu: I rub, how long do you have to turn.

Standing in the corner, Ning Shu saw this all the time and wandered around the door.

At first glance, it is not a local person. The clothes on the body are too special, and the people here are very particular about it. They will not wear it like this, and the dirty one will go out.

Ning Shu did not want to let people know what relationship he had with the yard, so when the thief who stepped on the point went away, she went in again.

Ning Shu blinked and felt this person, although wearing a northeast trousers vest, but it feels a bit different.

Looking at the sky, this person's body is faintly still with a golden hood, a young man with merit.

A good young man, how to be a thief?

Ning Shu is not too early to see the sky, but this is always going to wander around the door.

Ning Shu walked over and asked: "Who are you looking for?"

Turning the minister over, looking at Ning Shu, and then looking around Ning Shu up and down, and sniffing her like a dog, twisted his eyebrows, look a little uncertain.

Ning Shu saw the face of the minister, and suddenly wanted to say that this long, handsome, and familiar.

The shit's hair can't block the handsome, and there is no popularity at all.

As soon as I get close to people, I feel like I am cold and like a dead person.

Ning Shu feels familiar, but for a time he is confused, and he has not remembered who this person is for a long time.

The more you think, the more you can't think of it.

The minister will feel the soul of this person in front of him, a little familiar taste.

It is not the person who knows before, or who.

There is no memory.

"You are not a soul that never dies, need to depend on others to survive?" asked Chen.

There are more weird things going on under the day, he can be born, and there are certainly other kinds of aliens.

Human beings are only particularly prominent in all beings.

Ning Shu: Dog nose?

The minister heard the taste of two souls. There is no doubt that someone has won.

Ning Shu fell down generously and said faintly: "It's all goblins, we are the same kind."

The singer snorted and stared at Ning Shu. "Are you a leprechaun to win the human race, not being thunder?"

"No ah."

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